
武汉编辑 2024-02-27 18:08













Part1 旧题






1.level of difficulty: moderate


2.A park with a good view


3.A pool just below the Falls


4.Attractions: museum


5.Lots of flowers


6.Cafe and seafood


7.Most direct bus: No. 279


8.last bust time is 5.30 p.m.


9.Get off bus at the Bridge stop


10.You will be given a map


Part2 旧题






11-16 单选

  1. What reason does the manager give for moving to a new office building?C.to be in a central location
  1. What is best about the new office building?
  2. the amount of natural light
  3. When will the office move take place?
  4. after the sales conference
  5. What information about the new location is already on the company website?
  6. places to eat
  7. What practical thing must staff do now?
  8. give details of damaged furniture
  9. Staff will need to put folders containing confidential details
  10. into grey plastic bags




17-18 Which TWO things do people often forget when lifting heavy things?

  1. don't lean to one side
  2. use handles

19-20 Which TWO things should staff do when moving papers?

  1. wear gloves
  2. drink plenty of water



Part3 旧题






21-24 单选


  1. During the lecture about restoration and types of paint, Jenny

C.learned some new information

  1. What do the students think will be the most difficult part of their assignment?
  2. deciding the cause of damage to the portrait
  3. When discussing their trip to the restorers' studio, the students agree that
  4. the restorers' work was exhausting.
  5. Jenny thinks that the authorities give priority to restoring paintings which
  6. are by well-known artists.




  1. Bringing Old Pictures Back to Life: C. too basic to be of much use

26.Presenting Masterpieces: G. focuses on historical aspects

27.Saving Paintings: D. deals with modern techniques

28.Approaches to Restoration: F. requires scientific knowledge

29.Art Conservation Today: B. useful tips on preventing problems

30.Restoring Fine Art: A. good visuals




Part4 旧题






  1. too much emphasis on getting a qualification
  2. the governmentshould have less influence on teaching
  3. boysin particular need a new type of school
  4. children in smallschools are happier
  5. lessons are organized like a meeting
  6. a boy interested in music end up inbusiness
  7. preparing for entering university
  8. the ageof students in one class can be different
  9. parents are important in developing children's readingskills
  10. conclusions are that most children are better at relationships








第一张是一组饼图,澳大利亚和新西兰在国外和国内网站网购的比例 第二张是表格,两国选择网购的理由


The charts and table below show the percentage of customers choosing different kinds of websites when shoppingonline and the percentage of customers shopping online for different reasons in two countries in 2020



今天的小作文考察的是组合图。我们的分段方式是单图单段, 并在overview中点明两张图的联系即可。大家根据这组图会发现,这两个国家的购物跟方便程度和价格没有太大的关系。




Some people say that artworks (e.g. painting, music, poetry) can be created by everybody, whereas others say they can only be made by those with special ability. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.




主体第一段我们可以这样去考虑:任何一个孩子,无论是否拥有special ability, 可以通过教育与指导成为绘画、诗歌等的专家;而且这些special ability 也不是说不能完全被开发或培养。


主体第二段我们可以这样去考虑:艺术是个比较特殊的领域, 天赋等还是非常重要的,也很难去教。如果没有这些special ability, 很难在艺术领域获得很大的成就。





01Passage 1 Olive Oil Production橄榄油制作的历史












判断1-6 T/F/T/NG/T/NG


流程图 7-9 beating/bags/salt


句子填空 10-13 pollution/floors/leather/pesticide


02Passage 2 Why We Love Music音乐对人类大脑的影响(C12T7P3同类话题)


考频: 从2022.2.26开始到今天连考三年,每年出现一次




The Mozart Effect




Music has been used for centuries to heal the body. In the Ebers Papyrus (one of the earliest medical documents, circa 1550BC), it was recorded that physicians chanted to heal the sick (Castleman, 1994). In various cultures, we have observed singing as part of healing rituals. In the world of Western medicine, however, using music in medicine lost popularity until the introduction of the radio. Researchers then started to notice that listening to music could have significant physical effects. Therapists noticed music could help calm anxiety, and researchers saw that listening to music, could cause a drop in blood pressure. In addition to these two areas, music has been used with cancer chemotherapy to reduce nausea, during surgery to reduce stress hormone production, during childbirth, and in stroke recovery (Castleman,1994 and Westley, 1998). It has been shown to decrease pain as well as enhance the effectiveness of the immune system. In Japan, compilations of music are used as medication of sorts. For example, if you want to cure a headache or migraine, the album suggested is Mendelssohn's "Spring Song", Dvorak's"Humoresque", or part of George Gershwin's "An American in Paris"(Campbell,1998). Music is also being used to assist in learning, in a phenomenon called the Mozart Effect.




Frances H. Rauscher, PhD, first demonstrated the correlation between music and learning in an experiment in 1993. His experiment indicated that a 10-minute dose of Mozart could temporarily boost intelligence. Groups of students were given intelligence tests after


listening to silence, relaxation tapes, or Mozart's "Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major" for a short time. He found that after silence, the average IQ score was 110, and after the relaxation tapes, the score rose a point. After listening to Mozart's music, however, the score jumped to 119 (Westley,1998). Even students who did not like the music still had an increased score in the IQ test.Rauscher hypothesised that “listening to complex, non- repetitive music, like Mozart's, may stimulate neural pathways that are important in thinking”(Castleman,1994).




The same experiment was repeated on rats by Rauscher and Hong Hua Li from Stanford. Rats also demonstrated enhancement in their intelligence performance. These new studies indicate that rats that were exposed to Mozart's showed “increased gene expression of BDNF (a neural growth factor), CREB (a learning and memory compound), and Synapsin I(a synaptic growth protein) " in the brain's hippocampus, compared with rats in the control group, which heard only white noise (e.g. the whooshing sound of a V radio tuned between stations). 




How exactly does the Mozart Effect work? Researchers are still trying to determine the actual mechanisms for the formation of these enhanced learning pathways. Neuroscientists suspect that music can actually help build and strengthen connections between neurons in the cerebral cortex in a process similar to what occurs in brain development despite its type.








段匹 14-20 暂缺


多选 21-22 B D


句子填空 23-26 blood/ dopamine/concert/culture


03Passage 3 Multi-Purposes Meeting Spaces多功能见面空间












单选 27-30 A/B/C/D


判断 31-35 Y/NG/NG/N/NG


句首配句尾 36-40 E/F/H/G/B







多邻国高层到访新航道,共谋英语教育与测试领域深度合作 新航道榜样学子丨高中转学OSSD一年,竟获曼大等顶尖名校Offer! 三调划线!三调多少分可以签约武汉英中? 2024年三大考试局夏季考试及放榜时间!关于大考的重要信息都在这里! 美国多所大学恢复标化成绩要求,新增3所 耶鲁录取!他分享心得:“不畏惧挑战,不给青春设限!”