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2019年10月托福独立口语考情分析 - 刘思元

作者:刘思元 2019-10-31 10:25 来源:刘思元

作者:武汉新航道北美考试院 托福口语组 刘思元




2019年10月12日Task 1- Imagine you travel to a country you have never been before. If you want to know more about the country, would you like to visit a major city, or to briefly visit some different places in the country? 如果次去一个国家旅游,如果你想要对这个国家了解更多,你会选择去它的某个主要城市,还是简短地多参观一些地方?如果只取一个主要城市旅游可能是因为除了简单的拍照和打卡旅游胜地,有些人还希望可以在一个地方融入和深度了解当地的风土人情和文化,相反,如果去的地方太多很有可能行程太赶,舟车劳顿导致旅途疲惫,影响体验;选择另外一个观点的同学则可以说不同的城市有不同的文化和风景,所以更多城市可以丰富经历和感受,开阔视野。


2019年10月13日Task 1- Nowadays, some people use extreme methods, including plastic surgery, to change their appearance – usually because they are trying to look more attractive in some way. Do you think this is a good idea? Explain why you agree or disagree with people using such methods to change how they look. Support your answer with details. 有些人想通过整形手术提升自己的外表,你是否同意?这道题也是重复2017年05月13日以及2016年7月16日的考题,“plastic surgery”(整形手术)目前越来越普遍和流行,所以大多数同学都会对这题颇有自己的想法和见解。如果同意的话理由可以是提升容貌,获得自信,个人选择;不同意的话可以说整形手术的一些负面影响,比如可能有一些没有合格资质的医院会出现整形失败的案例,或者整形之后的后遗症,以及消费过大带来经济负担,甚至还可以提高一个层次,说它影响社会审美,应该重视inner beauty,比如勤奋诚实,道德品质和性格特点等。


2019年10月19日Task 1- If you have a chance to work in a big company, which of the following two choices would you prefer? a big company giving employees freedom to independently plan and finish assignments or a big company giving clear solutions and procedures to tell you what you should do and should not. 你会选择让你自己独立完成任务的地方工作,还是有公司清晰地告诉你工作方法和指令的地方工作,这个题目其实就是group work & individual work旧题新问,类似分题目分别在2015,2016,2017和2018年都出现过,比如最近2017年1月14日的small company or organization with a few workers or a large company or organization with thousands of employees 就和这道题有共通之处,因为小公司偏向扁平化管理就更有自主权,大公司员工较多就更多倾向follow the instructions;今年10月19日这道题问的是工作场景,但是不论是工作场景或学习场景,都可以使用一些通用理由比如study/work efficiency,save time,socialize等,当然同时也存在一些弊端比如limited my creative talents and passions。


2019年10月26日Task 1- Some people think that risk-taking activities such as rock-climbing and skydiving require a lot of bravery, while others think this is not brave, but simply foolish. Which view do you agree with and explain why? 有人认为一些冒险类运动比如攀岩和跳伞是需要勇气的,但另一些人觉得这项运动没有意义。这道题没有在近两年的真题中出现果,只有2017年9月有一道独立题问的是老人是否应该和年轻人一样去参加冒险类运动,和这道题有异曲同工之妙。如果同意的话,理由可以说是有利于身心健康,提升自信;相反,则可以说不利健康,可能会带来不可挽回地风险,以及浪费时间等等。


2019年10月27日Task 1- There’s 2 options for the use of a piece of land, to build a park or be used by a company. Which do you prefer and explain why? 空地建公园还是公司,虽然是新题,但是也是旧题改造,2017年3月11日Task1说政府要在城市的绿地花园建居民楼,同意还是不同意;2017年8月27日Task1说学校有一块空地提供的三种用途中有一个是可以选择建公园,如果选择建公园就可以用交友放松或运动(provides citizens with a place to do exercise and relax)或有利健康、净化环境等。




2019年10月 托福口语独立题范文



Imagine you travel to a country you have never been before. If you want to know more about the country, would you like to visit a major city, or to briefly visit some different places in the country?


In my opinion, I prefer to visit a major city in order to explore more. Firstly, it saves me a lot of time to only stay at one city. I can slow down and fully appreciate the beautiful sceneries along the road without wasting a lot of time on transportation, while always rushing to catch up with a flight to another city makes it hard for me to be energetic, which won’t be as relaxing and enjoyable; Secondly, unforgettable memory lies in an in-depth travelling experience. When I travel to a new city, I’d not only take photos of those popular spots and landmarks, but also live there for a while, spending some time talking to the locals, discovering their special delicacies, and hopefully learning something about their history and culture.



Task 1

Nowadays, some people use extreme methods, including plastic surgery, to change their appearance – usually because they are trying to look more attractive in some way. Do you think this is a good idea? Explain why you agree or disagree with people using such methods to change how they look. Support your answer with details.


In my opinion, the benefits of plastic surgery outweigh the disadvantages. Firstly, plastic surgery will definitely improve your appearance. Especially for those with a physical defect, like children born with cleft lips or burn victims, they tend to get some work done on their face and it looks super natural since technology has been improved, so I think it’s totally acceptable as long as they are not going too far with it. Moreover, psychologically speaking, it can boost confidence. My friend Tim was introverted and discouraged to talk to people due to his not-that-good appearance, but he’s become more comfortable and confident after a nose job, which also brought about more opportunities, whether applying for a job, or taking a class.



Task 1

If you have a chance to work in a big company, which of the following two choices would you prefer?

---a big company giving employees freedom to independently plan and finish assignments

---a big company giving clear solutions and procedures to tell you what you should do and should not.


Personally speaking, I prefer to just follow the instructions and do exactly what my supervisor tell me to. To begin with, this can enable me to finish my assignments more efficiently. I remember when I was doing a file work as an intern last summer, my supervisor gave me the proper procedures with clear explanations, so I finished my work by using the least amount of time without having to figure it out all on my own, which makes it easier for me to meet the expectation. On the contrary, if I am the one to take initiatives on my own terms, I might slack off from my work, like listening to music or chatting with friends at work, and miss the deadline, delaying the whole process. Accordingly, I think I am inclined to choose the company giving orders and solutions.



Task 1

Some people think that risk-taking activities such as rock-climbing and skydiving require a lot of bravery, while others think this is not brave, but simply foolish. Which view do you agree with and explain why?


Well to me, skydiving does require a lot of bravery, but it’s still a life-changing experience which is more than attractive and worth giving a try. To begin with, it’s a great way for me to embrace and conquer my fear. I remember when I was struggled to keep up with my work after graduation, which was quite tough for me, I traveled to a new country and did this risk-taking skydiving, the total freedom really helped with my emotional distress, so that I forgot all my worries and distractions of life; moreover, it’s also a life-long benefit, because once I’ve conquered skydiving, I feel that I’m up to any challenge anytime! Skydiving undoubtedly helps to boost our self-confidence, both at work and at home.



Task 1

There’s 2 options for the use of a piece of land, to build a park or be used by a company. Which do you prefer and explain why?


Personally speaking, I would choose to build a park for our city. And I feel this way for two reasons. To begin with, a local park is likely playing a vital role in your city’s health, and probably your own too. Green spaces help keep cities cool, even a small increase in the number of trees in the neighborhood can reduce the urban heat island effect. What’s more, parks provide space for neighborhood residents to interact with each other and meet new people. Since a park is perfect for a picnic, a concert, or some popular sports, as a place of recreation, it can encourage people to unplug their iPad, step out and bond with other people. Plus, even looking at greenery can make you feel better.

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