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作者:张曦智 2021-06-29 15:16 来源:武汉编辑

北美教学中心 托福口语组 张曦智










Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: children should help with housework as soon as they are old enough to do so. 






Assigning everyday chores to children can benefit them in many aspects. For one thing, doing housework can teach them life skills, which is an important lesson as they grow up. Parents should let go of their hands and stop being too protective. As things like doing laundry, washing dishes, budgeting are tasks children will need to deal with once they move out. And not all schools provide lessons focusing mainly on these practices. Children taking their own responsibility can also help the family bond together. When children are tasked to clean up messes they create, they can feel these things are not as easy as they seem to be and therefore respect parents’ work and care.



I don’t believe this is necessary. Childhood is precious and parents should cherish and preserve it as long as possible. Children’s main “job” is to play, and there are wonders outside waiting for them to discover. Their endless imagination and creativeness are not destined to be tied with boring and repetitive work. After finishing school assignments, children should go to socialize with friends,  read a good book, appreciate art, and explore interests. Who would have had a dream to be a dish washer when they are kids? Even as adults, few of us can enjoy dealing with tedious work like mopping and vacuuming the floor, why forcing our children to complete these tasks when they are still young.



To complete your course requirements, you must register for a science course next semester. Two courses that have different requirements fit into your schedule. In the first course, students are graded on their performance on a few exams given during the semester. In the second course, students are graded entirely on the quality of monthly projects. Would you choose to take the first science course or the second science course Explain why.



本题题干较长,但是考查要点还是较为常规,难度正常。题目关系到学习话题,本质还是书本理论和实际操作的优缺点对比,常用理由当中的时间、效率、动手能力等等都可作为解题理由。同时题干较长的题目可以给学生带来更多思维上的落脚点,如fit into schedule可想到projects占时较多,entirely的表达可用来论证整门课程只有一两个方面的技能考查还不够,science学科的特点也可联想到严谨理性以及理论结合实际等展开方向。建议结合TPO41 TASK3进行学习和作答。



I would rather take the first course because I regard these exams as an effective way to check up on my performance and comprehension. Exams are designed to test your knowledge cumulatively instead of skills in only a number of aspects. So students in order to get satisfying results have to sort out a semester’s worth of material and try to build a systematic structure. Exams simply can have wider coverage. And in science courses, details like experiment procedures should be noticed meticulously and conclusion should be objective and rational. Taking exams requires students to calm down and be patient enough as even the tiniest error can lead to huge mistake or even fail.  



The second one sounds better. For me, taking tests is far more stressful. You need to sit still and stay silent, being watched by supervisor and surveillance camera. The competitive atmosphere can be so suffocating. I feel more relaxed and confident demonstrating knowledge and proving my understanding methodically in several projects which stretches several months. Furthermore, I believe science is more about practice and application. The combination between theories and hand-on experience is more exciting and hence attracts me more. You get to work with other talented students in the class and feel more involved in a team.



2009.5.15/2010.7.10 旧题复用

Some people prefer to work on several tasks or projects together at a time. Others prefer to work on only one task or project at a time. Which way of working do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.






Dealing with several tasks together at a time works fine for me. I am used to handle the pressure when different tasks are assigned to me and I think this is a critical ability in the modern society. In a large organization, we have cooperation between more than just two departments; our cellphones are getting smarter and optimized to hold programs in the background. Why shouldn’t our powerful brains be more than capable to do the same? As long as you are very clear about your job and can plan everything in a your schedule, you can be more efficient and get to gradually understand the correlation between different tasks.



I believe focusing on just one task at a time suits me better. If I can block out any distractions and dedicate all my energy to the project I am working on, I tend to be able to think deep and comprehensively. We live in a multitasking world in which everything seems designed to be handled in a system instantaneously. Efficiency is very important but in most times it is not the priority. When you can concentrate, you start to notice those details you may otherwise neglect. Trial after trial, you think up creative approaches to make your project even better, and this polished version can only be accomplished when you do not have too much to worry about at a time.




Do which do you prefer: a leader who makes quick decisions without consulting others or a leader who asks for the opinions of other group members before making a decision.



本题要求对团队合作当中不同类型的领 导者进行论述,可当做人物性格特点类考题,也可将其归类为工作学习话题中对团队合作的观点表达。如果有对领 导者应具备何种品质的话题有过思考,可直接进行理由陈述;如果对领 导者这一抽象概念没有太多想法,建议结合平时工作学习中小组讨论或者团队项目的经历进行答题。两种思路都建议讨论leader以及team members之间的各种互动关系,以及产生的主观体验。



I think it is acceptable and sometimes even necessary for a leader to be assertive and confident. Various opinions can not always be helpful, as you need to consider too much before making a crucial decision. Members in a team all have different interests and they may try to cast influence on the final choice in favor of themselves in a way. It is the leader’s responsibility to think in a bigger picture and forecast the possible consequences, and he or she can never be irresolute or juggling both. Being too emotional or caring about details may cost you a lot, finally you will even be considered as weak and lacking leadership.



Being a patient listener is one of the excellent qualities a good leader should bear. To my understanding, leadership involves a lot of coordination, negotiation and people skills. If a leader only focuses on doing his or her own part and makes decision for everyone without taking in different ideas, that’s nothing more than a dictator. A leader should let other voices out and make sure they are heard. And being acceptant can really warm up the atmosphere in a team. Team members will feel they can also make a difference in regard of the final result and tend to be loyal and supportive if their appeals have been considered.



2014.6.28 旧题复用

Some people prefer to take a vacation in cities, others prefer to spend their vacation in countryside. Which do you prefer? Explain why.



本题讨论旅游当中不同目的地的选择,城市和乡村的区别在类似的考题中也有考查。如Do you prefer to live in big cities or countryside. 在思考时可以先考虑在旅游的过程当中想要获得或者说被满足的需求是什么。旅游的目的是纯粹放松,是广交好友,还是拓宽认知。思考甚至可以更进一步,如拓宽眼界或者想要了解的是哪些内容,是淳朴的风土人情还是历史遗迹,是文化交融还是名胜景观,然后再和城市乡村分别的特点进行对应。



I think when taking a vacation, cities are better destinations. It simply offers more possibilities in many aspects. Especially when you have limited time and a tight schedule, big cities can provide a little bit of everything. It is just like a magnifying glass, the local culture, living style and history are all condensed, waiting for your observation and excitement. Cities may not be able to give you 100% essence of the core value you want to experience, still it is intriguing to see every part of the world blending together in one spot, but with its own exclusive spice for you to taste. Advantages also include countless museums and shows, convenience in transportation. So I believe you should never miss major cities when traveling.



I think countryside generally attracts me more. Cities have their own advantages but normally they are the most population condensed area, which means the noise and the air quality might not be that suitable for tourists who pursue relaxation during holidays. Before having a good taste of local culture, you may find yourself get caught in the crowd. The simple life and picturesque scenery other than the most famous tourists attractions can reveal the true identity of a country. In the contrast, cities are always a little bit alike, because of the international branding and the necessity of accepting differences.



















