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作者:熊宇涵 2023-03-02 17:49 来源:武汉编辑

2022年4月托福场次较多,线下官考共7场,涉及到的话题也十分多样。本月题目,延续了旧题重考的趋势,大部分都重复了近几年的考题。 同时,也出现了隔月重考的趋势,比如4月23日的考题就是2月考过的原题。 那么考生们能够借鉴的是:1. 是否在关注托福每月的官考独立题并对自己的话题积累进行查漏补缺,拓宽和补充? 2. 自己曾练习过的原题是否真的练到位、练过关了?考试碰到它有信心得到自己的目标分数吗? 3. 如果在答题思路和语言表达上有缺乏,是否能够认真地积累每月范文中好的表达并加以运用,使之成为自己的东西?希望大家不只是机械的做题、刷题,而是能通过清醒的、踏实的学习和练习,有新的思考和收获,并能从中真正提高自己的口语能力。




Some people believe that businesses should be required to spend a certain amount their profits on social programs that benefit the public and the communities where they operate. Others believe that businesses should be able to decide for themselves how to use their profits. Which point of view do you agree with?



公司是否应该将一部分利润造福公众和用于所在社区的社会项目,还是他们应该能够自行决定如何使用利润?首先同学们需要了解有一类企业叫做“社会企业”,不同于一般企业以利益最大化为商业目标,这类企业是运用商业手段,实现社会目的 - 解决社会目的、增进公众福利。英文名称为“social enterprise”,在中国已经开始逐步发展,感兴趣的同学可以继续research。了解背景知识后再来看这道题,如选择第一种可参考如下理由:1. 服务弱势群体,解决社会问题。 2. 加强企业社会责任,避免其过度追求利润而牺牲社会利润。如选择第二种可参考如下理由:1. 私人企业没有法律义务。 2. 私人企业使命不同。 总结,这一类题目对于大部分考生有一定难度,建议可以同时备考2021年7月14日企业类话题,拓宽自己在这类话题上的思考与总结,并积累语言表达。



Personally, I think businesses should be required to spend some of their profit on social programs. First of all, I think Companies operating as social enterprise would build themselves a better image for the public. So many companies nowadays have trampled on the benefit of the public for the one goal of maximizing their own profit. Deceiving consumers, damaging the environment and many other unjust practices are being committed, breaking the bottom line. Meanwhile, many consumers in today’s society are more awakened toward the company culture. Therefore, by investing in social improvements, enterprises could enhance the company’s image and promote a sense of trust with the consumers. Besides, with their investment, many social problems can be tackled more creatively through business strategies. At the end of the day, the government can only do so much, and business is indeed an important team player in the run. When the society is made better, all business can benefit from it in the return.



2019121 旧题重考


Imagine you have been offered two jobs. One pays a very high salary but requires you to work very long hours. The other one pays a lower salary but does not require you to work overtime. Which job would you prefer and why?



两份工作的选择:工作A薪水高但是工作时间长,工作B薪水低一些但是不用加班。这是工作类话题里一道比较入门的考题,难度友好。 题目提供了两个可进行探讨的角度:时间与工资。 选工作A可参考理由:1. 高收入能在经济上支持我去做很多想做的事情。 2. 虽然需要加班,但是高付出高回报的工作会给我带来成就感。 选工作B可参考理由:1. 充裕的私人时间能让我去做自己想做的事情,充实生活。 2. 虽然薪资少一些,但是我认为生活的平衡更重要。



Personally, I would take the second job. First of all, having sufficient time outside of work to myself is essential for my well-being. Work is only a part of life, and life has much more. When work becomes dominant, the actual life could be consumed. With the guarded time, I could devote myself in hobbies like reading, working out, traveling, socializing and many other. Being able to immerse my brain in different environment and use it in different ways definitely helps me to better process mentally, stay clear-minded, and focus no matter what I do. On top of that, although the salary is lower, a work-life balance is stronger this way, and I think it is going to be more effective in the long term.




If you have a chance to choose your job, would you like to choose a job with high salary or that can get personal satisfaction? Explain why.



这同样是一道工作选择类话题:工作A以高薪水作为回报,而工作B以满足感作为回报。本题难度较上一题稍高,需要考生能够通过思考补充更多的细节。 如果选择给予高薪的工作, 可参考以下理由:1. 提升生活质量,实现经济独立。 2. 好的经济基础使个人生活更丰富从而也能带来满足感。 如果选择带来满足感的工作,请参考以下理由:1. 工作带来的感受会影响我们的生活。 2. 满足感与个人价值是相关联的。



Personally, I would choose a job that gives me personal satisfaction. First of all, when being an adult, time at work does take up a major part of life. When I get a sense of fulfillment from my job, my life is more likely to remain positive and stable. Besides, it is rare that people actually get to do what they are truly passionate for, so I am definitely not going to miss out on a job that fulfills me. Furthermore, having the feeling of satisfaction often means that my personal values are affirmed, activated and exercised in the workplace. This also means I get to grow if I am willing to devote more of myself into the job. All in all, I consider this positive building up of my ability is pretty important in the long run.



2018526/1117/2020410 旧题重考


Your university is planning to allow people who live in the local community to have classes with students. This program will be free for people in the local community. Also, the university will not provide them with feedback and grades on their reports. Do you think this program is good? And Why?



这题目中探讨的是一个旁听的问题:作为大学生,你是否能接受当地社区的居民来旁听课程?对TPO综合题新Task 2熟悉的同学,可以回忆一下自己是否练习过一道类似的话题 - TPO35 Task 3。我们也可以参考借鉴一下这道综合题里探讨的理由,帮助我们回答这道独立题。同意请参考理由:1. 帮助更多人获得教育资源。 2. 同时也不会占用学生们从教授那里所获取的时间与投入。 反对请参考理由:1. 因年龄层的不同,教授内容和方式无法做到统一。 2. 外来人员的参与会占用们学生们的课上资源。 这里也给备考的同学们提供一个新思路。校园生活话题是独立题中的高频话题,而综合题新Task 2也是校园生活话题,所以大家可以将这两类题及其探讨的理由练习起来,互相启发,提高自己的备考效率。



Personally, I don’t think this program is good. First of all, different people auditing the class would create very diverse audience. When a class is filled with people of different age, professions, and interests, it is going to be practically difficult for the professor to design the class content that is beneficial and satisfying to all. Besides, since people from the local community are not getting feedback or grades, their in-class participation wouldn’t be on the same page with the students who prepare for the class by doing the readings and all sorts of assignment. People could be asking questions already covered in the assignment, and this would just be a total waste of time for most other students who actually paid the full tuition.


2022年423 上午场

20211025日家庭版 旧题重考

Some cities have policies that encourage preservation of older buildings. Other cities have policies that encourage the replacement of older buildings with new ones. Which approach do you think is better and why? You may use specific examples and details.



政府是应该保护历史建筑还是鼓励拆除新建?这道题虽然对于线下考生们来说是比较新的,但是可以将它与历史类的话题联系起来。首先,历史类作为元老级独立题话题,近三年每年都有重复考。没有练过的同学一定要花时间练练以下几道题目:2021年5月26日,2019年9月7日,11月2日。 选择保护历史建筑,我们可以谈谈学习和保护历史遗迹的重要性, 同时这些老建筑也是构建城市特色的重要部分。如果选择拆除新建,可以参考以下理由:1. 老旧建筑不安全,维修花费昂贵。 2. 城市发展需要建新的建造来满足不同的发展需求。



Personally, I think cities must post policies on the preservation of older buildings. First of all, old buildings are museums that allow people to look into the past. In fact, some of the buildings have been rearranged into an actual museum. By preserving all the original settings inside and attaching explanations, people can not only receive an intellectual understanding of a certain period of history but also experience and feel the place and its local surroundings. This brings great educational benefit we don’t get from just reading historical materials. Besides, with different stories and styles presented, buildings also differentiate urban characteristics. Without the older part, every modern city nowadays would look pretty much the same, and that would just be a total failure for the continuation of cultures.



2022年423 下午场

2022219日下午场 旧题重考

When going on a vacation, some people prefer to go camping outside in a tent at night. Others prefer to stay in a hotel at night. Which way do you prefer? Use specific reasons to support your answer.



旅行时是选择搭帐篷露营还是住酒店。 这道题很有意思,两个选项能够讨论的理由也比较多。 如果选择住帐篷,我们能收获平时不能在城市里得到的体验,比如说看日出日落、点篝火、露天烧烤等。 更亲近自然,也更有趣。 如果选择住酒店,当然是比住帐篷更加便利与舒适。 同时,酒店也更加安全。 住在野外有许多不确定因素,比如天气和环境。 这道题非常适合用对比举例论证的方式来回答。



Personally, I prefer to stay in a hotel. First, I think staying in a tent overnight is unsafe. When we are going on a vacation in a different city, it’s really risky to pitch a tent without knowing too much about the local environment. Campers can be frightened by the extreme weather such as thunderstorm or heavy fog. Also, we’ve heard on news about wild animals’ attacking people at campsites. Besides, staying in a hotel is also pretty convenient. We don’t have to take along all the camping facilities including tents, quilt, pan and other necessary tools. A hotel is well-equipped and is much more comfortable. Then after getting good rest in a hotel we can make sure to enjoy our vacation more.  



2012714 旧题重考

Some people like reading electronic books on computers or on other devices, while some people like reading paper books. Which do you prefer?



你更喜欢读电子书还是纸质书?这道题也是属于元老级别的独立题了,如果你还没有见过的话,这次一定不要错过它。如果选择电子书,则可以借鉴电子设备的通用思路 - 方便、便携。 不仅是重量更轻,同时一个设备可以储存很多书籍。如果选择纸质书,可以参考以下理由:1. 更加享受阅读。 2. 可以互相借阅。 3. 可以自由批注。 4. 更护眼。



Personally, I love reading paper books. Reading is something that’s quiet, peaceful, and focused. If it is with an electronic device, I can easily be distracted by messages or notifications, and that would just ruin the time of peace. Holding an actual book in my hands is more likely to keep me concentrated. Also, I would like to write my thoughts down as I read through the pages, and it is pretty handy to do that on papers. Lastly, it is good to release my eyes from screens sometimes. Nowadays we stare at screens all the time no matter for work or entertainment, and it can be really exhausting.



















