供稿单位:互联网 责编:新航道小编
今年的口语考题逐渐在部分里加入了一些原本只会出现在第三部分的抽象话题及问题形式。抽象话题如patience/politeness/concentration等。问题形式如Has the way people show politeness in your country changed? How can people be patient?等。这个趋势在14年的考试中势必会继续保持,考生需要做好应对第三部分类型问题的准备,注意平日积累观点,多些思辨能力,在回答问题的时候从小处举例子拓展答案,并且考虑不同情况,不同人群,拓宽答题思路。
近一两年口语话题中人物的分量逐渐降低,恐怕是雅思官方也知道准备人物素材比较容易以一敌百的缘故。亲人朋友都太好说了,于是出现了类似Describe an interesting person you recently met这样要讲陌生人的题目。其实万变不离其宗,对于人物外貌性格等的描写可以自由发挥,但要明白因为是陌生人,你不可能了解很多此人的背景,也没有什么与你的个人故事可言,那么就要在你们初次见面的经历上多做文章。这也是我前面提到的整合素材的能力,需要针对不同的话题卡改变描述的侧重点,否则若真是想机械化地以一敌百,最终只会被考官识破你的伎俩而得到低分的惩罚。时间充裕的考生仍旧建议至少完整过一遍所有的话题,简单的脑子里过一遍确定讲什么,有点陌生或不太确定的多花点时间来思考并练习完整描述。描述的时候注意时态及单复数等基本语法问题。平时积累的词汇表达这时候就要适时地运用到自己的答案中,为自己的语言润色。
准备第三部分的问题时,考生应该注意不同题型的答题技巧和答题时的一些细节。例如对待询问意见和看法的问题时,可以从直接阐述观点、解释原因、补充细节及故事论据和与其他观点比较四个方面去拓展问题。而在回答关于未来可能性的问题时,注意将来时态使用的同时,也应当合理的运用it’s possible that/ it’s very likely/ there is a big chance that等表示推测的语言表达。
Describe a way to keep healthy.
Describe an interesting country (not your own).
Describe a TV program you like to watch again.
Describe a subject you disliked in secondary school.
Describe a famous person from your country.
Describe s place near water.
Describe a future plan.
Describe something made you happy recently.
Describe a science lesson you enjoyed.
Describe a special meal.
Describe a sport event/competition you took part in.
Describe a job you want to do in the future.
Describe an interesting historical event.
Describe a cook someone recommended to you.
Describe an important decision you took a long time to make.
Describe a time you moved into a new house/school.
Describe a work place or study place.
Describe a seaside place.
Describe an outdoor meal or a picnic.
Describe a conversation you had with a stranger.
Describe something you can’t live without.
Describe a group/club you enjoyed taking part in.
Describe a photograph you like.
Describe a rule in school.
Describe a useful website.
Describe a trip you had by public transportation.
Describe a family business you know.
Describe a house/an apartment you visited.
Describe an interesting person you recently met.
Describe something you did to help you learn a foreign language.
Describe an important letter you received.
Describe an old person you respect.
Describe a shopping street.
Describe a tourist attraction.
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