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2016年03月11日 05:06
供稿单位:互联网   原创作者:2015新航道权威讲师   责编:新航道小编

3月份的场考试已经结束,总得来说口语的题库相当稳定,依然是波澜不惊,一切尽在掌握,所以假如各位烤鸭是在1月份过后开始准备的,考试当中不会遇到多大的麻烦。现将part 1和part 2的题目完整收录如下,请5月前考试的童鞋们提前准备。

Part 1:Studying / Work, Accommodation, Hometown, First School, Teachers, Hanging out, Social Network, Communication, Computer, Newspaper, Photo, Color, Snacks, Music, Film, Reading, Weekend, Evening, Transportation, Bicycle, Park, Museum, Countryside, Reading, Swimming, Dancing, Handwriting, Sleeping, Teamwork, Being in a Hurry, Being Alone, Science, Handcrafts

Part 2: One of your best friends, Someone you admire that is much older than you, A family member you have spent the most time with, A family (not your own) that you like, A person whose job is important to the society, A person you know who has made a contribution to the society, A job you would like to do in future, An important conversation you ever had, A dinner you had with friends, A long walk you enjoyed, A difficult choice you made that turned out to be right, A success you had in your life, A time when you helped someone, A person in news that you would like to meet, A piece of local news that people were interested in, A place near water you enjoyed visiting, A happy family event in childhood you remember well, A long car journey you went on, A short vacation which impressed you, A foreign country you want to visit that you haven’t been to, A special trip you like to have in the future, What you would do if you have one day off, A photo of yourself that you like, An art or craft activity you joined at school, A dream you had, A place you have been to that was polluted, A house or flat you want to live in, A goal you’d like to achieve in the future, A street you often go to, A person who likes traveling by plane, An article you read from internet or a magazine about healthy life, A sport you would like to try for the first time, A skill you want to learn, A product you bought which you were pleased with, A useful thing you once borrowed, Your favorite toy in childhood, A song that means something special to you, A piece of clothing that someone gave you, An interesting story you watched on TV, An interesting novel or story, A film you have watched, A law about environment you would like to see in the future, A time when you saw an interesting animal, A special festival in your country, A time when you forgot something important, A time when you looked at the sky, An occasion when the weather changed your plan, The first time when you communicated with someone in a foreign language, A time you decided to wait for something, An occasion when someone or something made noise, A person who apologized to you

这里特别说明一下,据一些烤鸭在微博上的回忆,有的考官在学生完成part 2的陈述之后并没有问follow-up question而是问他们Did you prepare for this question before?这引发了广大考生甚至老师的恐慌以及讨论:我们是该坦白从宽还是打死不认?我觉得,这个时候考官基本已经认定你在背东西,任何的辩解都是没有意义的,与其考虑如何回应,不如想想怎样让考官不觉得我们提前准备过。往简单了说,考官之所以这么问,必然是因为part 2较part 1有较大的进步,这主要是因为众多烤鸭认为part 2最难最重要于是花了最多时间练,假如时间不够,part 1就直接背忽略了。基于此,我们应该同等对待考试的每一个部分,避免幅度过大的起伏,退一万步讲,假如part 1确实准备不足,咱能不能在part 2的时候悠着点发挥别使出全力?


