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2019年11月托福独立口语考情分析 - 付雅萍

作者:付雅萍 2019-12-02 16:50 来源:付雅萍

作者:武汉新航道北美考试院 托福口语组 付雅萍





Should the school spend same time on teaching our own countries’ history and world history? 学校是否应该在教授本国历史与世界历史上花同样的时间?典型的学习类题目,认为应该的同学可以回答:学习其他国家的culture and custom非常有必要,因为可以broaden my horizon or expand outlook (经典理由);出国能够更加适应其他国家的生活,并且以后有更多话题可以和同学聊 (交朋友socialize)。当然,认为不应该的也很好答:浪费时间,作为学生平常时间已经很紧张了,有可能影响其他学科的成绩。学习类的题目通常都可以提到影响学习成绩 (affect academic performance)。这道题目记得不要把答题点纠结在花费相同时间上面,不然答题方向与思路容易受到局限。




Do you agree or disagree that schools should record large lectures and upload it to the school website (for students to watch it)? 你是否同意学校上大课应该录像且上传到学校官网供学生观看?这一题既可以分为学习类又可以分为科技类,答题思路也较为广泛。与2017年11月18日的一道考题非常相似:Do you agree or disagree: stu dents should watch teacher’s lectures in video version instead of attending classes? 同样可以回答recording lecture的利与弊。选择同意的同学可以回答:1)video可以反复观看做笔记,随时随地,方便复习,并且有重大事情的时候缺课也仍然可以观看上课内容,对学习成绩有帮助;2)Broaden horizon,可以学习各种各样不同的课程,开发兴趣。前两个观点都比较容易想到,也可以从一些有意思的角度回答同意,如3)一个好的宣传机会,宣传学校的师资力量,教育质量,吸引生源。回答不同意的同学可以说:1)学生有recording了就不会去上课,或者去了也不专心听讲,影响课堂;2)教学资源共享对那些付了高额学费的学生不公平。也可以从科技带来的弊端这个角度回答:3)每天长时间观看recording容易伤害视力和颈椎。



Do you agree or disagree with the statement that people are more willing to read positive news than negative news? 


2019年11月09日下午场 (重复2016年07月02日的题目)


Do you prefer experienced teachers or new teachers?你更喜欢有经验的老师还是新老师?这道题目的答题思路可借鉴2016年的两道旧题,一道是2016年7月2号的题目:Do you agree that experienced doctors are better than young doctors?有经验与无经验的好处及坏处都可一一陈述。同时,这道题的答题思路还可借鉴2016年9月11号的一道task1的题目:Describe a common mistake that experienced teacher often make。综合一下,选择有经验老师的好处:1)有经验的老师教学技巧熟练,知道哪些地方学生理解困难需要详细讲,哪些地方可简略带过。2)讲课比较风趣,不会无聊,新老师容易照本宣科。选择新的好处:1)更有热情,会用一些innovative methods to get students involved。而有一些思路则是不论用在哪边回答都很合理的,例如:新老师/有经验的老师更加关心学生反应和有耐心。同时这一点还能用于反向论证,如新老师/有经验的老师对待学生更没耐心(impatient)。注意回答这道题的时候非常需要举例即用personal experience来支撑。




Do you agree that good luck is as important as hard work in achieving success?你是否同意好运气和努力工作一样重要?这道题问得比较抽象,可以直接举例说明观点。选择同意的可以说:1)很多重大的科学或医学发现都是运气,以及很多明星的成名也是偶然。2)在对的时间地点碰到对的人对成功更加重要。选择不同意的可以举自己的例子,practice makes perfect熟能生巧,学生苦学多年才能进入理想的学校,科学家苦苦研究坚持多年才能有重大发现。




Do you agree or disagree with the statement that we should learn international news? 你同不同意我们应该了解国际新闻?这道题的答题思路其实跟11月02日的题目:我们是否应该学习世界历史非常一致。选择同意的同学可以说:因为了解国际新闻可以了解不同国家的文化、习俗和政策,可以拓宽视野、丰富知识,同时也增加与人交往的谈资(经典理由)。选择不同意的同学可以说:因为了解国际新闻浪费时间,比如我们现在是学生,每天忙于上课、写论文等等,没有时间去了解国际新闻,了解国内新闻才对我们更有帮助。




Do you think people who come from simple and ordinary background can be good government leader? 你认为来自普通背景身份的人可以做政府领导人吗?这道题目看似问的刁钻,其实也可以用一些通用思路来回答,这道题属于人与关系的分类,我们可以用人物特质的思路来回答。认为可以当leader的同学可以说:1) 因为是否能成为政府领导的决定性因素在于你是否拥有一些特质而不是政治背景:比如果断、沟通能力强、自信等等,然后着重描述某种特性的重要性。2)普通人更加有同理心,they’re more empathetic and connected with general public,会做出为普通民众更有好处的决定。认为不可以当leader的同学也可以说:没有政治背景或相关经验很难胜任这一职责,举例Donald Trump。





201911月 托福口语独立题范文




Should the school spend same time on teaching our own countries’ history and world history?


From my perspective, it is necessary that schools sopend same time on teaching world history and their own countries’ history. First of all, learning history of other countries can enrich our knowledge and develop critical thinking abilities. To be more specific, if we only learn the history of China, it can confine our outlook or be pretentious of ourselves. What’s more, be familiar with different countries’ cultures and history is quite helpful. Take myself as an example, I’m going to study in America in a year, knowing their cultures and customs enables me to adapt new life quickly. And I’m more confident to chat with others and make friends with them.




Do you agree or disagree that schools should record large lectures and upload it to the school website (for students to watch it)?  


Well, I do agree that schools should record large lectures and upload it to the school website. To begin with, it’s easier for students to review the classes afterwards, as they may encounter emergent situation. For example, once I had a driver’s test and I don’t want to miss the lecture, if there’s a video version of the lecture, I’ll still be able to keep up with what the professor taught us. The recording would be a perfect revision material for all students. Furthermore, it’s convenient if students can review the lecture in anywhere and at anytime. They can learn the lecture with a few clicks on the screen and pause at anytime, especially in some difficult academic parts, students will have time to process and understand the information. In consequence, it’s a time-efficient decision for both students and professors. 



Do you agree or disagree with the statement that people are more willing to read positive news than negative news?


Well, peronally speaking, I disagree that people are more willing to read positive news than negative news. Firstly, reading negative news can teach people to seize the moment. For instance, once I read a piece of news that mentioned a group of children refugee who lived in Syria, and struggled for living. So I realized that I need to cherish my life and appreciate what I already have. Negative news motivates me to work hard towards my goal. Moreover, negative news can cultivate my personality. It makes me more sympathetic as I realized that everyone had a hardtime, and you never know the trials that others have been through. And whenever I see people in need, I’m more willing to give them a helping hand.


2019年11月09日下午场 (重复2016年07月02日的题目)


Do you prefer experienced teachers or new teachers


Well, from my point of view, I’d definitely choose experienced teacher. To begin with, experienced teachers are more proficient at teaching skills, they usually have decades of teaching experiences, their classes tend to be more efficient.To be more specific,they know what’s hard for student and what’s not, and they can elaborate on difficult points.Take my experience as an example, I’ve had a couple of English teachers, and I find that experienced teachers always use daily and the simplest examples to illustrate the most complicated theories and grammar rules, they could always make the classes more vivid and fun, also make it easier for students to memorize the rules in a casual atmosphere. Whereas new teachers tend to read from textbooks and make it even harder for students to understand.




Do you agree that good luck is as important as hard work in achieving success


In my opinion, although hard work is indispensable to success, good luck is of the same importance. Firstly, luck helped great number of scientists invent and discover things.

Many important discoveries have been made by accident. There have been many cases of researchers and inventors making major breakthroughs while they were actually trying to solve another problem or create a different device. For example, the discovery of penicillin was on account of good luck. In addition, good luck is about simply being in the right place at the right time and meet the right person by chance who can offer a good job opportunity. Therefore, luck plays an essential role in achieving success.




Do you agree or disagree with the statement that we should learn international news?


Well, from my perspective, I do agree that we should spend time learning international news. First of all, international news is a critical source of acquiring new information. It’s a chance to get to know other countries culture, custom and what’s happening around the world. It’s going to be of great help when we study or travel abroad, as we have those common topics to chat with local people. What’s more, reading international news can broaden our horizon and develop critical thinking abilities. For example, the news about what’s happening in Wuhan or any other cities are not able to reflect the complexity of the world and therefore focusing on those news may restrict our understanding of the world.




Do you think people who come from simple and ordinary background can be good government leader?


As far as I concerned, I do believe that people come from simple and ordinary background can be good government leader. Firstly, the key deciding factor of being a government leader is interpersonal skill, whether you can organize things efficiently and unite people together to work for the same goal. Personal traits of a leader matter more than his/her political background. What’s more, people with ordinary background are more connected with general public. They can speak for nobody as they know the real struggles that ordinary people have, such as poor people’s living conditions and incomplete healthcare systems. They’re more empathetic and able to make decisions that truly meet people’s needs.

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