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托福口语Task 5话题概述及答题要点
2017年12月06日 12:39
供稿单位:互联网   责编:新航道小编

作者:文月   武汉新航道北美考试院托福口语、托福词汇、AP微积分讲师。清华大学本硕自动化系,世界500强大油服公司三年半工作经验,分别在美国,新西兰,委内瑞拉各工作一年,以及英国,泰国培训数月。授课内容重点突出,深悉出题规律和考点,紧扣高能高分教学理念,且上课氛围轻松活泼,践行快乐学习,授人以渔,并穿插国外工作生活所得,帮助学生更全面得了解世界各地文化,成功留学。




Task5 是校园类情景题。只有一篇听力材料。内容为两个学生进行的对话。时间60-90秒。通常对话都是由一男一女来完成,其中一个人会描述一个自己现在遇到的问题(Problem),而在随后的对话中这两人会提出两个决方案(Solutions) 然后他们将会分别对这两个解决方案进行评价或分析是否可行。既然讨论了一个解决方案后会提出第二个解决方案,说明每个解决方案都存在其缺点,并不理想。所以听力中针对每个解决方案一定会提到其缺陷。而讨论解决方案的优点则只是部分出现。 


听力部分结束后便进入题目。其固定出题模式为: Problem+Solution Preference+Reasons。题目首先会要求简述学生的problem。然后直接给出考生自己倾向的解决方案和理由。在这里考生并不需要给出两个解决方案的复述。


和其他综合任务题有所区别,Task 5 的回答是一道需要表达自己观点的综合任务题,所以我们的回答,不仅需要客观输出听力的输入信息,即对problem的客观描述, 更重要的是自己的选择和理由。


对于选择理由,官方指南中明确说了可以使用听力中理由,但既然ETS给了考生自由发挥的空间,若考生能在听力信息的客观背景下进行合理的逻辑拓展给出理由会更容易帮助考生获得理想分数。这里需要强调的是,对于问题的描述要尽可能的简洁,因为在提问中明确说的是briefly summarize the problem; 而对于preference,题干的要求则是explain why you recommend this solution。回答的比重80%应该是自己的观点和理由。 基于一般考生的平均能力,建议在回答中给出两个理由来支持所选的preference,并且每个理由做适当展开和细节支撑。







Study Issue 学习问题 21

4, 6, 7, 10, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 29, 32, 36, 38, 42, 48, 49, 真经5 P103,真经5 P194,真经5 P214,真经5 P234,真经5 P372

Student Activities学生活动 12

5, 15, 21, 26, 28, 30, 34, 35, 43, 45, 47, 真经5 P277

Time Conflict 时间冲突 12

2, 3, 8, 12, 19, 27, 31, 33, 40, 46,真经5 P176,真经5 P392

Dorm Problem 住宿问题 12

9, 11, 14, 24, 25, 41, 44, 真经5 P121,真经5 P317, 真经5 P336, 真经5 P411, 真经5 P428

Transportation Problem 交通问题(3

1, 13, 23

Personal issues 其他个人私事 4

真经5 P139,真经5 P157,真经5 P297,真经5 P353














1.    学习问题


my papers are due, I have a history paper due, I only have one day, they all due at the same time, there aren’t enough hours.

其他的学习任务包括课堂展示(presentation)、课程项目(project),实验报告(lab report),甚至是作为教授的助教(teaching assistant)帮助教授上课(give lecture)。有些课程任务是需要合作完成,碰到同组人员出现生病或退课(drop a class)的状况,任务就比较麻烦。有时候是两个或多个任务挤到一块,不知道该如何分配时间。

选课方面的麻烦,主要在于某门必修课(required course)由于被取消(cancel)而不能选,或因为学生这学期schedule太满不能上。有时候是学生课业任务跟课外活动之间的冲突。




TPO 04

so I'm not sure where my class is. I think I remember it was supposed to be here in Smith Hall.


TPO 06

We are not getting much studying done. And, you know, not all of us did very well on your last quiz. We've all become good friends and we joke around a lot instead of studying.


TPO 07

My computer broke yesterday, so it's at the shop being repaired. It won't be ready until the end of next week, which is when all my papers are due.


TPO 10

I have a history paper due tomorrow, and I've been writing it on my laptop computer and the battery is running low. I'm going to need electricity soon.


TPO 16

Hey Steve, did you get that book on the Russian Revolution professor Harper wants us to read?

No, none of the bookstores in the campus area had it in stock. They will get it in about two weeks.

Hmm…so what are you gonna do in the meantime? Remember we are going to be discussing the book starting next Tuesday.


TPO 17

I just got the first draft of my research paper from Professor Stone. …Yeah, I am worried. I only have one day to review all these comments and write my final draft. He made a lot of suggestions.


TPO 18

You got your paper done for class today?

No, I just realized it's sitting on my desk. I wrote it last night, but I forgot to bring it with me.


TPO 20

Professor Green's been invited to teach at a university in France for a semester and obviously I still need a lot of help with the project.


TPO 22

Well, I was just in the cafeteria eating lunch and reading it over one last time and I spilled some soup on it and the class starts in fifteen minutes. It's not huge but you can definitely see it and several of the pages got wet.


TPO 29

I hardly got any sleep, just a short nap on the plane. And I am supposed to, I can't believe it, I am supposed to give a presentation in my history class today, an hour from now. It's a ten-minute presentation on a paper I wrote. And then there's an answer, a question-and-answer session afterward, where the professor and other students ask me questions about my history paper and stuff.


TPO 32

Well, I just have so many assignments. I've got three major research papers to do and they all due, basically, at the same time, in two weeks. And between my job and classes, there just aren't enough hours in the day to get them all done.


TPO 42

I'm trying to decide what to do about the paper for my history class. A big part of the assignment is working with original historical documents.

The librarian just told me that the documents I was planning to use aren't available right now. They are old newspapers and they were in pretty bad shape, so the library sent them out for repairs, like, restoration work.


TPO 48

I have to rewrite the lab report for my biology class. I guess I did it all wrong. So the professor's making me rewrite it before he'll submit a final grade. But I was planning on leaving town tomorrow too, and now I'm not sure I can. I spoke with the professor and he gave me two options. I can either turn in the revised report in one week and get my grade, or he said I can wait, you know, taking incomplete in the class and submit the paper next semester in the fall.


TPO 49

You know how we are required to take a foreign language course before we graduate. I want to take it this summer since I am graduating next year and I will have a busy course schedule, so I signed to take a Russian course online over the summer because I am hoping to take a trip to Russia at some point.

You do everything over the internet, but not enough people signed up for the class so they cancelled it. Now I don’t know what to do, l still need to fulfill the requirement.


真经5 P103

Dr. David told me yesterday he wanted me to give Friday’s lecture to students.

But that’s just half the problem. Dr. David again. I have his other class too. He has an essay due on the same day as the lecture.


真经5 P194

I want to take the economics class taught by Dr. Wilson. He is very famous in the field of economics. The problem is that I have already selected four required courses to graduate and this gives me a full load. I am afraid that I won’t be able to handle an additional course.


真经5 P214

I have been on the basketball team since last year. The thing is I have registered for six courses this semester and I cannot go to all of the training sessions and study sessions.


真经5 P234

Tomorrow I am supposed to finish an assignment for my theater acting class by giving a performance with another student. My partner just dropped this class. And I can’t do the acting class by giving a performance with another student.


真经5 P372

We’re supposed to read Babbit for my English Literature class. It’s just that the bookstore is sold out of all their copies and the library copy was just checked out yesterday. So I don’t have a book and can’t find one!


2.     学生活动

学生活动中往往是乐队、乐团、话剧的排练或演出(band/orchestra/string quartet/play/show/concert/rehearse),社团(club)、体育团体(sport team)、拍摄(filming),展览(exhibit)以及户外活动(outdoor activities)。

乐队演出中可能出现的麻烦,比如礼堂被预定auditorium’s already booked. 演员忘记台词the actor cannot remember his lines. 演出服脏了I split spaghetti source all over it. There is a huge red stain on it. 学生受伤无法参加演出I sprained my wrist.

拍摄中的常见表达:direct, film a final scene, the scene is set outside.

展览中的常见表达:art exhibit, art work, canvas, wall space.

户外活动中常见表达:picnic outside, Outdoor Music Festival,常出现的麻烦是rain.




TPO 05

That's my wrist actually. I sprained it last weekend. And I'm kind of upset about it, because I'm supposed to play the violin in my string quartets big concert next week.


TPO 15

Well are all supposed to wear white shirts and black pants at the concert, you know, so we all look the same. Well I wore my white shirt to dinner. And I split spaghetti source all over it. Yeah…there is a huge red stain on it. I can't wear it for the concert now.


TPO 21

We have a guy named Bill playing one of the supporting roles, one of the minor characters. And he just can't remember his lines. All the other actors have their parts memorized except Bill. We will be in the middle of rehearsing a big scene and he will forget what he is supposed to say next. I thought he'd eventually improve, but now I am not sure he'll be ready for opening tonight


TPO 26

We wanted to do it in the campus auditorium. We play rock and roll. It's kind of loud so it'd sound great in there. Problem is the auditorium's already booked for the next few weekends.


TPO 28

Remember how I was going to interview the student who's directing it. And I was going to make my article about what the director said, since she knows about picking the play, choosing the cast, designing the set…everything! But I just called and it turns out that she's got a bad cold…she's sick!


TPO 30

I'm just waiting for my friend Amy. We're supposed to drive into town together to see a film at one of the movie theaters there. But I'm the one with the car, and we were supposed to meet like 15 minutes ago, and Amy hasn't shown up.


TPO 34

We'll be crossing an international boarder so in order to go you need a passport. The professor told us a while ago to be sure to get a passport but I completely forgot to apply for one.


TPO 35

I volunteer the local elementary school because I am in educational major. And I help students’ homework after school. And I also plan some fun activities on weekend. It’s a great program and the kids really love it. So I was planning to take the kids on a picnic outside tomorrow. Turns out it supposed to rain all day tomorrow.


TPO 43

Listen to a conversation between the two student editors of a photography magazine called Campus Photo Monthly.

We are in trouble, Barbara. I don't think we can put together next month's issue. There just aren't enough good photos. And this month is the worst ever! I don't get it. I mean, students are submitting lots of photographs, but I think we've only got fifteen that are worth publishing. And we can't print the magazine with only fifteen photographs.


TPO 45

It’s the student film I’ve been directing. You know, that project I’ve been working on for my film class? Well, the project is due in two days. We were supposed to film a final scene today, but it’s raining. The scene is supposed to be set outside, with two characters talking in the park on a beautiful sunny day.


TPO 47

You know the student art exhibit next week? It's where a few art students are chosen to show a piece of artwork in the student center for people to see.

Except I just found out that I can't use the painting I did for it. Because it's too big. I'm into working on a really large scale now. And the painting I did for this show is huge. It's like a three-meter wide canvas, but each artist only gets a small amount of wall space.


真经5 P277

I just heard the weather forecast. There’s a sixty-percent chance of rain this weekend. That will ruin everything! We’d have to interrupt the Festival or worse, cancel it. Then we’d have to return money, after we spent so much getting everything ready. It’d just be terrible!



3.    时间冲突


Task5中经常会出现时间冲突类的问题Time conflict,两件事冲突,比如课程,考试,活动,聚会。往往会有明显的信号词,比如 conflict in my course schedule, meet at the same time, will be the same day, scheduling conflict, I forgot that…


常见的冲突对象的英文表达为: course(history class), test(biology exam, philosophy exam), review session(poetry class, biology test), school’s play, museum exhibition, award ceremony, party, dinner, work shift, film.





I didn't think there was a chance ...and ...well, it's a three-day trip, right? I agreed to spend next week helping Professor Clark set up the new museum exhibition.



there's an award ceremony they've invited me to attend, which I'm so excited about, but...and here's what's frustrating: I've got a biology exam that's scheduled for the same time!



There is still a big conflict in my course schedule. I have to take both History of the Novel and Shakespeare, or I can't graduate. Problem is the two courses meet at the same time.


TPO 12

Well, it's a huge honor to win and there is an award ceremony they've invited me to attend, which I'm super excited about. But, and here is what's frustrating, I've got a philosophy exam that's scheduled to end right when the ceremony begins.


TPO 19

The day I have been assigned to teach at the school in town will be the same day my Chinese history course meets here at the university.

课程VS 聚会

TPO 27

I just realized that I've got a scheduling conflict tomorrow. Well, the poetry class I'm teaching meets at 4 o'clock. My students have a test next week so tomorrow's class is the review session. It's important. The other thing is my cousin's retirement party. But I just realized it also starts at 4 o'clock.

课程 VS 机场接人

TPO 31

But I am not sure what to do about picking her up from the airport. Well, her flight gets in tomorrow. But the problem is, my biology professor scheduled a special review session...uh...for an upcoming biology exam at the same time I am supposed to pick her up. I didn't know there'd be this conflict.

工作 VS 演出

TPO 33

I don't know what to do now because I already made plans to go to the school's play with some friends tonight. And there's no way I can find someone to work my shift now.

考试 VS 演出

TPO 40

Problem is though I have a big history test tomorrow morning and I really need to study. I’ve been putting it off and I kind of forgot that tonight was when the theatre class would be going to the play.

电影 VS 聚会

TPO 46

Hitchcock films are great. You're gonna be there, right?

I don't know. There's a conflict. Well, I'm supposed to have dinner at the dining hall with my cousin. He is coming tomorrow to spend the day on campus and check out the university, trying to decide whether to enroll in classes here next year.

音乐会 VS 论文

真经5 P176

The concert is tonight. But I also have a history paper due tomorrow. I haven’t even read the book yet.

准备推荐信 VS 考试

真经5 P392

I need a letter of recommendation in less than 24 hours. But I have exams all day tomorrow and an economics paper to finish tonight. There’s just no time to get one.



4.    住宿问题:


住宿中出现的问题也是美国校园生活中常见话题。听力材料中经常出现的住宿表达有dorm,是指学校宿舍,或 apartment,是指公寓。住宿包括校外和校内,on-campusoff-campus。遇到的麻烦包括没有及时申请宿舍 didn’t apply for a dorm room;到底是住校内还是校外;舍友要搬离 moving off campus;宿舍设施有问题no internet connection/something’s wrong with the water pipes;宿舍太吵;假期宿舍关闭不可用dorm’s close;舍友生活习惯冲突,do my study late at night, go to sleep early;租房时房租过高 can’t afford, pay more rent.




TPO 09

I just found out I have to move out of my apartment, like, right away. Well, my apartment...it's in a house, a kind of old house. And now something's wrong with the water pipes. I think some of the pipes burst or wore out or something.


TPO 11

Well, since I didn't hear from her for so long I assumed I didn't get the position. So I didn't apply for a dorm room for the summer. I'm afraid it's too late for that now.


TPO 14

I've got a problem with my housing for next semester, and I have to make a decision soon. Well, I live in a dormitory and I've got a great roommate for the last two years, but he is moving off campus next semester.


TPO 24

Well, I don't have the internet connection in my new apartment so I cannot use the computer to access to the internet from my room.


TPO 25

I just found out my roommate Jim is moving out of our off-campus apartment into a bigger place with a whole bunch of friends next semester.

The only major problem, though, is how I'll be getting to campus. See, the apartment's a little far from campus and Jim has a car and he gives me rides to and from campus everyday. But I can't afford a car now.


TPO 41

I just found out that I am going to stay on campus during the semester break. Professor Clark asks me to help him with some research. But the problem is the dorm’s always close, so I need to find housing for about 2 weeks.


TPO 44

Our schedules totally conflict. I like to do my study late at night in our room, but she likes to go to sleep early. So unfortunately, my study, my typing on the computer is keeping her awake.


真经5 P121

This apartment is about 20% more expensive. If I don’t want to lose this chance, I have to sign the lease right away. The problem is my roommate. She went hiking for a week. Neither her computer nor her mobile phone works during this time. I really can’t make her pay more money. I don’t know if she can afford to pay more rent.


真经5 P317

I just can’t afford to live in the dorm anymore. I have to move off campus. But I really can’t afford a nice apartment on my own either.


真经5 P336

I thought I’d just stay in the dorm and write that history term paper I still have to get done. But the dorms are closed for Spring Break!


真经5 P411

I have never slept well, ever since I moved into my dorm room. It’s right next to the stairs. All night long people are walking, or running, up and down the stairs. Plus a lot of them talk loud or shout.

室友的男友在宿舍开音乐party 很吵

真经5 P428

She decided to get a heavy-metal singer as her boyfriend. The whole band practices and has parties at our apartment. I can’t study, I can’t sleep, and my roommate keeps telling me I’m “no fun.”



5.    交通问题:


交通问题在Task5中所占比例较小,话题比较单一。交通方式包括租车rent a car/van,私家车my mom’s/friend’s car/van,公共交通bus. 遇到的问题也基本覆盖可能出现的交通问题,没有订到车reserve the van,车坏了it broke down,小轿车坐不下no enough space for all people,以及公共交通时刻表改变the bus schedule changed, I can’t get to it in time




TPO 01

And I was supposed to rent a van for the trip. But I waited too long to call the rental agency to reserve one. And now it turns out they don't have any vans available for tomorrow.


TPO 13

Well, I am supposed to drive everyone in the club to see a special exhibit at the museum tomorrow. My mom said I could borrow her van, you know, so everyone would fit. But unfortunately, it broke down and it is not gonna be repaired in time for the trip.


TPO 23

I take a bus from campus to my job downtown. I work there Tuesday afternoons but the bus schedule changed. The bus I was taking is leaving earlier now and I can't get to it in time because I've got chemistry class then.


6.    其他个人私事

近两年考到的第五题中还有一些话题并不涉及到直接的校园话题,而是学生个人的一些私事,这种personal matters 比较杂,不太好归纳,但是话题也相对比较容易理解。比如如下的一些《真经5》中出现的话题:


真经5 P139

My best buddy Sam just moved into a new house and I wanted to get him a housewarming present. I figured a book case would be a great idea, because he reads a lot and the new house has so much space. So I bought one and tried to put it together, but the problem is there were some parts missing.


真经5 P157

I just fell and broke my roommate’s lamp. My roommate will be angry when he sees it.


真经5 P297

It’s about my bird. I’ll be gone for a week and she needs to be fed and given water.


真经5 P353

My friend Victor is supposed to drive me to the airport, but he is late! He promised to be here at 11:00 and it’s 11:27. He still hasn’t shown up! I need to be there by 1:00 if I’m going to get my flight.



三、Task 5答题的一些Tips

1. 常见口误

首先要注意答第5题时最容易出现的一些口误。比如人称的区分:she, he, her, him, 在答题过程中学生经常容易弄混。所以在听力的过程中要明确的事情是到底是男生还是女生遇到了麻烦,把人称确定好,因为人称弄错了属于低级错误,在听觉感受上会造成不好的印象。另外,学生经常用到的一个句型,the man/woman suggests..../advises....,经常会出现语法错误。要记住正确的用法应该是:

sb. suggests that.....

sb. advise sb. to.....

或者,为了避免口误,可以直接用它们的名词形式来表达: the man/woman gives two suggestions/advises that...


2. 引导语

第五题的句引导词一般都是 Listen to a conversation between two students. 但是,对于少量话题较偏,专业度较高的对话,有时候引导词会蕴含着重要的信息,会介绍说话人的身份和话题内容的提示。这种情况需要学生高度关注前面的引语,把它听懂,因为这个提示能够给你后面话题的语境,帮助你更好理解听力部分的内容。如果忽略了句,可能会导致后面的听力材料不太容易理解,甚至一片迷茫。

比如TPO43的第五题的引导语是:Listen to a conversation between the two student editors of a photography magazine called Campus Photo Monthly. 这里介绍了对话的学生身份是摄影类校刊的编辑,所以有了这个身份的预设,才能更好地听懂后面两个人讨论的刊物选择照片的问题,否则在听的过程中容易太出乎意料,导致听力材料没有理解。


3. 问题的总结


The man/woman is faced with a problem that....

The man is struggling over whether to ... or ...


比如TPO19Task 5的对话前面一段是这样的:

MHow is it going Mary? Got your schedule all worked out for this semester?

WIt's coming together. Actually I just heard about my student teaching assignment.

MTeaching assignment. You are student teaching?

WYeah, you know I am majoring in education, so one of the requirements is to teach for a semester in a classroom, usually at the local school in town. We help teach the kids at school one day a week. I just got my class assignment.

MWell, that's good.

WYeah, but I've got a scheduling problem.

MAh oh.

WThe day I have been assigned to teach at the school in town will be the same day my Chinese history course meets here at the university.


这一篇听力经过好几个对话的来回才真正提到问题的核心,前面的部分都在解释女生的为什么有teaching assignment以及任务是怎样的,其实这些都不是答题的重点。直到由but引出女生的scheduling problem才是真正应该开始记笔记的地方。答题时句话只用总结出问题到底是什么。所以这一段只用用一句话来概括,实例如下: The student is struggling over whether to do the student teaching assignment or go to take the Chinese history course.



比如,学习问题里经常出现电脑出现问题但论文又快截止了这样的问题,所以先概述学习任务然后说遇到的阻碍任务执行的麻烦。比如 The student’s problem is that his paper is due next week, but his computer broke down.


学生活动类型里,室外活动遇到下雨天是出现过多次的麻烦,所以首先简述活动内容,然后概括遇到的麻烦。比如The student is faced with a problem that she was supposed to take the kids to picnic outside, but it’s going to rain tomorrow.

而时间冲突的问题,可以首先说学生遇到了时间冲突,然后分别介绍冲突双方。或者可以直接先说冲突一方,然后说冲突另一方在同一时间。比如The student is getting a scheduling conflict. / There is a conflict between A and B. / A, however at the same time, B


4. 听力中问题的两个解决方案



例如,TPO3 Task5中的学生在award ceremonyexam的时间上发生了冲突。解决方案分别是:1.放弃考试,选择颁奖典礼;2. 放弃颁奖典礼,选择考试。而放弃任何一个都有代价。放弃颁奖典礼的代价就是父母会失望;而放弃考试的代价就是需要花更多的时间去写论文来代替考试。

又如,TPO 27 Task5中的学生既要参加一个retirement party,又要当助教去给学生上一节review session。两个选择分别是1.放弃retirement party,上完课再去;2. 改变上课的方式,即朋友代替他去上课。选择上课的话,错过party很可惜;选择party,朋友备课太仓促,班上学生会学不好。



5.    自己的preference的理由



选择Solution 1的理由:Solution 1 的优点 + Solution 2的缺点

选择Solution 2 的理由:Solution 2 的优点 + Solution 1的缺点


另外,既然ETS给了考生自由发挥的空间,考生给出的理由其实也可以是在听力信息背景基础上做的合理的逻辑拓展,这里就可以灵活运用独立口语中的相关理由。比如,gain more knowledge, beneficial for health, save money, convenient (time and space), social (expand social circle, good impression with professors), relax. 比如TPO20,课题指导老师要去外地教学,一个解决方案是找另一个老师,另一个解决方案是继续由原来的指导老师通过网络异地指导。如果选择个解决方案,理由可以是,a good chance to know other professor and his students to expend his social circle, 或者是gain more knowledge because Professor Baker may provide some different perspective,也可以是convenientsave time. Because the student can get feedback from the professor immediately rather than wait for emails from Professor Green.




