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作者:杜薇 2020-09-30 17:15 来源:武汉编辑

北美考试院 托福写作组 杜薇


2020.7.25 托福综合写作真题

Integrated Writing Task



1. 能给本地人提供工作岗位

2. 水是淡水,对发电机组的伤害小

3. 利用水能可以减少煤和天然气的使用



1. 加大了本地财政的压力

2. 水容易结冰会导致发电机组破裂

3. 发电机组需要使用的润滑油会排放一种物质导致水质下降无法饮用




TPO22 Ethanol fuel

READING:ethanol is not a good replacement for gasoline for several reasons

Point1: provide no help to one of the biggest environmental problems

Point2: reduce the amount of plants available for uses other than fuel

Point3: never be able to compete with gasoline on price

Listening: ethanol is a good alternative to gasoline

Point 1: the process of growing the plant counteracts the release of CO2

Point 2: gasoline is produced by using cellulose not eaten by animals

Point 3: not a big price for each household





The Independent Task

Which one do you think is the most important for high school teacher (students age from 15 to 18)

1.   the ability to give students advice to plan for their future;

2.   the ability to find which students need help and provide them with help;

3.   the ability to encourage students to learn on themselves outside of the classroom;




Which one of the reason is the most important in helping students to study in colleges and universities?

1. Having access to the university tutors who can provide individual instruction for the students who have difficulty in study.

2. Having the help and encouragement from the family and friends.

3. Having an excellent teacher in high-school who can help the students before the university.




Thesis Statement:

The ability to encourage students to learn on themselves outside of the classroom is the most important for high school teacher.


Teachers are to students what a lighthouse is to a ship. Teachers play an important role in students’ life and study, helping them address problems, sketching a plan for their future, and stimulating them to learn by themselves. Controversy arises whenever a discussion surfaces about which ability is the most important for a high school teacher. As a student in the past and a teacher as my present job, I vote that the most important capability for a high school teacher is the ability to encourage his/her students to learn on themselves outside of the classroom.


At some high schools, teachers are eager to give some suggestions for their students, preventing these young people from going astray on the way to reaching their ultimate career. Admittedly, teachers are more experienced, thus enabling them always to put up some practical advice especially for high school students who are inexperienced and naive. Some other teachers are committed to helping those students who need the help most. For those students, when they are in a dilemma, aid from their respected teachers either helps them improve fast in study or relieves their pressure from peers or parents. However, the above mentioned help is both from the perspective of teachers rather than from students themselves. Teachers are obligated to help all students and give them advice whenever they need. Is the ability to give help to students the most important criterion to value a high school teacher? This kind of ability is a merely basic requirement for every teacher; rather, the ability to help students cultivate self-study skill distinguishes the most outstanding one from all other teachers. In fact, never will a teacher accompany his/her students all the time. It is students themselves who are responsible to their study and life.


It thus follows that for a high school teacher, encouraging student to learn on themselves outside of the classroom is the most important. Obviously, only when teenagers know how to study can they distinguish themselves. It is generally recognized that the time students spend at high school is a crucial period for them since they may encounter their bosom friends and strive to get offers from their dream universities. As for study, in the class, much time is consumed on teachers’ explanations for every important knowledge point such as theories in the math, physics and chemistry or events in the history, culture and politics. To master what have been taught by teachers, after-class practices are predominantly vital. Imaging that every student is habituated to reviewing each class and figuring out each question by searching information after class, will he/she fail in the exam? By this way, every student is likely to perform well because they take initiative.


A good teacher considers not only the present of students but also their future. Encouraging students to learn on their own paves the way for students’ university study. Obviously, there is big difference in study between high school and university where teachers serve as instructors. For students majoring in liberal arts, obsessing in the masterpieces written by leading figures in their fields is a compulsory. For students majoring in sciences, more than five hours a day are spent on conducting their researches in the lab and writing different reports. In the high school, if every student possesses the capacity to study by themselves, they get accustomed to university study quickly.


At this point, I would opt for the third choice, despite the fact that giving advice and helping students are very necessary. It is just the case that stimulating students to study from their heart can help students most and be the most difficult but most important for a high school teacher.

(新航道武汉学校 北美考试院 托福写作组 杜薇




















