供稿单位:互联网 原创作者:2015新航道权威讲师 责编:新航道小编
high middle ages
经历了一段时期的低迷以后,欧洲的经济重新复苏,原因有1000 年的世界末曰并没有到来,人们更optimistic.人口增多耕地增多之类的。然后这也增加了对goods 的需求,所以那些交通便利的城市就重新获得活力。这个时期就是Italy 是最主要的一个推动经济发展城
市。它和个城市都有交通联系,就像一个贸易中心。譬如Flanders 就用从Italy 运来的
textile 制成cloth,这成为一个重要的运输商品。还有一个就是merchants 聚集的guilds 对
origins of atmosphere and ocean 最早的时候地球上既没有ocean 也没有atmosphere,是地球内部的运动和陨石的撞击形成。Steam 通过冷却形成水,说是火山喷发什么的会夹杂着steam nitrogen oxygen hydrogen 等等,等着气温下降水气凝结形成pool,但是后来有说存在一种rock 里面的水比所有sea 的水加起来还要更多,但是似乎往外释放的很慢,不足以说明地球上水为啥这么多ocean 中的一些化学物质和地球的mantle 并不相符,所以就推论有可能有部分是from beyond.
brains of birds
对与鸟类来说,头跟身体的比例偏大,比恐龙对身体比例大,于是鸟就为了保持飞行不受阻力develop —种能力,某些脑细胞需要的时候再长出来,不需要的时候就变小以保证头的大小的重量是,距离northern 的一种sing birds 他们的一种控制唱歌的脑细胞,在春天比在冬天大,冬天的时候,脑袋里面有其他组织会更大,占据剩余空间。另一段说鸟的大脑跟人的一样,有个L 的功能,就是左脑右脑控制不同的行为,举小鸭当例子,左脑区分食物和非食物,右脑注意没见过的新事物和敌人。
最后说很多sing bird 右脑控制歌词小细节,左脑统筹整首歌,来区别歌声是同类还是异类。
蝎子有六对眼睛,因此视角很广,其中有一对复眼,复眼看的没有主要的眼睛清楚,但是能辨别光线的变化(这里有考题)。蝎子的眼睛有自我保护功能,光线强烈时会分泌一种色素,这种色素会沈淀在视网膜(忘了是不是视网膜,反正就是cover 住眼睛了)上起到遮蔽强光的作用(这里有考题)。并且蝎子能看到紫外线,而且独特的外骨骼能在紫外线下发光(这里有考题:summary 题),这有助于它们彼此联络。科学家利用这点,可以通过紫外线仪找到蝎子。蝎子能感知多方位的「入侵者」,还因为它脚上有很敏感的震动感受器,如果来者在地面上活动,可以通过两脚震动到达先后的不同判断来者的方位(这里有考题);如果是空中飞行的昆虫,蝎子依旧可以通过某个方法感知「入侵者」。所以说蝎子是捕食者,它通常守在原地等待食物上钩,并且蝎子很少用毒刺()
【内容】一开始是1730 年糖店里就已经有refined sugar 和brown sugar 卖,
那时大部分糖都是由出糖地自己制糖。第二段说具体的制糖工艺(这里有考题:句子插入题),然后有一种物质,通过加多加少来改变brown 的深浅。然后1850 年技术进步之后制造refined sugar 相对简单了,但是虽然糖更好了,人们却习惯brown sugar 来做蛋糕饼干之类,所以brown sugar 价格也没下降(这里有考题),但是因为机器价格降低和糖商抱
silent film and synchronous sound
为了synchronous sound 改进的system 有什么缺陷
Atmosphere of venus,现在地球上水多,大气层相对稀薄,金星上大气层厚的多。提出的假设,很久以前金星和地球有同样的大气构造,金星上也有水the atmosphere of venus is very hot and thick。提出假设,在形成初期可能和地球成分相似,都含有大量水,但是离太阳距离太近,水蒸发了。连二氧化碳都能因为高压从石灰石中跑出来,温室效应更强了。
考了某个地方craft people 等一些职业等级制度hierarchy,
这个制度后来发展得很严格,有很细的规定,每个guild 都有master 管理,但是master 位置不多,所以想往上爬的apprentice 竞争很激烈,但是这个制度可以给guild 里成员提供很好的service,也能保证工艺品高质量。
soil formation 有parent material 什么的,不同因素如climate, time,地形,植被等几点原因
品的装饰,然后接着讲他们做的basket,好像是拿来装木头的东西,native american 也有做,
然后shakers 根据native american 的basket加以改造,加上一些line 或是feather 之类的,
总之就是提升实用性加强底部因为底部最容易毁损,可以在冰上滑,还有用blackash 的wood
编后来有白色的因为跟其他文明交流,提到三件是会去其他地方travel 会交流编织技术。
2. 关于how marine animal sleep的。举了dolphin的例子,说dolphin的大脑是分左右2 parts,交替工作,因为每隔2 hours他们需要去surface换气,这种脑的机制让它们即使在sleep中也能潜意识去surface换气,并且有助于它们alert,防predator(有题),infant dolphin需要去surface换气more often,然后需要keep moving因为if they stay motionless,temperature会降(有题)。
3. 文艺复兴时期现实主义画派(Renaissance realism)的各种特点,体三种。 分析了文艺复兴绘画中的现实主义。文艺复兴绘画中的现实主义可以分为三种,expressive,domestic,deceptive,这三个其实是大相径庭的概念。expressive是指绘画务求真实,要真的像照片一样,这种倾向在其他时期都有,但只有19世纪某流派的艺术家完全符合这个要求。文艺复兴时期很多艺术家恰恰不满足这个条件,他们会修改人物肖像或者室内环境,来实现“inner truth”。domestic是指绘画转而画一些普通、日常的内容,这在文艺复兴时期的小说中也有体现,虽然以后各时期都有domestic realism但是在文艺复兴时期这是开创性的内容。最后deceptive,就是指文艺复兴时期的绘画往往要创造一种假象,想在二维的绘画上创造出三维空间的假象。
5. psychology,其实是讲动物的,黑板上有个词hippopotamus,一开始讲了bats的hearing和vision,然后还讲了bird,crow的实验。
6. 现在的核反应都是 fission,然而fusion 更好没有放射性,只是苦于没有方法。 有一个图,画的是 cold fusion能量发展的实验(四周是一个皿,里面放的是低温的氘,把钯棒放进去之后通入能量就可以产生更多的能量,说白了就是给个活化能)。有两个疑似电极的东西浸在与海水相近的溶液里(有题),也有提到低温发电的好处等等,一直讲解溶液的内容,然后提到这样的发电既不稳定又不能预测,之后的科学家无法重复这个实验。于是认为他是个 junk,所以完全不可行,还是只能依赖核能,直到 Isaiah把Cr39 ,一种能探测中子的物质放了进去,证明了里面的确有核反应进行,可以记录到底有没有 fission,但是批评家们说有可能是原来就有中子在里面,说这个 CR39会被污染导致数据不准确,结果后来好像有科学家发现什么 error,所以又要re-examine 这个实验,最后教授表示说,这表示这种发电还是有可研究性,不是 junk(有题)。
1. 女生去见一个管理者,说自己演朱丽叶她妈,然后戏服太大。结果发现她错拿了另外一女人的衣服,因为她俩名字就差一个字母(多选题,选she took it by mistake 和 her name is similar to another girl in that play)。学生问可不可以重量尺寸让他们修改,管理者说不行,要看她试穿才可以。然后他们商量时间,女生今天下午有课,晚上要去听她roommate的在合唱团的表演(有题,问为什么这女生提到合唱团,选explain where she will be tonight)。然后男的管理者说明早10点见面帮她解决。
3. 表演课,老师讲戏剧和电影的差别。先是说他自己年轻就是个演员,曾经演了一部戏被一个agent(有题,问这个agent是一个什么样的人,选项有 doesn't know the actor's monologue; like to work with new actors or poor judge of acting ability),说you are acting being yourself,老师以前觉得很气馁,但是后来觉得这是对他表演的评价,因为他悟出了“的表演是要自然到忘记自己是在表演这个真谛”(有题,问老师对那个agent态度的转变。我选confused to respected)。然后说舞台上的表演与电影里在camera前表演区别很大,电影编辑可以把演员表现的部分剪辑起来,可是舞台剧都是一次通过。
1. 男生找老师,老师先说你的音乐剧表演得真好,男生说谢谢啊,其实我今天来就是想转到音乐剧系的,可是我现在是acting major的。老师说,你都学了那些core course课程了(有题,问为什么这么说)。然后学生说,我真心想来,老师说,那你就先去上网注册吧(有题,问学生要先干嘛)。然后重听题,男生说“你看,我都已经是这个学院的了,会不会make a difference?”(选D. 学生想要得到一些增加录取的机会)。
4. 有个学生和教授讨论一本侦探小说以及其对后来小说的影响。提到了Edgar Ellen Poe爱伦坡的detective侦探小说,对后期同类小说有很大影响(有题)。还说每个侦探都有副手,考了这个副手在小说中的作用(双选)。
1. 音乐系女生要找地方练习final exam,说在宿舍里练,舍友抱怨(有题,为什么来找老师),然后老师建议她到一个什么艺术楼里面联系,她说她早上晚上都去,但是下午温度太高太热了(有题,问为什么她下午不去)。然后两个人讲了一堆final考试的format(有题,考试内容是什么),然后老师说楼下有一个地下室,以前有人在那里练习过,问女生去不去,女生说好的。老师说但是他要先找到钥匙key,找到以后女生就可以立即去练习了(有题),最后快结束的时候,老师说某演出有一个Actress位子给她,女生愿意去表演(有题,我选perform on the show)。
2. 歌剧历史 关于莎士比亚时期global theater reconstruction的课,主要说怎么仿造设计更合理,才能更真实的还原剧场。前面说设计上和swan theatre应该差不多,因为都是一个人设计的,说了他们的特点等等,剧院应该有多大。后来又说关于另一个设计恢复这个theatre的想法,还有为什么。然后说建筑师从一些那个时代的文学作品中找到关于那个剧院样子的描述,然后试着恢复,建立计算器模型仿真该怎么建设才能更像。说了怎么合理控制光线进入剧院,可以调节光线,有利于表演等等。大体意思就是用尽各种方法仿造的新剧场尽量做到如实还原剧场。
2. 考古课。女老师说了现在考古学考证存在的问题。主要是因为样本太小,但是却试图generalize(有题,文章主旨)。举了两个例子。首先说一种石头画,主要在山洞里发现。其实并不代表石头画就只在山洞里存在。只是因为山洞的条件有利于保存这些画(有题),可能古人也在户外的石头上作画,但是由于暴露在户外,没有保存下来。另外一个例子就是女人小雕像,从土里挖出来的。女人小雕像的材料是由象牙只做的。但是由于这种土特别能保存象牙这种材料,所以才被人发现(有题),有可能女人小雕像也有用木头做的,但是木头太容易腐烂不能保存至今。
6. 艺术课:老师主要讲早期电影的特点。老师先提问,为什么电影经久不衰,有个小姑娘很诧异,这有什么好问的,不是很明显,电影好看啊(有题,问小女孩的态度)。然后老师介绍这种黑白无声电影有以下一些特点。首先非常短,大概只有一两分钟。由于他非常短,所以一般就是类似记录,不是story telling(有题)。但是又有别于纪录片(有题,问关于早期电影和纪录片的区别。因为两者长短不同)。还有个特点就是便宜,那个时候刚刚城市化,大家很容易就去看,但是去剧院看现场秀就比较贵。还有因为它短,大家不用花一个晚上的时间去看。
3. Business management 一个商店要想成功要有独特性,意即不是高质量高价格,就是低质量低价格,不能走中间路线。还说高品质不论是低价格也好还是高价格都比低质量要profitable,还说这个理念应该让公司每个员工都知道。关键要给消费者一种 image of your company,当你想到(比方说一个超市,就会想到它独特的高质量的商品但是价格仅仅是一般商品的价格,这样uniqueness很重要),商家们为了得到消费者的青睐,通常采用两种定价策略high price---high quality或者 low price---low quality,但是那些moderate price---moderate quality的定价策略反而没用。反而那些定价高/质量高或者定价低/质量低的商家更加有利可图。
4. 一个学生和老师开始的时候谈一个希腊戏剧,它特别在于只有那么一个现存的古代戏剧是当时社会事件作为背景的,其他可能也有但是失传了。然后学生说老师我不喜欢它,可你下周要讲它,老师说我们会预习过一遍,而且这是syllabus里的东西,你一定要来,这里提到了一个supertitle。最后学生说我不喜欢的主要原因是语言不通。老师说你不是看过某戏剧吗,学生说是啊,它是俄罗斯语的我也不会,但是一开始时有点不舒服后来就很投入了(有重听题,问学生这话是什么意思,意思是他也可能喜欢上那个Greek的戏剧)。
2. 讲地球模型crust,mantle,core(有题)。说了mantle,core里面是高温高压,某些物质会有很有趣的变化,然后就用水做例子。接着说crust可以直接观察,但是mantle,core就不能,因为里面高温高压,就要用其他方法来测定,文章是用了实验室模拟。用一个d**(屏幕会有)的方法模拟高压,因为那个技术用于切割钻石时也是用高压集中一小块面积来切。高温用laser模拟。最后一次偶遇,拿了mantle的crystal,说之后科学家可以对照样本和实验室得到的东西做出一些结论(有题)。
1. 一个学生跑去问老师一个问题,课堂上提到的 Utah洲经济崩溃后来又兴起,这个可以做她的 research paper topic(主旨题 :学生为什么找教授;题目:为什么Utah 引起学生兴趣,答案:经济经历了崩溃后来又兴起)。其中讲到为什么这个地方经济崩溃的原因,有两个原因(有双选题 :采挖银矿成本增加;国家经济活动低迷)。然后因为改建成 ski resort又兴起了,教授说不是所有的mining小镇都是因为改建成度假胜地然后再兴起,提到加州的波迪,是因为old building,大家对history感兴趣才又发展(有题,教授为什么提到加州小镇,答案:举例说明不是改建成 ski resort而生存下来的小镇)。最后建议学生怎么找材料(有三选题 :找手的资料;针对特定小镇找事件的 detail;把当时美国整体的情况考虑进去)。
5. Art 讲如何利用一些技术来区分原作与copy。开始解释如何利用分辨stylelist来区分,但是这个太难,为什么难(有题目)。接着讲利用判断画板木头材料的年龄来区分。原作肯定要比copy早。其中解释了一大段怎么判断,好像还满重要的,有讲到怎么看那个年龄早(有题目)。然后举了一个例子,人们怎么区分其中一幅画是原作(意图是什么,有题目)。接着讲了另外一种技术infra…reaction用一种光去看画中,作者所打的草图。一个例子中,因为原作的草图很仔细,copy 草图很水,则判断出哪个是copy(有题目
4. professor把个学生叫到办公室。老师说,你来了,我发现你的paper中的文献有问题,缺乏可信度,问同学你从哪弄来的这些。 同学说,我从网上找的。老师说,我看了看又些理论跟学校中的文献相对立,你引用的xxx的言论,我也查了,他完全是因为商业盈利而发表的理论,根本不可取(有题,问what can we learn from the teacher about the xxx就是这所谓的理论家?答案:他们往往consider profits,选他们只以商业营销为目的的选项)。 学生说,好,我把那些都换了。然后又说,我想跟您讨论关于我paper选题发电机(turbine)的事,问了一下海浪式发电机的原理,是否与风力发电机一样。老师说基本一样,除了海浪式是水平式的叶片。学生说他一开始找了很多种,研究它们对环境影响。老师觉得主题有些大,学生说那我就研究海上的,他们对环境带来的不良影响,可能会杀死海里的动物。而原先的研究都是研究这个怎么好,我要研究它的不好的影响老师说这个还不错,说很多new technology的东西都在环境中留下footprint(有题,问老师对于new technology的态度。答案:老师觉得new technology留下的许多影响,但从未被人证实,此处老师是中立态度)。然后老师又说你要研究这个可以,但是还是宽泛了,老师说你要缩小范围。然后老师举例,说了两个地方(挪威)的海上发电机要学生重点研究(有题,问老师给学生两个海上发电机的例子是为什么?答案:narrow the topic)。
1. 学生想去一个保护 leather back turtle 的 program,想要申请 funding,但奖学金一个月前已经截止了,而且只有艺术和音乐项目。问了他的老师在那个项目里面研究什么,还有之后推荐了两个机构,有一个 list什么的(有题) 。然后还有最后那个人给他推荐了个地方(有题) 。
2.一个学生写 paper,关于什么 log 运输的的, (有一个排序题,就是说 log 导致了铁路运输什么的那个顺序)
Student seek advise on research paper - impact of automobile on manufacturing...I think the prof worry that the student might not have enough sources (got question) later the student change it to the impact of technology on Lumber industry got question on donkey engine (should be the steam engine for logging)
There is a progression of how technology impact on Lumber industry - steam logging, demand more log, build railway, (got question)
Also, the impact of railroad on lumber (got question):
1) Increase cost as rail needs to be built deeper inside forest
3. 女学生去找教授谈论 opera comique
女学生想问问 opera comique 的特征。原来的意图是喜剧,但是后来越来越加入严肃的东西。 i.e. 卡门是comique, 但是个严肃的悲剧,老师就来解释这个原因。
4. 好像是某个文艺复兴时期的 artist 的作画的两个方法什么的:讲的是一个人,他画的鸟有画,说他其实画的时候把自己看做一个 scientist 什么的 (有题) ,然后说他 copy 很多画家的作品(好像有教授态度题),后面就说他一堆作画方法什么的(有题) 。
Art during Renaissance period -focus on method use to present the realism and naturalism of art during Renaissance period - Why Leone Alberti or Michael Angelo (dont remember) are considered Renaissance artist - coz he knows lots of things - art, music, etc (got question) The type of method use to draw portraits/sculptures (might be wrong) :1st method) one side will differ from other side, like right hand against left leg (bended) to give a real movement. (Note: there is a term called "contropposto" -not important but got question asking why such appearance- I choose to provide realistic movement. Also talking about they draw the portrait and focusing the proportion of head and body- how they study anatomy of body as measurement to avoid the head being too big or too small; 2nd method) by Leone Alberti: 3D perspectives--something to do with drawing straight lines and the image you draw will create a 3D illussion.(got question on this)
5. 壁画
Signs found on cave painting that wasn't focused by previous researches (the main topics-got questions) since they only focus on the drawings
There are few pictures appear: dots, hands etc. Note: there is a slang mentioned by prof (got question) - I think it means the previous research overlook the importance on the signs symbol at cave painting. A small oval in large oval - indicates (sorry forgot)
Are those signs considered as early writing? Sumerian- the 1st writing system. The combination of dots and handwriting results in (got question) - i choose new meaning.
The signs in cave found in Northern Europe also appeared in Northern Africa-why? 'coz the early people from Africa might have migrated to Europe but still use the same sign. Qs by student: impossible. Prof said it's possible 'coz 2 continents were joined together and separated due to tetonic plates pressure (Got Questions)
6. 黑钻石
Stephen Haggerty- theory that the black diamonds are from outer space - the meteorite that falls into earth, only found in Brazil and Central Africa.
Features of black diamond (have Qs):
-small pores, rough surface
-older than those other diamonds (OMG- i choose younger hahaha..)
-hydrogen element....
The prof attitude with the theory that the black diamond is from outer space (got Question)
110813 CN
S1 As we are facing serious environmental problems, what suggestions would you give on how to save our planet?
101121 CN
S2 Some students prefer to work on difficult assignments early in the morning. Others prefer to do this type of work in the evening. Which do you prefer and why?
100613 CN
S2 When you have questions, do you prefer to ask advisor for help orsearch it through internet or library? Why?
111020 CN
S1 What are some important effects of the worldwide availability of the Internet on modern people’s life? Use specific details and examples to support your response?
131011 NA
S1 Which campus improvement do you suggest your school to invest in? Swimming pool, cafeteria or dormitory. Please give specific reasons to support your opinion.
130927 NA
S2 Do you agree that parents put more pressure on students in school than ever before?
130215 NA
S1 Among the following three activities, which do you think has the most benefits for students? 1. A field trip 2. A home tutoring session 3. A presentation given by a local leader
080119 CN
S1 Describe which kind of skills you are good at and why it's important to you? Such as painting, sporting.
131005 NA
S2 Which do you think is the more important quality for someone to be successful, taking risks or making safe decisions? Please give your reasons.
130223 NA
S1 What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating in a fast-food restaurant? Please include specific reasons and details in your response.
130907 NA
S2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to run a successful business, a person needs to be friendly and outgoing.
100117 CN
S1 Talk about a time when someone (your friends, family or teachers) gave you advice to solve the problem.
130322 NA
S1 If you have a chance to study a form of art, which one would you like to learn? Sculpture, portrait painting or landscape painting. Please explain your choice with specific details.
131207 NA
S2 Here are two jobs with equal amount of time and pay. One you need to work with other employees in a group and the other requires you to work individually. Which do you prefer?
110619 CN
S1 Describe a skill you have already learned and want to improve. Describe what you plan to do to improve it.
130308 NA
S1 Your friend studies in a business school now, but he likes playing musical instrument. What suggestion would you give to your friend? To keep studying business or to learn to play music?
131019 NA
S1 If you can have a part-time job at the university, what position would you choose? A lab assistant, a campus tour guide, or a library assistant? Please give specific reasons.
121013 CN
S2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A good school must have many textbooks. Please include specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
131122 NA
S1 Talk about what you like to do during your spare time. Give specific reasons and details in your explanation.
101128 CN
S2 Some people prefer to watch entertainment programs on TV. While others prefer to watch educational programs on TV. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.
071208 CN
S1 Describe a special gift you gave to someone else. Explain why it is a special gift?
120118 NA
S1 Which of the following do you think is the most important for maintaining good health? Doing exercises, eating healthy food, or going to bed early?
130927 NA
S3 Reading: University theater is planning to prohibit eating food in the stadium.Reason 1: eating is a distraction to other members in the show, and avoid eating increase the experience.Reason 2: students don't bring the waste out of the stadium- forget to dispose.
Listening: The woman agrees with the notice.Reason 1: Noise. Someone eats popcorn and distracts her.Reason 2: Dirty. Someone leaves the popcorn box in the stadium.
S4 Reading: Definition: Facial feedback, we believe that our emotion causes our facial expression. But it is not true. It is our facial expression determines how we feel.
Listening: The professor gives an example of an experiment. He gives out the same math problem to two groups of students. Everything is the same except one. He asks students in Group A to smile in the experiment, and asks students in Group B to present frown and other unhappy faces in the experiment. As a result, students in group A say they enjoy the math, while students in group B say they are tortured.
S5 Problem: The woman is planning to move out of campus and she has found an apartment to share with her original roommate, but the apartment is too expensive and she can't afford it.
Solutions: 1. Ask her roommate to find someone new to share the apartment with her.Con: Difficult to find a new partner for the roommate within such a limited period of time.Solution 2: Get a part-time job in a restaurant.Con: Time-consuming, she may not have enough time to study or socialize with her friends.
111020 CN
S5 Problem: 女生把自己的钥匙忘在了宿舍is locked out of room because her key is inside the room,她又着急写paper.
Solutions: 女生自己说出两个解决方案:方案1、她可以到图书馆library to read some material for her research。但是,她发现most of her relevant stuff are in the dormitory。方案2、可以找她的roommate and get key from her roommate。但she is afraid to interrupt her roommate due to her roommate is in the process of rehearsal.
S6 Lecture: 动物长途迁徙靠两种方法导航During long distance immigration, animals navigate by two ways:方法1、by star: Ducks(野鸭)fly at night. Stars help them to distinguish their own flying way. 方法2、by smell: Salmons(大马哈鱼)track unique scent released by plants or something in the river to get to specific sites for laying eggs. Another way that animals can use to navigate themselves is using stars. For example, Salmons track unique scent released by plants or something in the river to get to specific sites for laying eggs.
131207 NA
S3 Reading: Reading: Announcement: The University is going to cancel its lecture series. Reason 1: Low students' attendance rates. Reason 2: Too expensive to pay for the professors' housing.
Listening: The man disagrees. Reason 1: He personally has a good time there, the real problem is the advertising, the university only puts the information on its website and not too many students get to see it: what the university should do is to hang out posters which can be seen everywhere on campus. Reason 2: The University can use the empty dorms to accommodate the professors instead of arranging them in hotels.
S4 Reading: Definition: Appeasement behavior are the ones animals perform to avoid fight and ask for peace to make sure no harm can be occurred.
Listening: Example: Wolf packs are gregarious, they share food and hunt together, but if a strong wolf takes food from others, the one that gets angry will want to fight. But instead of fighting, it will lower its head and flat its fur, this is an appeasement behavior and the stronger wolf will let it go.
S5 Problem: The man has got a prize for his outstanding term paper and he's going to have a dinner with the university president, but he doesn't know what to wear.
Solutions: Solution 1: Wear suit. Problem不记得了。Conclusion: He doesn't have one and he doesn't have time to buy one either. Solution 2: Wear casual clothes.
Con: He's not sure if it's okay.
S6 Lecture: Two survey methods. Example 1: Unstructured method, these are usually open-ended questions that don't really look for specific information, questions like what you want the government do to improve our city. Example 2: Structured method, these are usually close-ended questions that look for specific information, questions like choose from the three to improve our city: building more bicycle trails, building more parks and planting more trees.
130322 NA
S3学生写了一封信提议学校Improve library,集中两个方面,一个是增加可以查书的电脑;另一个是add faculties
男生表示很支持。很多学生在图书馆发邮件做research, 要排队才能用上电脑look up books.第二 这些falcuties都是学生可以增加工作机会。
S4 developmental response就是植物可以调整自己适应环境的改变。教授举了pine trees作为例子。这种树可以长在阴凉地方或者sunny place。长在阴凉地方,SOIL湿,就不需要发达extended roots system去生存。长在阳光好的地方,土地干,需要发达的根系汲取充足的水分。
S6 restricted codes,就是same group的人可以用很少的话语就可以让彼此意会。方面是share same pro knowledge的人用这个。举了医生例子,医生间用很少的的话就可以解释,但是医生和病人间需要更多细节才能明白。第二个没听见走神了。例子是出去picnic食物被goat吃了,以后大家提起简单地提起goat, picnic就笑,很快就明白意思。
100117 CN
S5 Problem: 男生要写Paper,教授推荐他一本书。这本书教授又推荐给了另一个同学,结果那个同学借走了。而图书馆只有一份。
Solutions:女同学跟他说你可以在网上买个,yet the man student thinks that it is too expansive,女生说没准其他科目也用得上呢?第二个解决方案,找那个学生一起看。男生说他问过了,但那个学生说她看完了才借给他。但这个paper下周就交了,等不了。
S6 Lecture: Two basic sculpture making approach: subtractive and additive. Subtractive approach removes things from the raw material, for example: wood and stone. It allows no experiment and mistake. If you made a head and don’t satisfied with the nose you cannot change. Addictive approach: make sculpture by adding things together. E.g. add clay to make sculpture, Advantage allow you to change and make experiment. And you can make mistake. If you made a head and don’t satisfied with the nose you can change. You can remove the previous one and add a new until you satisfied.
080105 CN
S3 Reading: university decision: no parking of first year undergraduate student to reduce traffic problem.
Listening: The man doesn’t agree, because there are 8,500(85? 不确定,偏向85人) freshmen applying for school parking. The decision won't resolve the traffic problem. University should build new parking lots. For example, there is an empty space behind football playground.
S4 Reading: extinction to ignore people repeated behavior. 意思是行为得不到reward就会停止,最后消失。
Listening: 妈妈带小孩儿到grocery,小孩儿一看到cookie就大哭不止,妈妈怕丢人妥协买了cookie;以后小孩儿还会这样;妈妈为了让小孩儿停止这种坏习惯,在小孩儿哭得时候,ignore him, allow him crying;以后就不这样了。
S6 Lecture: 关于商业管理。创业企业需要经济支持,所以要去找投资商。之前要准备两份材料:business plan和executive summary 计划书:可能像书一样厚,包括计划,人员组成等所有投资商想看到的信息。仅有它是不够的概要:计划书可能太多了,大多数投资商都很忙,只有时间看概要,来决定是否要看计划书。概要一定要能吸引人的注意力。例子:一个朋友,作办公家具的,以前他有计划书,但是从来没有人去读它,后来通过概要,越来越多人看了他的计划书给他投资。
130308 NA
调整1 增加一些新的设施(equipment),比如自行车(bicycle)
调整2 延长gym在晚上的开馆时间
有一个男生对新的调整很欢迎,他以前经常去,后来不去gym了,原因是因为很多人排队等锻炼的设施,等待的时间太长,不值得去(not worth going),现在增加设施就好多了。
还有很多学生白天都忙着上课(having classes)和做家庭作业(homework),他们只有晚上完成作业才能去gym,现在延长晚上的时间很好。
S5 话说一个男生碰到了一个问题,他很喜欢的历史课从下午被挪到了晚上上,他喜欢这个课,因为课上会讲很多他感兴趣的tradition和technology。
遗憾的是他是校篮球队(basketball team)的队员, 他打篮球很好,但是篮球是在晚上打的,有冲突,如果你来选,你怎么选,放弃课程(drop the class)或者退出篮球队 (BTW, quit the team 会让其他组员失望disappointed)
S6 讨论沙漠(desert)中的植物如何在强风中生存(survive); 表面长满刺,减少对风的阻力,或者快速生长,防止风吹沙子把自己埋住。
举了两个例子,1. 叫cacua的植物,会长出很多hair,这些hair能够帮助它们牢牢的抓住地面(grip the ground), 并且保持湿润。2 叫heion的植物,它可以快速生长,防止自己被埋在沙子里面。
130713 NA
1.Which is the most important for you to choose a living space? Living in an area not expansive, living close to relatives, living in an area with many shops and restaurants.
130913 NA
2.Many high school students are doing a lot of school work already. Some people believe that students should help their parents with household chores, since it’s the best way to give them a sense of responsibility.
3.Do you agree or disagree: People living in small villages are more satisfied with their life than those who live in cities.
140125 NA top
6.Do you agree or disagree that parents should make suggestion to the teacher if parents find the teaching method is not right?
120728 CN
7.Some jobs can pay high salaries but require employees to leave their family and friends. Some jobs pay few salaries but allow employees staying with family and friend. Which job do you prefer? Why?
110108 CN top
8.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The food we ate in the past was healthier than the food we eat today.
130928 NA
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Society benefits more from works of great artists than from political leaders.
140111 NA
Some people think that athletes and entertainers should become politicians, while other people think that athletes and entertainers should not be involved in politics. Which do you prefer and why?
140125 NA
Do you agree or disagree that parents should make suggestion to the teacher if parents find the teaching method is not right?
130713 NA
Which is the most important for you to choose a living space? Living in an area not expansive, living close to relatives, living in an area with many shops and restaurants.
130913 NA
Many high school students are doing a lot of school work already. Some people believe that students should help their parents with household chores, since it’s the best way to give them a sense of responsibility.
140525 CN
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to relax by a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercise.
131220 NA
Should government spend money on the construction of public parks or build a sport field for students?
140419 CN
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order for a business to be successful, it must put more money into advertising.
110709 CN
1.Reading:The article introduced a kind of plant which called GM (GeneModification) crop. It has three major benefits:
1.It is good for the environment because it has the resist-gene. Using GMcrop can reduce the use of pesticide.
2.It can help poor farmers around the world. GM crop can also have goodyield in dry season which will profit the farmer.
3.GM plant can add missing nutrients for people in specific area. Forexample people eating a lot rice lack of Vitamin A, so GM rice which had added Vitamin A in it can help people gain what they missed.
Listening:The lecture totally disagreed in those three aspects:
1.If the resist-gene is got by the wild crop, it will grow out of control whichbrings more damage to the environment.
2.Those GM crop cannot help farmers economically because they need tobuy those GM seeds every year instead of using the seeds they got from the last season. It is more costly.
3.The Vitamin A added in the rice is not enough. The more efficient way todeal with this problem is encouraging those people eating more vegetable like sweet potato.
130825 CN
Reading: 有个作品一直认为是古董的,后来发现是米开朗基罗forge的
1. 他以前伪造过可能再伪造;
2. 他有个画和这个作品很像;
3. 他为了多赚钱造假。
Listening: 反对:
1. 伪造是很早发生的事情,后来大家都认为他又能力,没必要再伪造了;
2. 相像可能是巧合还是有不少地方不一样的;
3. 造假太冒险了,没必要
131019 NA
Wind turbines can be used.
1 built on sites,not interfere with bat’s migratory system.
2 The turbines would shut down at night
3 people would use radars to keep bats away.
Will not solve problem.
1. Turbines need to be built where there is wind such as on mountains. Bats live close to mountains.
2. Tall structures attract bats and it is where they choose to sleep. Bats can sleep in the turbines at night but when the turbines starting working in the daytime, this will alert and harm the bats.
3. Radar can damage bat’s reproductive system.
120203 NA
Reading: Venus上有yellow or golden light被称为Ashen Light,文章解释了3个原因
a) 是Venus和Sun的紫外线radiation作用,氧原子变成氧分子,这个过程产生黄光
b) 是Venus的day side的storm中不规律的flash
c) 是观察的设备或天气原因,可能这现象压根就是幻象
Listening: 这个现象是real phenomenon, 不是幻象
a)这个过程发出的是绿光,instead of yellow or golden light
b)Venus的day side是对着太阳的,但这个现象是被观察到在dark side的,所以不是storm引发的。
c)不同的观察者在不同的时间不同的地点用不同的设备看到的,所以不能说是instruments or weather 的faulty
130322 NA
Reading: mercury牙医用来repair牙齿的一种物质。阅读说应该被禁止。
1. 影响健康。里面有种物质吸收后会影响central nerve system带来一系列病。
3. 可以代替的材料。有很多材料可以代替她,像陶瓷,金什么的。
Listening: 反对:
1. 它只有很少的量被人体吸收。不会带来什么大问题。有些人有问题是他们过敏,然后这种过敏的比例很小。
2. 有一种device, S开头的,可以COLLECT这些solids所以不会带来这些问题。
3. 这种材料持续时间长效果好,其他材料不能代替。像金。太贵了。
130511 CN
Reading: Harappan(一个古代的community) decline 的原因:
1.因为nomadic tribe(游牧)的invade,而且Harappan的painting和其他东西都表明Harappan没有军队。
2.climate change,导致agriculture decline,没有足够的surplus support更多的人口。
Listening: 反对:
2.同时期其他两个community如Egypt和不达米亚也遇到了climate change。但是他们adjust to the environment。他们能够生产出足够的食物来support人口。
3.说Harappan有很sufficient water,而且Harappan在filter water方面很excellent。因此大范围的污染是不可能的。传染病更不能大范围传播。
101030 NA
Reading:美国的Death Valley理300kg的大石头会动(moving stones),有人试着解释:
1. 风吹动的,因为存在关于山谷里有大风的纪录,且天下雨的时候,muddy变得很平,适合让风吹动石头。
2. 地下水晚上结冰,石头就能动了。
3. 人类恶搞的。比如麦田圈就是。
1. 没有风强到能吹到石头,并且给了张照片,石头陷在muddy里,按writer的理论,石头不应该陷下去的。
2. 是沙漠,水根本不够,且温度太高,就算晚上结冰,白天就化了,没法搬动石头。
3. 如果是人干的,那一定会留下痕迹,这种muddy里没有人能做到不留痕迹。而现场既没有人的痕迹,也没有马的痕迹。
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