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托福听力中的难点话题——黄石公园火山形成 熊瑛

作者:熊瑛 2019-10-31 14:20 来源:熊瑛

作者:武汉新航道北美考试院 托福听力组  熊瑛




黄石公园超级火山,位于美国怀俄明州黄石国家公园(Yellowstone National Park)内,是躺在美国心脏地带的一个地球破坏力的“超级火山”(Yellowstone National Park),潜藏着摧毁地球的超级能量,其喷发的空降碎屑能够埋没半个美国。火山整体以黄石湖西边的西拇指 (West Thumb)为中心,向东向西各15英里,向南向北各50英里,构成一个巨大的火山口。在这个火山口下面蕴藏着一个直径约为 70 公里、厚度约为10公里的岩浆库,这个巨大的岩浆库距离地面最近处仅为 8 公里,并且还在不断地膨胀。



从表面看,超级火山和普通火山十分不同,没有喷出物堆积而形成火山锥(volcanic cone),岩浆库(magma reservoir)深埋于地下,巨大的威力使得超级火山形成不了山体和完整的火山口(都在火山喷发时被炸得粉碎了),只能在地面上留下一个个如同陨石坑般的凹陷,被称为破火山口(Caldera)。


1. 成因

从内部来说,火山喷发以及持续的地热活动是由火山口表面下方大量的岩浆(a great cove of magma)造成。巨大的压力使得气体溶解于岩浆内。如果地质运动将压力充足释放,气体就会从岩浆中冒出(bubble out)引起岩浆膨胀(expansion)。这可能导致连锁反应(chain reaction),如果地壳部分(crust material)被气体冲开(blow off),则会造成更大的爆发(explosion)。火山喷发有时会迅速将其岩浆库清空,以至于其上空的土地塌陷到空的岩浆库(emptied magma chamber)内,形成了的洼地( depression )被称为破火山口。

岩浆库又是如何形成的呢?黄石火山位于黄石高原(Yellowstone Plateau),处于蛇河-黄石热点(Snake River Plain - Yellowstone hotspot)上,来自地幔的轻热岩浆(light molten rock)向地表上升,形成了岩浆库。热点看上去在向东北方向移动,但是实际上,它位于深处且保持静止(remains stationary),是北美板块( North American Plate)在往西南移动。所以之前有理论认为地幔柱(mantle plume)造成了黄石热点往东北移动,而另一种理论认为移动的热点火山运动产生于下沉的法拉隆板块断裂和动力(the fragmentation and dynamics of the subducted Farallon Plate)。


2. 爆发历史

如图所示,最早的McDermitt Caldera(左一绿色区域)到的Yellowstone Caldera(右一黄色区域)在地理上从西南向东北递进。


黄石超级火山有三次超级爆发(supereruption):210万年前的超级爆发是已知的最为猛烈的一次爆发,形成了帕克岛火山口(Island Park Caldera)哈克贝利里山脉凝灰岩(Huckleberry Ridge Tuff);130万年前有过一次较小规模的爆发,形成了亨利福克火山口(Henry's Fork Caldera),产生了梅萨瀑布凝灰岩(Mesa Falls Tuff);64万年前也就是最近的一次超级爆发形成了Lava Creek Caldera。此外,17.4万年前还产生了另一次较小的喷发形成了黄石湖西拇指湖(the West Thumb of Yellowstone Lake)。


3. 相关理论

蛇河-黄石热点与附近的哥伦比亚河玄武岩平原(Columbia River Basalt Plain)形成于同一时间,热点成因通常被认为是东太平洋的胡安·德富卡板块(Juan de Fuca)以小角度俯冲(subduction)到北美板块的下方,富含水的胡安德富卡板块温度较低,替北美板块隔开了温度较高的地幔。在1600万年前,由于受重力的牵拉使得俯冲在北美板块之下的胡安德富卡板块发生断裂,沉入地幔中。高温的地幔在短时间内填补了胡安德富卡版块曾经占据的位置。剧烈的温差导致了在地幔上层靠近岩石圈的地方(约130km深)发生了剧烈的局部热循环。一个形成于地幔浅层的地幔柱(mantle column),即蛇河-黄石热点就出现了。


由于北美大陆西部的地壳被拉张,地壳减薄破裂,形成了大片盆地-山岭区域。在黄石附近,地幔热柱熔化岩石圈下层所产生的熔岩流(molten rock)就可以侵入(intrusion)含硅量66%-70%的地壳上层,将其部分熔化,形成了含硅量达到75%以上的流纹岩岩浆( rhyolitic magma)。同时,岩石圈下层的熔岩流甚至可以直接喷出地表,在蛇河平原和哥伦比亚河平原形成大规模的玄武岩(basalt)。由于含硅量大,这种流纹岩粘度很高 (viscous)。其内部的气体形成气泡,但因被高粘度的岩浆包围,它们很难通过膨胀体积来减压。当这种岩浆在下面聚集,里面的气体也越来越多,温度也越来越高。高温使得气体膨胀,但高粘度的岩浆阻止气体膨胀,因此其内部的压强变得非常的高。当高压的气体最终冲破大量的高粘度的岩浆喷出地表,就会形成猛烈而量大的超级火山爆发。


2008年以前一些地球科学家认为,黄石热点是岩石圈(lithosphere) 局部条件与上地幔对流(upper mantle convection)相互作用的结果。其他人则认为热点起源于深层地幔(地幔柱mantle plume)。这些争议始于热点在地质记录中的出现相对突然。此外,哥伦比亚玄武岩流(Columbia Basalt flows)在大约相同的时间出现在与热点相同的位置,引起人们对其共同起源的猜测。 当黄石热点向东北移动时,哥伦比亚的玄武岩向北移动并最终平息。2018年有学者提出地幔柱模型,表明火山运动可能是由下地幔的上升流(upwellings from the lower mantle)引起的,该上升流是由法卡隆板块(the Farallon Plate)富含水的碎片从卡斯卡迪亚俯冲区(Cascadia subduction region)下降而来。


4. 黄石公园的五类地热特征


1. Fumaroles( steam vent)喷气孔

咆哮山Roaring Mountain


2. Geysers 间歇喷泉

老忠实间歇泉Eruption of Old Faithful in 1948


3. Hot springs 温泉

大棱镜泉Grand Prismatic Spring


4. Mudpots 泥温泉

Fountain Paint Pot


5. Travertine terraces石灰华阶地

The terraces made of crystallized calcium carbonate in

Mammoth Hot Springs



其中TPO48L2 Plume hypothesis一篇中与黄石火山形成相关内容十分相似,参考解析如下:

We know the Earth's surface — the crust — is made up of tectonic plates … and that these huge slabs of rocky crust are slowly sliding over or under or past each other. And we said that most of the world's volcanoes occur at the boundaries of these tectonic plates, where you have hot, molten rock squeezing up through gaps between the plates.



But some volcanoes occur … not at the edges, but in the middle of a continental or oceanic plate. The Hawaiian Islands for example, are thousands of kilometers away from any plate boundary. And yet, you have vast amounts of magma — molten rock or lava — flowing up through the Earth's crust…which means, of course, that volcanic activity there can't be explained simply by plate tectonics.

但是有些火山……不是发生在板块边缘,而是在大陆或海洋板块的中间。 例如,夏威夷群岛距离任何板块边界都有数千公里。 但是,那里大量的岩浆(熔融的岩石或熔岩)冲出地壳……这当然意味着那里的火山活动不能简单地用板块构造来解释。


Wilson’s theory was that hot spots exist below tectonic plates and they’re the cause of these volcanoes. But what causes the hot spots? The most popular theory that's been proposed is the plume                     hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, plumes—um, basically, columns of extremely hot magma—these plumes well up from deep inside the planet's interior—maybe even as deep as its core—and rise all the way up to melt through the Earth's crust.



Imagine a burning candle. And imagine moving a sheet of heavy paper slowly over the flame of the candle—you’re gonna get a series of burned spots in the paper. Well that's just like what's happening with the Hawaiian Islands. But instead of a sheet of paper, you've got a tectonic plate, and it's moving over this plume of intensely hot    magma. And rather than a series of burned spots in the paper, you're getting a chain of volcanic islands...where the hot plume melts through the crust under the Pacific Ocean at one point after another—with active volcanoes on the younger islands that're now just above the plume, and the other islands … well, the farther away from the plume they are now, the older they are and the longer ago their volcanoes went dormant or extinct.



Incidentally, volcanic islands may seem small, but the island known as the Big Island of Hawaii is one of the tallest topographic features on the planet—more than 5 kilometers from the seafloor to the ocean surface, and almost that much again … up to its highest peak. That's nearly 10 kilometers from ocean floor to the highest point on the island, which makes it taller even than Mount Everest. So…you can imagine the huge amounts of magma, or lava, that've flowed up to form even just this one island, much less the whole chain of islands.



Now, the plume hypothesis provides a pretty elegant explanation for a volcanic anomaly like the Hawaiian Islands. But, while it's hypothetically attractive, there's very little direct evidence to support the theory because, so far, no one's been able to actually observe what's happening that far beneath the Earth's crust. Some studies've been done—seismographic, geochemical—where the data’s consistent with the model, but they aren't definitive proof. Even the model’s supporters aren’t comfortable claiming that it explains every volcanic anomaly …



And—like any popular theory I suppose—it has some determined critics. These critics have put forth a number of alternative theories—all unproven so far—but one well-regarded theory is the crack hypothesis … which assumes that hot spots are created when a piece of the crust gets stretched thinner and thinner, and the resulting stress causes small cracks to open up at weak spots in the crust … and it's through these cracks that magma pushes up to form volcanoes. Proponents of the crack hypothesis consider this a widespread phenomenon … and believe that magma's not coming up from deep within the Earth's interior, but rather from just beneath the surface crust.



This hypothesis is attractive because it fits with what we already know about plate tectonics … and it fits what we know about some secondary, smaller hot spots—but how well does it explain the Hawaiian Islands? Could a series of random cracks produce that same particular string of islands that sequence so neatly from old to young? You know, it worries me when a theory depends on coincidence to produce results.

这一假说很有吸引力,因为它符合我们对板块构造的已有认知,也符合我们已知得中小型火山,但是它怎么解释夏威夷群岛的火山形成呢? 一连串随机的裂纹能否产生从老到年轻整齐排列的岛链,和夏威夷火山一样呢?如果结果是碰巧得出的,这种理论我也难以安然接受。



dormant/ extinct volcano 休眠火山/死火山

volcanic /vɑːlˈkænɪk/ a. 火山的

volcanism /'vɑlkənɪzm/ n. 火山运动

molten rock  /'məʊltən/ 熔岩

Yellowstone National Park黄石国家公园

geothermal  /ˌdʒiːoʊˈθɜːrml/ a. 地热的

geyser/ˈɡaɪzər/ n.间歇泉

caldera /kælˈderə/ n.破火山口

crater /ˈkreɪtə(r)/ n. 火山口;(由炸弹爆炸或巨物撞击形成的)坑

tuff /tʌf/ n. 凝灰岩

cone /koʊn/ n. 圆椎体

magma reservoir  /ˈrezərvwɑːr/ 岩浆库(or magma chamber)

arcuate fault  /'ɑrkjʊɪt/ /fɔːlt/ 弧形断层

hotspot n. 热点

plain n. 平原

plateau /plæˈtoʊ/ a. 高原

mantle /ˈmæntl/ n. 地幔

crust /krʌst/ n. 地壳

stationary /ˈsteɪʃəneri/ a. 静止的

a succession of 一系列;一连串

The Ring of Fire 环太平洋火山带

bubble out 冒出

chain reaction 连锁反应

depression 洼地

fragmentation 碎裂;分裂

basalt /bəˈsɔːlt/ n. 玄武岩

subduction /səb'dʌkʃən/ n. 俯冲

intrusion [ɪn'truːʒ(ə)n] n. 入侵

rhyolite /'raɪə,laɪt/ n. 流纹岩

viscous /ˈvɪskəs/ a. 粘的

lithosphere /ˈlɪθəsfɪr/ n. 岩石圈

convection /kənˈvekʃn/ n. 对流

upwelling /ʌp'welɪŋ/ n. 上涌

geyser /'ɡaɪzə(r)/ n. 间歇泉

mudpot 泥温泉

travertine terraces /'trævɚ,tin/  /'terəs/ 石灰华阶地

slab /slæb/ n. 厚板

tectonic /tekˈːnɪk/ 地质构造的

continental /ˌːntɪˈnentl/ a. 大陆的

oceanic /ˌoʊʃiˈænɪk/ a. 海洋的

topographic /tɑpə'græfɪk/ a. 地形的

crack /kræk/ n.裂缝

seismic /'saɪzmɪk/ a. 地震的

seismology /ˌsaɪzˈmɒlədʒi/ n. 地震学



在TPO练习和真经题目中,与火山及板块构造相关的篇目有TPO48L2 Plume hypothesis,TPO24L4 Shield Volcanoes on Venus,TPO27C1 图书馆场景对话(寻找火山信息),红Delta Test1 L1Plate Tectonics以及真经五Test 5 L3 The cause of ice ages。



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