1. 整体大小/范围(size)及入口(entrance)方位
对比之后的变化,我们发现,现在运动中心的范围不大,但如何描述出现在的范围呢?这里我们可以借助旁边的两个户外球场的方位来确定运动中心的边界:At present/currently, between the eastern and western outdoor courts lies the sports centre whose entrance faces to the south.
2. 核心参照物-通常是中间的设施
A 25-metre-long swimming pool is sited in the central part of the sports centre with other facilities around. 这里不仅需要描述出中间的设施的位置,还需要概括出其他设施在它周围,为后面具体方位的描述做铺垫。
3. 周围的设施:对向设施的方位描述合并为一句话
-接待处和健身房南北相对:A gym can be seen to the north, to which a reception is opposite.
-就坐区和更衣室东西相对:To the west of the pool is located a changing room, while to the east side is a seating area.
Body2 描述各设施的变化
先概括:In the future, the sports centre is going to experience dramatic changes.
1. 整体大小/范围(size)及入口(entrance)方位(没有变化可不描述)
Expanded eastwards and westwards to cover the former outdoor courts, the sports centre will show dramatic changes. 整个运动中心向东西扩张,包括原来的两个户外球场。
2. 核心参照物-中间的设施(没有变化可不描述)
3. 周围的建筑:同类变化的描述合并为一句话
-被替代或改造的设施-户外球场:The previous outdoor courts will be substituted by a leisure pool in the west and a sports hall in the east.
-新建的设施-舞蹈室:On the contrary, two dance studios will be constructed to the east of the sports hall.
-增建的设施-更衣室:Additionally, two changing rooms will be added at the southeastern and southwestern corners, with a café and a sports shop built adjacent to them.
1. 核心参照物-road
图中一共有三条路,那么我们先写哪一条,以哪条路为核心参照物呢?三条路中我们发现hospital road处于另两条路中间,并且其它设施均在它的周围,故我们先以hospital road为参照物:In 2007, the hospital road lay in the central part of the map, linking the ring road to the north and city road to the south
2. 周围的建筑:以road为参照,由近及远描述方位
-路两旁的公车站距离最近,可用with伴随结构衔接上句:with 6 bus stops standing along both sides of the hospital road.
-其次是停车场:A car park for both staff and the public was located to the east of the hospital road.
-市医院距离最远:Surrounded by the ring road, the city hospital was sited to the north.
Body2 描述各设施的变化
1. 核心参照物-road
Until 2010, the two junctions of hospital road had been converted into roundabouts. 原交叉路口被改造成了环岛。
2. 周围的建筑:主要按原顺序描述变化
-公车站台(bus stops)改造成了更大的公车站(bus station):The former bus stops had been removed and reconstructed to a larger bus station to the west of the hospital road, connected with the roundabouts by two branches.
-原停车场分成了两个专用停车场(职员专用和公共专用):The previous car park had been divided into two parts: one for the staff in the original location and the other for the public to the east of the city hospital.