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2015年05月07日 04:31
供稿单位:互联网   原创作者:2015新航道权威讲师   责编:新航道小编



所谓变题,不是彻底地革新,研究表明,很多旧题会被保留,其中1月新出的题5月几乎确定还会继续被考,所以,如果幸运女神肯垂青你,也许你被问到的那个题你已经演练过很多回,那么,在这样的情况下还败走麦城的话,只能怪自己不用心了。以下题目请各位一定提前准备:a subject you didn’t like before but have interest in now, an old person you respect, a piece of advice someone gave you, an occasion when you helped others, a famous person you like, a piece of good  news from TV or internet, a place you stayed for a short time that you want to go to again, a place with water you enjoyed visiting, a happy family event when you were a child, a surprise you got that made you happy, an occasion when you got lost, a historical city you’ve been to, an unusual building you visited, a place you remember which was full of colors, something you really want to buy in the future, a vehicle you want to have in future, an ambition that you haven’t achieved yet, something you do to keep healthy, an exciting sport you know, a song you remember from childhood, a toy in your childhood, an interesting thing you learnt from internet, someone you know that is good at cooking, an occasion when you were friendly to someone you disliked, a situation when others didn’t tell you the whole truth, a film you want to watch again

其次,假如你的口语考试没有被提前你应该庆幸,因为你可以通过网络获知新题。你可能会觉得没有足够的时间去做一些相应的准备,其实不然。事实证明,绝大多数新题其实只是改头换面重出江湖而已,要知道,出新题这种事是要耗费大量的脑细胞的,所以我们在看到新题的时候不是依据事实或者个人经历去想答案,相反,我们应该想一下它是不是跟我们准备过的某个旧题有关系,如此一来,事情就容易了很多。举个例子,一个新题是a small successful company,一个公司能够成功原因其实有很多,漫无边际地想这个题就很复杂,对照旧题你会发现,它跟a situation when you received a good service from a shop or company颇有渊源,于是,这个题就迎刃而解了。以下是部分从网络上找到的新题,大家可以参照我刚才所说的方法提前想一下思路,实在不行的话再另作打算。A person you felt surprised to see, a person who speaks another language well, a person you know who dresses well, a place you go to relax, a special trip you want to have in future, a photo or painting in your family that you like, a place where you can read or write (not your home), an educational activity or trip organized by school, a small successful company, a team you joined in, an indoor game you enjoy (not sport), a gift for others that took you long time to prepare, a series of educational TV programs, something you want to learn more, a situation when you and your friend had a disagreement, something a child did that made you laugh, an occasion when you got up extremely early, a paid job someone had, a change that will improve your local area



