供稿单位:互联网 责编:新航道小编
作者:李洁 武汉新航道北美考试院托福口语讲师,耶鲁工作室主管,美国福特汉姆大学TESOL专业硕士研究生。在美国学习生活近三年,曾在多所公立学校实习授课。在教学中,善于将国外教学经验与国内备考学生特点相结合,针对考题性质归纳总结多样化答题思路与技巧,工作耐心细致,为人亲和沉稳,具有极高的教学热情和责任心。
一、Task 4题型简介
Step 1. 阅读:电脑屏幕上出现的一段话,标题是一个学科概念,文段是对概念的简单解释。文章篇幅为75-100词,45或50秒后文章将消失不再出现。
Step 2. 听力: 教授用一个或两个例子来解释阅读中的学科概念,如个人案例,实验,具体动植物等等。相较于阅读材料中抽象枯燥的理论介绍,听力中的例子生动有趣,更容易被同学们理解。听力时长约60-90秒。
Step 3. 作答: 结合听力材料中教授所说的例子,解释文章标题这个概念。准备时间为30秒,答题时间为60秒。
通过题型的步骤设置我们可以看出,Task4考验的是考生几个方面的能力:1. 长难句的听读理解能力;2.极短时间内的语言概括能力。除此以外task4甚至需要考生具备一定的词汇记忆能力。我们设想一下,就算是先读一段中文的学术概念,再听一段中文的学术讲座,然后马上用中文在短时间内概括总结,很多人也未必做得到。但是,想在task4和task6得高分其实并没有同学们想象的那么难,而且也是最容易分数得good的题目,它是有方法可循的。
TASK4学科 |
TPO编号 |
Psychology |
4, 6,7,12,13,14,15,16,19,22,30,31,32,34,41,45, 47, 49 |
Biology & Zoology |
8,17,18,26,27,29,33,40,42,43,46,48 |
Business & Marketing |
1,5,10,20,28,44 |
Sociology |
2,3,23,25 |
Film & Art history |
9,11 |
Education |
21 |
Environmental science |
24 |
三 、task4答题方法
1. 阅读:看准信号词,巧判中心句
想要精确定位中心句,首先我们找最直观的信号词,来提示中心句的位置。比如:be known as, be called, refer to, means, 等等。但有时这一句根本没有任何相关的解释。以TPO22这道题为例,This is known as irrational commitment. 我们无法获取任何信息。因此,我们还需关注另外一些信号词来帮你判断中心句的位置,比如:However, even if, because, since, as a result, prefer…rather than, when, if等。或者我们还可以用另外一个词来定位,就是代词This. 我们知道,代词出现是因为前文提到了它的所指物,所以很容易判定前一句就是对irrational commitment的解释。当然,有些题目中的概念是复数形式,所以我们看到代词的不是this而是these。例如TPO18的relict behavior中出现的是“these behaviors……”。
TPO 22 – T4阅读文本: Irrational Commitment
When people have devoted time and resources to a certain project, they generally wanted to see it succeed. However, they may grow so attached to the idea of a successful outcome that even if it starts to look like the project will fail, and the disadvantages are outweighing the benefits; they will nevertheless increase their attachment to the project rather than give up. This is known as irrational commitment. This tendency to continue with a project when it would make better sense to quit can be especially strong when people feel they may be judged by others for their eventual success or failure with the project.
我们可以清楚的发现however, even if, rather than, when这几个信号词。这些也是心理学中常见的信号词,用来解释某种特别的心理现象。所以,解释irrational commitment的关键信息就是:grow attached to a project, may fail, a tendency, be judged。如果阅读已经理解到了这一层,那么听力就并不难懂了。如果你仍然觉得生词太多读不懂,笔记无从下手,我们将在本文的第四部分探讨这一问题的解决方法。
I.R. = tendency:
↑attached > give up
Even if: fail, advantages>disadvantages
When: judged
阅读概括示范:Irrational commitment is a tendency that people may grow attached to a project even if it seems to fail, especially when they will be judged by others.
2. 听力:抓听力结构,记重点信息
TPO22 Task4 听力文本:
So I have a personal example.
Some years back, my wife and I were looking for a house to by. We found this great old house out in the country but my wife hand her doubts about it. She noticed the house wasn't in very good condition. It was a little rundown and probably needed some repairs but I really fell in love with the architecture of the house. The unusual way it was designed and built so I convinced my wife that we can hire people to fix it up and you know make the house nice. We decided to buy it and live there after repairs were finished.
Well, the workers we hired to repair the house soon discovered things were worse than I thought. It turned out that the roof was damaged and needed expensive repairs. After the roof was repaired, the workers discovered that the house had electrical problems: most of the wiring was bad and would have to be replaced at a huge cost. Well, at this point my wife reminded me of her earlier doubts about the house and wondered if we could ever get it into shape but I just became more determined than ever. I paid for all the wiring to be replaced by an electrician. But it gets worse, the electrician noticed that insects hand eaten into some of the walls and they would also have to be torn out and replaced. This was going to be more expensive than all the other repairs but by this point I felt determined to keep going. I kept thinking I have to do it. If I stopped now, my wife will think I was wrong for not following her advice.
很多同学听力一开始就慌着记笔记,遇到听不懂或跟不上的内容就感到惊慌。其实,和托福听力考试一样,综合口语中对听力结构的把握也非常重要。以心理学的听力材料为例,常见的是个人经历和心理学实验。无论是这当中的哪一个,讲故事的结构无非是:first…, then…, finally…每一层结构中只需提炼main idea即可。例如这道题的听力中,First,教授买了个老旧的房子。Then,他发现房子问题非常多,他不得不花大笔资金修理。Finally,他又发现了问题,但反而更有决心修理它,因为他不想被妻子责备当初不听劝。
对照听力原文我们可以看到,听力中最重要的信息(能够体现文章中概念的定义的信息)只占听力材料的三分之一。那剩下的三分之二什么呢?是次重要信息和不重要信息。这道题中,段最重要的信息就是,professor decided to buy an old house and fix it up。次重要信息是房子具体有哪些poor condition。不重要信息就是房子的地理位置,事情发生的时间等。第二段教授讲的重要信息有:修房子(repair the house, fix ),情况糟糕( things were worse, it got worse),花很多钱( huge cost, more expensive),不放弃(more determined than ever, keep going, have to do it)。大家会发现,重要信息往往在听力材料中被提到了至少2次甚至更多,只不过是语法上换了个表达。想必词汇量三四千的同学都能够听出来至少其中1次吧。至于其他的信息,例如房子electric problems, wiring, walls等等的问题,都是次重要信息,而且大部分同学对这些房屋结构的词汇不敏感听不出来,但这并不妨碍你得fair(2.5-3)的分数。具体我们在“作答”环节进一步解释。
House (poor condition)
∴fix up
Problem: roof damaged→money
wiring → huge cost
Walls → ↑expensive
∵wife: wrong
3. 作答:多说重点,充分用时
很多同学在答题时不假思索地按获取顺序复述全部自己记得的信息,结果往往是“老师我为什么总是说不完”。这里就得提到时间分配的问题了。通常我会建议大家在答题的60秒钟里,用大约20秒左右的时间概括阅读的信息,然后大约40秒时间概括听力中的例子。试想一下,我们听了60-90秒的内容却只有40秒左右时间来说它,这意味着什么?这意味着我们本来就不被要求把原文逐字逐句百分百地复述出来,而是要提炼重点,总结概括。那么什么才是重点?先看题目怎么问:Using the example from the lecture, explain the concept of irrational commitment. 也就是要结合例子解释概念。所以和概念无关的不那么重要的信息,大可以放心地舍去,而应该在短短的40秒里说出听力中最重要的信息。这也是为什么在听力环节我们要分析自己听到的信息是否重要,是否与解释文章标题的定义密切相关了。
范文1将阅读和听力材料的信息几乎全部概括,而范文2漏掉了具体房子的问题的描述,篇幅和信息量比范文1短,语法句式上也相对简单,但它抓住了听力的主干。因此,如果让一个没有做过这道题的人来看范文2,仍然可以理解irrational commitment是怎样一种心理。如果考生的语音方面没有大问题,范文2的回答妥妥地有3分。
Irrational commitment is a tendency that people may grow attached to a project even if it seems to fail, especially when they will be judged by others. For instance, the professor in the lecture bought a house in poor condition and convinced his wife that he could fix it up. Then, however, he discovered some problems in the house. For example, the roof was damaged and the wiring need replacement, which were a huge cost. Then he found some insects in the walls which was expensive too. But the professor couldn’t give up and even became more and more determined, because he didn’t want to be criticized by his wife for not following her advice. His irrational commitment caused his attachment to the project even if he knew he could fail.
The article talks about irrational commitment, which means people will not give up although they have more drawbacks than benefits and will fail. The professor takes himself as an example. Once, he bought a house, but his wife thought it was in poor condition. So the professor tried to repair it. When he repair the house, he discovered some problems in the wiring and the roof, so he spent much money on it. Then, there were some other problems which would cost a huge amount of money. But the professor kept going because if he stopped, his wife would thing he was wrong.
四 、Task4答题过程中的常见问题和注意事项
1. 遭遇生词,因噎废食:
前文提到的阅读部分,常常有同学反映卡在了词汇上,觉得词不认识整篇文章都读不懂了。这里生词有两类,一类是跟题目的概念有直接关系的词,影响了你对关键信息的理解。一类是不影响理解的词。还是以TPO22这道心理学题目为例,标题irrational commitment很多同学两个词都不认识,文章出现的秒就开始慌,然而其实我们只要抄在笔记中,答题时按照拼读规则念出来这些生词就可以了,考官最多判你发音不准确,扣语音的分,这将远远好过你放弃作答或者在录音里大段留白。另一类影响理解的词,例如文中有increase attachment to …和grow so attached to …很多同学次见到不认识attach这个词根,但如果你有一定的语法基础,至少能找到句子的主语,谓语,宾语,能通过上下文其他的内容理解生词。比如they will nevertheless increase their attachment to the project rather than give up这句话中有一个rather than,所以你就算不知道attach是什么意思,你可得知它与give up是相对立的,所以答题时可以说:people will NOT give up.
2. 准备时间,发呆放空:
3. “废话”过多,耽误时间
常有同学反应task4总说不完,那么你需要审视自己答案里是不是每一句都是干货,都是紧扣对标题的解释的内容。例如没有实质内容的模板句“The article talks about …which means...The professor takes …as an example to illustrate it.”开头直接用范文1里开门见山的方式即可,而过度到例子直接for example两个词。另外,如果你明显感到今天做的这道题的比你平时的task4听懂和记录的多很多(尤其是心理学的题目,同学们普遍听懂的细节特别多),你就需要省去不重要的信息(前文提到过如何分辨信息重要性),才能保证60秒能说完重要的内容。
4. 词汇欠缺,语法单一
不少同学说是说完了,但用词常常重复,例如TPO22这道题,会重复使用spend a lot of money这个词组,而不知道替换成cost a huge amount of money, is expensive, takes him more money等同义表达。另外,直接copy原文的句子不如自己paraphrase过的句子更讨考官喜欢,所以如果能够保证流利度的情况下,请尽你所能地在作答中做同义替换吧。
TPO 04 - Question 4
Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
When we speak with other people face-to-face the nonverbal signals we give—our facial expressions, hand gestures, body movements, and tone of voice—often communicate as much as, or more than, the words we utter.
TPO 06 - Question 4
Explicit Memories and Implicit Memories
An explicit memory is a conscious or intentional recollection, usually of facts, names, events, or other things that a person can state or declare.
An individual can have an experience that he or she cannot consciously recall yet still display reactions that indicate the experience has been somehow recorded in his or her brain.
外显记忆是指需要有意识的努力才能使信息恢复的记忆。内隐记忆是在无意识情况下, 过去的某些经验或学习对人们行为反应产生影响的现象。例如有些同学即使不能有意识地、外显地解释一条英语语法规则,却还是能够确定一个句子是否符合语法。
TPO 07 - Question 4
Behavior Modification
Individuals often modify their behavior based on what they have learned about the possible consequences of their actions.
TPO 12 - Question 4
Subliminal Perception
But our perception of a stimulus can also occur without our awareness. The perception of a stimulus just below the threshold of conscious awareness is called subliminal perception. Experiments have shown that subliminally perceived stimuli can influence people's thoughts and attitudes.
TPO 13 - Question 4
Perceptual Constancy
An object viewed from one angle presents a different shape to our eye than when viewed from another angle; similarly, as the distance from which we view an object changes, the object will appear larger or smaller. In spite of this, even as conditions change and we see objects differently, we still recognize that they remain the same.
TPO 14 - Question 4
Comfort Zone Bias
Psychologists have found that when people make important decisions, they prefer remaining in comfortable, familiar situations, rather than entering into new, unfamiliar ones, even if it attracts them and offers more advantages.
TPO 15 - Question 4
Experimenter Effect
The researcher expects a particular result from the experiment, and that expectation causes the researcher to act in ways that influence the behavior of the experiment participants, thereby invalidating the results of the experiment.
TPO 16 - Question 4
Social Loafing
When people work in groups to perform a task, individual group members may feel less motivated to contribute, since no one person is held directly responsible for completing the task.
人是群居动物,我们有时候需要合作才能完成某些人物。但有时候当许多人在一起工作,尤其个人成绩不单独被计算的情况下,个体存在感降低,知道个人成就不会被关注,于是就无所谓了,最后甚至开始消极怠工,导致整个团队的人均工作量远远低于那些被告知会被计算个人工作量的人。这就像在我们上学做group project的时候,总有可能遇到个别人偷工减料,因为他们觉得自己的懈怠多造成的效率降低并不会被professor清楚的知道和追究责任。但如果一个作业是教授明确规定了每个人要做的分量,每个人都会警惕认真地对待。
TPO 19 - Question 4
Social Learning
One way people learn is by watching the behavior of others, sometimes called social learning. In general, people tend to imitate the behavior of another when they see that it leads to a desirable consequence—hoping to repeat it for themselves. Of course, the opposite is also true—people tend to avoid imitating the behavior of another when they see it result in an undesirable consequence.
TPO 22 - Question 4
Irrational Commitment
When people have devoted time and resources to a certain project, they may grow so attached to the idea of a successful outcome that even if it starts to look like the project will fail, and the disadvantages are outweighing the benefits; they will nevertheless increase their attachment to the project rather than give up.
TPO 30 - Question 4
Emotional Intelligence
People with emotional intelligence have the ability to recognize their true feelings and understand what is causing them. Emotional intelligence helps people to behave appropriately in social situations, which allows them to maintain good relationships with others.
TPO 31 - Question 4
Mental Accounting
In their minds, people tend to divide their money into different categories as if they were putting it into separate mental bank accounts. Mental accounting can lead people to spend more money than they should, which can make it difficult for them to save enough money to achieve their long-term financial goals.
TPO 32 - Question 4
Choice-Supportive Bias
After selecting an option, a person may begin to favor that option. Without being fully aware of it, people who exhibit this bias tend to focus on and remember only the advantages of the option they selected. As time passes, they will overlook the option’s disadvantages, eventually even forgetting them.
选择支持偏差指的是,人们一旦做出某种选择, 就会放大此选择的优点,低估或无视该选择的缺点,并且对该选择的评价会比做选择之前还要好。比如一个大学生明明在购买mac air和联想直接纠结,觉得联想性价比高,但在半年后当朋友问起mac air的使用感受时,他觉得时尚酷炫有面子,价格“其实还好”。
TPO 34 - Question 4
The Familiarity Principle
People tend to develop a preference for things they have previously encountered, things they are familiar with. Once people have been exposed to an item, even if they do not recall having been exposed to it, they will tend to prefer that item over other items to which they have not been previously exposed.
熟悉定律,又谓多看效应、曝光效应(the exposure effect or the mere exposure effect),暴露效应、(纯粹)接触效应等等,它指的是我们会偏好自己熟悉的事物。对人际交往吸引力的研究发现,我们见到某个人的次数越多,就越觉得此人招人喜爱、令人愉快。不过,如果一开始印象不好,频繁的曝光接触会带来加倍的反感。
TPO 41 - Question 4
The Primacy Effect
When people form opinions about a person or a situation, those opinions are likely to be based on first impressions, on an initial assessment of the person or situation. In other words, the opinions we have of people or situations tend to be based much more on the first information we team about them than on information we learn later.
TPO 45 - Question 4
Method of Loci
One technique, the method of loci (i.e., method of location), is particularly helpful for remembering several pieces of information in a particular order. To use this technique, we first imagine a familiar place such as a building or an outdoor area. This familiar place should have a series of landmarks or locations within it that we can imagine walking past in a predictable, logical order.
轨迹记忆法(Method of Loci),就是通过记住所经过路线的路标(必须是按照路标出现的顺序),然后在记忆新事物的时候,需要把要找到记住的东西和已经熟知的东西的共同点(任何共同点)去记忆。把你要记住的,和你的路标联系起来,你就能迅速的记住你需要记住的东西。
TPO 47 - Question 4
When individuals feel that their actions are being unfairly limited, they often attempt to restore freedom by directly contradicting or opposing the rule of regulation that threatened their freedom. This reaction, termed “reactance” by psychologists, come from an individual's desire to reestablish freedom and control of a situation.
TPO 49 - Question 4
Procedural Memory
Procedural memories are memories of the process of performing a task that become automatic with practice. Once a task has been practiced, or repeated many times, procedural memories are established. These procedural memories allow people to perform the action automatically and to recall it relatively easily many years later.
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