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1. It's cold and flu season.这是个感冒、流感肆虐的季节。
2. My nose is running.我的鼻涕直流。
3. This cough won't go away.这咳嗽就是好不了。
4. So many bugs are going around.到处都是细菌啊。
5. Don't touch that; it's full of germs.别碰那个,上面都是细菌。
6. A cold can turn into bronchitis.感冒有可能转变成支气管炎。
7. The body needs fresh air to stay healthy.要呼吸新鲜空气才能保持健康。
8. What are your symptoms?你都有什么症状?
9. Rug up.穿暖和点。
10. I've got the chills.我怕冷。
11. You need a warm bed and a bottle of hot water .你需要一个温暖的被窝和一瓶热水。
12. Avoid draughts.不要被风吹到。
13. I've got a really bad sore throat.我喉咙真的疼的很厉害。
14. Gargle with some water.用盐水漱口。
15. My allergies are flaring up.我的过敏症加重了。
16. Autumn is a bad time for my asthma.秋天对我的哮喘很不利。
17. Sounds like nasal congestion to me.你听起来是鼻塞了。
18. Get to the doctor immediately.赶快去看医生吧。
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