
武汉新航道 > 高分经验 > 邓同学------雅思总分8分


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To be honest, I was not at least surprised when I got my IELTS grade as high as 8.(8.5 in reading and listening, 7 in speaking and writing)irstly, I have always been one of the best students in my school and I have always achieved high score in English as a subject However,before my studying in New Channel, I know absolutely nothing about the IELTS exam system and the skills I learned in New Channel helped me the greatest in the exam.

 I started taking IELTS course in New Channel about three months before my exam. I used to think that I will achieve a high score in IELTS even without taking specialised course, howevr, it was not long after studying in New Channell, did I realise that the SKILLS are really essential. Take my reading as an example, before actually starting on the questions, I would first read through the article. Unfortunatly, sometimes I was disappointed to find out that the part I read in detail was not even in the questions or I have forgotten much of the essay.Either of them could be a significant waste of both time and effort.On the particular issue, I really want to thank my reading teacher Colin, who produced a personalised method to solve my problems. I would first scan the article, meaning only to read the first and last paragraph and the first sentence of the others. In that way, I can understand the big picture. Then I would jump straight into the questions and solve them one by one with a unique measure for each category.

As for writting, there lied a bigger problem. I had never understand foreigners’ logic and comprehensive way of writing. As a result, I never had hoped highly for writing.The reason I got a 7 in the end, in my own understanding,is probably adequate practice. I wrote at leaast 20 essays before the exam. But this is not enough,I asked for comments and amendment opinion for everyone of them and revised every piece of them until perfection.

For listening and speaking, on the other hand, I believe the sense of language is far more important than the use of skills. Befor the speaking exam, I focused on the imitation of BBC news in order to obtain a native accent and improve my structure. As far as I can remember, I sepnt at least 10 hours doing this. I would repeat and repeat until I cannot distinguish my own speaking from the original track.My listening improved a lot as well following this particular method of practicing.

All in all, I spent a great time learning in New Channel and enjoy the company of my teachers. One thing for sure, I wouldn’t have achived such a high score without the assistance of my teachers.


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