接下来我们来看看上下义的替换在真题中的应用吧。首先我们一起来看一道判断题,来自于C6T3Q28,题干中说:Studies show drugs available today can delay the process of growing old。原文的定位句为:As researchers on aging noted recently, no treatment on the market today has been proved to slow human aging—the build-up of molecular and cellular damage that increases vulnerability to infirmity as we get older。我们可以看到题干中drugs一词在原文中被替换成了treatment,它的上义词,因为药物治疗是治疗方式的一种。这就是一道典型的上下义替换的考察。同样的,在C6T1Q34中也出现了类似的替换,这也是一道判断题,题干中说:Some peoples with simple number systems use body language to prevent misunderstanding of expressions of number. 原文定位句为:But in real situations the number and words are often accompanied by gestures to help resolve any confusion. 题干中的body language在原文中就替换成了它的下义词gestures,手势只是肢体语言中的一种。
在真题中,上下义替换更多的会出现在段落信息匹配题,一个我们非常害怕的题型中。例如C11T1Q27,题目:mention of a gel-engineering project based on an earlier natural phenomenon. 原文:The idea is modelled on historic volcanic explosions. 其中natural phenomenon替换成了下义词volcanic explosion,原文中形容的更加具体了。 其实在段落信息匹配题的题干中,往往会有一些比较抽象的表达,然而再原文中,它们经常会描述的比较具体和细节,也就是会替换成相对应的下义词。我们再来看几个例子,例如C5T3Q27。题干:how AI might have a military impact。 原文:HNC claim that their system, based on a cluster of 30 processors, could be used to spot camouflaged vehicles on a battlefield or extract a voice signal from a noisy background - tasks humans can do well, but computers cannot. 其中题干的上义词military被替换成了下义词battlefield。其实military这个词的下义词很多,例如war,weapon,soldier等等。例如在C7T1Q5中,题干:early military use of echolocation。原文:it was only a matter of time before weapons designers adapted it for the detection of submarines. 其中military就被替换成了另一个下义词weapon。