供稿单位:互联网 原创作者:2015新航道权威讲师 责编:新航道小编
Part 1
1. Name
2. Work and Study
3. Major
4. Hometown
5. Accommodation
6. School and Subject
1. Clothes
2. Colour
3. Shopping
4. Friends
5. Housework
6. Sleeping
7. Music
8. Teacher
9. Public holidays
10. Being punctual
11. Time management
12. Leisure Time
13. TV programs
1. Sky 喜欢看天空吗,为什么,什么地方适合看天空,喜欢白天看还是晚上看
2. Handwriting 喜欢手写吗,为什么,你的手写如何,手写的优缺点,手写可以看出一个人的性格吗
3. Tree 你居住地有什么树,树多好吗,中国有什么森林你去过吗,你爬过树吗
4. Museum 喜欢去博物馆吗,博物馆应该免费吗, 学校应该组织学生去博物馆吗
5. Ads 喜欢看广告吗,身边常见什么类型广告,因为广告而消费过什么商品吗
6. Collection 喜欢收藏东西吗,是什么,收藏是好习惯吗,为什么
7. Natural place 去过大自然吗,比如山边或海边
8. Mail or Letter 喜欢写信还是邮件,喜欢打电话还是邮件,经常收到邮件吗,什么样的信件不好写
9. Concentration 学习的时候喜欢热闹还是安静的地方,你善于集中注意力吗,当有干扰时如何集中注意力,你小时候注意力集中吗
10. Reading 喜欢阅读吗,读什么书,喜欢在什么地方读书,喜欢早晨还是傍晚读,为什么
11. Planning 喜欢做计划吗,计划重要吗,设定目标重要吗
Part 2
1.Describe someone you know who is a good cook
2.Describe a person you have met who you think is beautiful or handsome
3.Describe a friend you know who is a good leader
4.Describe a singer or band that you enjoyed listening to
5.Describe a sportsman who did well in the match
6.Describe an old man you respect
7.Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up
8.Describe a famous person in other country
1.Describe a place you stayed for a short time
2.Describe a place you visited that is full of colour
3.Describe a historical place the you visited
4.Describe a place near water
5.Describe an unusual building you have visited
1. Describe a good photo of you
2. Describe a handmade gift you made for your friend or family
3. Describe a vehicle you want to buy
4. Describe something special you want to buy in the future
5. Describe something you borrowed from others
6. Describe a toy you had in your childhood
7. Describe an useful APP on mobile/computer/tablet
8. Describe an interesting website you have visited
1. Describe a situation when others didn’t tell you the whole truth
2. Describe a piece of advice you were given
3. Describe an interesting conversation you had with someone
4. Describe a situation when you had to spend a long time in a traffic jam
5. Describe a time when you had to wait for someone
6. Describe an ambition you had in the future
7. Describe a good habit a friend has that you would like to develop
8. Describe a time when you had to be friendly to someone you dislike or hate
9. Describe something you did with a group of people
10. Describe a prize you would like to win
11. Describe a meal you invited others to your home or restaurant
12. Describe a project you did as part of your study
13. Describe an important job in your country
14. Describe a situation when you receive good services
15. Describe something you did that was a waste of time
16. Describe something you want to learn but you can’t learn it now
17. Describe a subject you didn’t like before but have interests now
18. Describe a happy family event in your childhood
19. Describe a pleasant surprise you had
20. Describe an exciting sport you do
21. Describe an occasion when you were lost
1. Describe a TV or radio program that you talk about with your family or friends
2. Describe a piece of good news from TV or internet
3. Describe a film you wan to watch again
4. Describe a song you remember well in your childhood
5. Describe a book you recently read
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