作者:北美考试院 托福写作组 王雨婷
2019.06.15 托福综合写作真题 |
Integrated Writing Task |
阅读部分:为野生动物修建crossing没有必要性的三个原因 1、动物们不会自己去使用crossing,所以它们没用; 2、financial waste; 3、阻碍生物的数量和繁殖能力因为crossing使得他们只能在一小片区域活动。
听力反驳:修建crossing是有必要的 1、刚开始的几年不行,但野生动物的适应能力很强,所以后面几年使用大幅度增长 ; 2、不建crossing的话,就会有动物横穿马路造成人们受伤,一年数千起,花费大量的钱; 3、是roads限制了生物的活动区域,crossing是帮助他们克服这个困难的,这样动物就可以任意活动,更好地繁殖,从而维持一个在一个健康的数量。 |
本期考题重复2012年10月14日大陆托福综合写作考题,2019年目前进行的20场托福考试中有8场重复往年考察过的真题,分别为:20190112(重复20161211);20190126(重复20140629);20190223(重复20170218);20190330(重复20180106);20190331(重复20130817);20190414(重复20180506)20190511(重复20160910);20190519(重复20150412;20180908);总占比40%。由此可见,历年考察过的真题被重复考察的可能性还是比较高的,考生平时备考时也可以以历年真题为材料进行备考练习。这次考察的话题仍旧是托福综合写作考试中考察占比较大的动植物类话题,主要考察的是人类行为对于动植物的生存的影响。在TPO中有大量材料也涉及到了相关话题,包括:TPO15, TPO18, TPO21,TPO37,TPO38, TPO42,TPO48。因此,TPO同样仍旧是考生备战综合写作熟悉话题内容的重要资料。
Keywords: measures, the spread of, virus, address the decline of, genetic modification, protecting the forest, prevent injuries, pesticides, fungus, habitat
TPO18 The Decline of Torreya
• Reestablish Torreya in the same location where it thrived for thousands of years
• Move Torreya to an entirely different and faraway location
• Preserve Torreya in research centers.
• 全球变暖引起了Torreya原始存在的地方的Florida整体气温上升,这导致了这个地区的wetland干燥,导致Torreya也无法在此地生存;
• Torreya移动到新的地方可能会引发对于新环境的其他植物无法预计的伤害;
• 研究室里的Torreya无法维持数量和基因的多样化,所以不能长期生存。
TPO37 Turtle Excluder Device
总观点:被shrimp-fishing boat意外捕获在网里的endangered sea turtle可以通过TED来逃生,但是这种方法受到了批判。
• sea turtle被抓住的几率很低,并且TED会给shrimp fisher带来大量损失;
• 缩短允许shrimp boat的网在水下的时间限制是一种比TED更有效的方法;
• TED对于大型的species of endangered sea turtle并不有效。
• 总论点:这些批判并不合理
• 美国有成千上万的shrimp boat, 他们或多或少会抓到sea turtles,sea turtle目前的数量已经很少,保护他们比减少shrimp fisher的损失更重要;
• 时间限制基本无法实施;而TED是一种更好管理的方式;
• 可以制造更大的TED在有需要的区域使用。
2019.06.15托福独立写作真题 |
Independent Writing Task |
Some people think that if companies prohibit sending email to staff on weekends or during other time out of office hours, staff’s dissatisfaction with their companies will decrease. Others think that will not reduce the overall dissatisfaction among staff.
What do you think? |
6月15日的独立写作是对于考生来说并不是一道特别好处理的题目,特别是处学习阶段对于工作类话题相对不熟悉的学考生来说很难找到思路。在分析题目的过程中考生一定要注意以下几个关键词,避免偏题:on weekends or during other time out of office hours; staff’s dissatisfaction。考生可以通过分情况讨论的方法来思考有什么其他的因素会引发对于工作的满意度,所以即使非工作的邮件减少对工作的不满也不会下降。当然考生也可以思考是工作之余的休闲时间对于员工来说价值是什么,为什么能减少工作满意度,缺少思路时,学生可以类似自己的学习经历。
Recently, whether the “996 work schedule”, which means to work from 9 am. to 9 pm., six days a week, is reasonable and efficiency-boosting has arouse heated discussion globally. The core of the debate lies in dissatisfaction caused by working overtime. To deal with this issue, some suggest prohibiting sending emails during off-work period, while others argue that this regulation will not reach its purpose of reducing the overall dissatisfaction among staff. As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of this method for several reasons.
Firstly, the employees who stops receiving emails from colleagues on off-work time can be facilitated to work in higher efficiency, and thus triggering a better working achievement. To be more specific, if the company fails to distinguish the difference between workdays and weekends, employees who are constantly bothered by the emails from work during holidays may have higher chance of becoming tired of current work. Thus, one needs to have complete holiday after continuous assignments, so that his or her passion for work will not be eliminated. Passions for work, as is universally acknowledged, are the main driver for one to devote more effort and energy to their task during workdays. Besides, offering undisturbed and relaxing holidays to employees can assist them in recovering from the tiredness of previous work and become more energetic for the following tasks hence leading to higher possibilities of successful outcomes. As a result, staff can gain a strong sense of fulfillment out of their job achievement.
Secondly, staff will feel respected and understood by the company, which reduce their dissatisfaction for work. People generally choose to enjoy their personal lives during holidays, either to travel or to deal with private issues. Whatever they are handling in their off-work time, they, of course, do not want to be disturbed. Thereby, if emails in holidays are not forbidden, employees will not have sufficient time and space for their personal lives, which will make them feel less respected. Imagine that you are in the middle of a trip abroad, but ceaseless emails are sent to you from time to time to inform you the newest progress a project is in. Or you are enjoying a quality time with your family when your phone keep ringing because of emails inquiring you questions about work. No matter which situation you are in, you will feel that your personal time is not respected. On the contrary, leaving behind unabridged holiday time for the staff will definitely increase the sense of satisfaction of them for the esteem they feel out of undisturbed holidays.
Given all reasons and examples discussed above, we can safely come to the conclusion that workers will become more satisfied towards the company when they have no interference from the working emails at the weekends.