Presenter 托福口语讲师,人美音又甜的Iris老师
“心机”一:伪装 camouflage
➞ Camouflage enables animals to blend in with their environment and avoid detection by predators.
➞ Some animals develope permanent colors and shapes to resemble their environmental features.
☆ example: leafy sea dragon 叶形海龙
➞ their type of camouflage enables them to change color so they are difficult to spot anywhere.
☆ example: cuttlefish 会变色的乌贼
“心机”二:warning coloration
➞ These animals have distinct coloring that signals predators of the presence of its defenses which make a prey difficult to eat, such as toxicity, foul taste or smell, or aggressive nature.
☆ example: skunk 臭鼬
“心机”三:mimicry 拟态伪装
对于没有aggressive defense mechanism的动物们来说,他们可以通过模仿其他动物的警戒色来保护自己不受攻击。
➞ Birds use sight to identify palatable insects, while avoiding the noxious ones. Over time, palatable insects may evolve to resemble noxious ones, making them mimics and the noxious ones models.
☆ example: morpho butterfly 大闪蝶
1. camouflage 伪装 blend in with 融入 protrusion 凸出物 pigment 染料 instantaneously 瞬间地
2. skunk 臭鼬 gland 腺体 toxic 有毒的 foul 恶臭的
3. mimicry 拟态 mimic 模仿、模仿者 palatable 可口的 noxious有毒的 conspicuous 显眼的
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