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2017年11月29日 10:57
供稿单位:互联网   责编:新航道小编





先看个例子。Do you think it’s good to watch films in cinema? 我最经常听到的答案是 - Sure. People today usually have much stress in life and watching films is a great method to release pressure. Besides that, we can enhance our relation with family members or friends if we go to watch films with them. 很多学生说出这样的答案的时候是带着得意的(假如他们说的还算顺溜),殊不知这并不对。题目问的是在电影院看电影好不好,答案只是在说看电影的好处,完全无视了电影院这个特定的场合,所以事实上我们应该比较在电影院看电影和在家里看电影,然后再说前者好不好。好或者不好都是相对的,所以答这种题目我们一定要找一个类似的作参照,所以合适的答案应该是- Absolutely. We normally have a better audio and visual experience because theres a stereo system and the screen there is much bigger. So its a better option particularly for watching some films containing lots of special effects, such as science fictions and action films. Meanwhile, we can see the latest films in cinema while we need to wait to a couple of weeks if we expect to see the same films at home. 事情不算完, 当你告诉考官电影院看电影很好,考官的下一个问题最有可能是Do you think watching films at home also has some advantages? 注意,你并没有说错,考官也并没有成心找茬,因为事情本来就有两面。所以,讨论利弊时我们可以有自己的偏向,但是一定做好利和弊都要说的准备,或者,我们完全可以自己一次讲完,那么一个可能的开头就是: Well, I suppose therere both benefits and drawbacks.


下一个题目有些不一样,它不是单纯说某个东西好不好,而是把两个进行比较问你哪个更好,比如Do you think its better to live in a big city or small town? 一些学生说自己的preference然后解释原因,然后考官问Why do some people choose to live 在另一个地方?事实是这两个地方本来就不存在哪一个全方位地比另一个好,因为这个原因,我建议这样来回答 - Im not sure. I guess both of them have their own advantages. 分别说了各自的优势后,我们可以试着说这两个选择分别适合什么样的人群或者场景,比如Personally I hold the opinion that its a better option to live in an urban area in youth while we can move to the countryside after retiring from work.  


关于利弊分析另外一种常见的题型是讨论A会不会被B替代,比如Do you agree that newspapers will disappear in future when everyone reads news from the internet? 绝大多数人回答会然后列举网上读新闻的好处,其实,这个逻辑是错误的。我们不妨找一个生活化的例子来想想这个题怎么答最合理。空调显然比电扇好,可是电扇并没有消失啊,因为它节能。所以,判断A会不会被B替代的根本依据是A跟B比起来是不是毫无优势,如果有,它就会继续存在,因此,我建议这个题这么开头: I dont think newspapers will vanish. Reading news online is apparently a better choice, but reading newspapers has an irreparable advantage. 当然,一个很现实的问题是,我们可能一瞬间没想到A的优势,在这种情况下,我们就说B会代替它,因为它一点优势都没有而B有多么强大。


接下来看最后一种题型,先提示一下,它杀伤力极大。Do you agree that little kids should be banned from watching television? 这是一个很纠结的题目,你要是表示同意,明明看电视可以帮助孩子们以一种生动的方式学到很多知识和技能。你要是表示不同意,小孩子学业被荒废了眼睛近视了怎么办?我们先不急着下结论说这个题怎么答,先说一个中文的成语,因噎废食,它的意思是,吃饭的时候我们可能噎着,但是我们不能不吃,因为吃饭才能维持生命和保持健康,吃慢点的话就不会噎着。好了,这个词给了我们答这个题的思路 - 不应该禁止,它是有好处的,虽然可能导致问题,但是可以去避免。相应的英文表达如下: I dont think children should be forbidden to watch television because its mostly beneficial to them. 接下来说看电视对于孩子来说积极的作用。Admittedly, it also has some negative impacts on them, but such problems can be avoided if parents give them guidance and supervision. 此处可以具体讲举措,比如控制时间,选择节目。




Do you think its good to make friends on the internet?

Is it good to live with old people?

Do you think its better to work in a small company or a big one?

In your opinion, is it better to take photos with cell phone or camera?

Do you agree that teachers are not needed in future when we learn from computers?

Do you think letters will be replaced by emails?

In your opinion, should students be allowed to take cell phones to classroom?

Do you agree that using animals for experiments should be forbidden?




