想象一下当我们在艺术馆里站在一幅肖像画面前时,应该从哪些方面欣赏这幅画,又或者说这幅画的哪些方面吸引我们的眼球。综合TPO文章中对肖像画的描述的相关文章,我们可以从以下四个维度对一幅肖像画进行观察。这四个维度分别是: face & figure(型体),emotion(情绪),Techniques / skills(技巧),和composition(构图)。接下来,让我们对这四个维度进行详细的介绍和相关单词学习:
1. Face & figure(型体):
在欣赏一幅肖像画时,我们会注意到的是这幅画中描述的对象型体,画中人物是left/ right profile(左/右侧脸),open-eyed / staring at somewhere(睁着眼/盯着某个地方),elongated /stretchy figure/hands(细长的画像/手)等这类描述。
2. Emotion(情绪):
按照画面刻画的是什么、刻画得逼真否、画中形象要传达什么寓意等步骤,很容易就能体会到画家的喜怒哀乐。肖像人物常表现出的情绪有:sad / happy,lonely / a sense of isolation,peaceful / serene(安详的),innocent(天真无邪的),contemplative(深沉的)。
3. Techniques / skills(绘画技巧):
2)colors & light: 一幅好画对色彩的运用就像好音乐一样能引起观众的共鸣,它能把人带入一个神秘的特殊境界—或典雅、或庄严、或压抑等。在色彩/光方面,肖像人物的服饰颜色和背景颜色的描述有:bright / dark(亮色/暗色),bold color(醒目的颜色),contrasting color(对比色)等。
4. composition(构图):
构图是作品形式美的一个重要因素,在满足人审美需求的同时,也传递着某种思想,欣赏者可以从不同的构图中得到或平静或稳定或倾斜或压抑之感。欣赏肖像画时,我们可以通过分析画作的theme / subject(主题/ 题材),和background/context/surrounding是vague(模糊的)/clear这些方面,对画作有进一步认识。
根据TPO19L4 Cecilia Beaux全文总结梳理,肖像画描述内容整理如下:
TPO19L4 Cecilia Beaux
1) So what you see here is a portrait of a close friend of Cecilia Beaux’s. So tell me, what’s the first thing that draws you to this painting, what catches your eye first?
Female Student: Well, for me it’s her face and hands. I think they’re really expressive, and also, they make the woman seem very contemplative. Seems like she’s thinking pretty seriously about something.
Male Student: Yeah, her eyes kind of draw you in, but what strikes me is the contrasting colors, the-the white dress and the dark background.
2) Female Student: Well the background, behind the woman—it’s pretty vague. Like maybe there’s, there’s no real context, like, no definite surroundings, especially compared to the woman herself, since she’s so clear and well defined.
Male Professor: Yes, the unclear background definitely contributes to that dreaminess. It’s meant to show a sense of isolation, I think, where the woman is deep in a daydream and not really aware of anything else.
根据TPO21L4 Alice Neel全文总结梳理,肖像画描述内容整理如下:
In a minute I‘ll show you some of her portraits, and I’ll want you to notice a few things about them. First, Neel‘s use of bold color, alright? You’ll see she uses color to convey emotion and feeling ? Like, the subjects? clothing, for instance—it appears brighter than it really is. And the subjects, the people being portrayed—Neel paid special attention to faces... the way she paints the eyes, an-and how the faces are portrayed—these are quite realistic, like the realists work. But another thing Neel did was use elongated, sort of stretchy figures.