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2017年12月01日 11:44
供稿单位:互联网   原创作者:武汉新航道   责编:新航道小编




大家都知道托福综合写作的难点是听力,似乎只要把听力要点完全掌握,听力细节全部抓住,就一定可以拿到高分。相比之下,有些同学就对阅读内容有所轻视,甚至在援引阅读材料时,会简单地进行copy + paste。对于刚刚接触综合写作、以及英文写作基础比较薄弱的同学来说,这种情况是比较普遍的。究其原因,有少部分同学是不知道自己的综合写作中,需要对阅读内容进行改写(paraphrase),但更多的同学是因为缺乏相应的方法和技巧。Paraphrase是非常重要的学术英文写作能力,一个人英文水平的高低,就在于能够用不同的句子表达相同的意思。笔者在英语专业本科和研究生的学习期间,也被专业课的老师要求进行了大量的paraphrase的写作练习。另外,无论就读什么专业,对于非常重视“学术诚信” (academic integrity)的美国大学,如果你无法掌握良好的paraphrase的能力,你的专业课论文或毕业论文是极有可能被判定为“剽窃”(plagiarism)。 因此,这次教研我从词汇和句式两个层面,一共总结了八大方法,希望既能够帮助考生们在托福综合写作上获得高分,也能够为考生们日后的海外学术生涯打下一定的基础。



1. 同义词替换

以综合写作TPO30阅读的内容为例:“First, the ancient Greeks were not technologically advanced enough to make such a device. …The technology for manufacturing a large sheet of copper with such specifications did not exist in the ancient world.”这一段的句话已经准确概括了这段的大意。接下来,来看看几个同学的在他们的综合写作文章里是怎么概况这一段内容的:

学生A: In the first place, the author claims that the ancient Greeks were not technologically advanced enough to make such a device.

学生 B:  First, the passage states that the ancient Greeks didn’t have such advanced technique to make such a weapon.

学生A的回答简直是一字不差的照搬阅读原文,难免不会让ETS爸爸觉得这不是明目张胆地抄袭吗?学生B的回答有根据原文做变化,但两个关键词“advanced”和“make”也都与原文保持相同,这也只能让ETS爸爸觉得该考生的词汇量确实贫乏,怎么又会给出高分呢?其实,只要稍稍用同义词来替换他们,回答就可以既准确又出彩。比如:First, the passage states that the ancient Greeks didn’t have such state-of-the-art/cutting-edge technique to build/create/invent/manufacture such a weapon.

Ø  以下的一些写作高频词汇,在综合写作的阅读中出现的特别频繁,建议同学们一定要掌握它们的同义词。


其实,同义替换对大部分考生来说是最容易掌握的改写方法。以综合写作TPO34的阅读为例,“Second, the sea cow population may have become extinct because of ecosystems disturbances that caused a decline in their main source of food, kelp (a type of sea plant)… caused a decrease of the kelp that the sea cows depend on.”抓住关键信息的同义词替换,学生就能写出很好的内容复述: Then the passage comes up with another opinion: the sea cows died out because of the lack of food -- klep, for the reason of the disturbances of ecosystems at that time.


2. 改变词性



3. 承接词 (Coherence)


4. 形容词的逆向表达

Eg: not as easy as…→more difficult than…
Not uncommon→ common
The cheapest → the least expensive




1. 改变词序

Eg: For many years, people have believed ….
→People believed… for many years.
After this programs has been solved, work on … can continue.

当然,也有更复杂、更的改序方法。同样以综合写作TPO30阅读的内容为例:“First, the ancient Greeks were not technologically advanced enough to make such a device. …The technology for manufacturing a large sheet of copper with such specifications did not exist in the ancient world.” 学生A的改写如下:First, the passage states that it is difficult for Greeks to build such an advanced weapon which is so prominent that surpass the technology Greeks has. (有句式变化的意识,但表达但过于复杂冗长)这名学生运用“it is +adj.+for sb. to do sth.” 的结构 ,实现了词序的变化。

【正确写法】First, the author argues that it was technologically impossible to build such a tremendous mirror in ancient Greece. (变化句式)


2. 主动语态和被动语态的互相替换

这类方法,也是非常推荐考生使用,只要有基本的句子结构基础,还是能够将主动和被动态相互转变替换的。不过,为了增加表达的多样性,语态变动之后还是建议使用同义词组来替换,例如:A is caused by B à B causes A = B is responsible for A。以综合写作TPO27的阅读为例,“First, the cooling may have been caused by disrupting of ocean currents…. Some scientists believe that this freshwater was enough to temporarily disrupt the Gulf Stream. Such a disruption could have caused the Little Ice Age. 【范文改写句】Firstly, the passage argues that the Gulf Stream formed in the previous warm period was responsible for the appearance of the unexpected Little Ice Age(原因和结果的互换).在某种程度上,这种方法最后的难点又回归到了词汇层面的同义词替换;或者说,“主动语态和被动语态的互相替换”和“同义词替换”这两个改写方法往往是综合使用的。


3.“there be“句型


Eg:  Several computer programs can be used to solve this problem.
→There are several computer programs that can be used to solve this problem.或There are several computer programs used to solve this problem.

4. 定语从句\分词和插入语的互相替换

Eg: Study…, conducted by sociologists in 2004,shows that…
→Study…, which was conducted by sociologists in 2004,shows that…
Eg: This…, which is one of the most powerful … in the world, has…
→This…, one of the most powerful… in the world, has… 




