要知道听力部分在四级考试中占着35%的比例,赢得听力是大学四六级过关的必备条件。大家也不用紧张,大学四六级听力题型看起来难,实际有大量规律技巧可循。本篇文章将通过大学四六级技巧段课程,讲解表示强调的信号词:强转折(but, however),弱转折(in fact )和本身表示“重要”含义的单词(important),让大家能在听力中定位到关键信息,从而得到正确答案,为大家的考试助力。
据笔者不完全统计,在过去3年中大学四级中出现的转折和重要的信号词的题目有50多道,频率相当高,利用好这类信号词帮助我们选择或者排除选项,是提高正确率的听力技巧之一。大家可以想想,我们平时在生活中,是不是也经常使用“但是”,“实际上”,“最重要的是” 来突出强调后文我们想让听者记住的关键信息,那么英文也是如此,下面我们用真题来看看考试中的技巧运用。
CET4 2018-12-1 Q23
A) It is becoming parents’ biggest concern.
B) It is gaining increasing public attention.
C) It is depends on their parents for success.
D) It starts the moment they are born.
当大家拿到大学四级试卷时,试题就如同上图呈现的一样,只有答案,没有题目。我们首要的任务:1、读题划关键词,2、预测内容。关键词我们可以划名词、动词、形容词、副词,比较级、最 高 级,序数词,数字,人物时间地点等。划出的关键词将在听力中带领我们定位答案句,匹配所有关键信息则正确,反之错误。
通过此题A项parents, biggest concern, B项public attention, C项depends on, success, D项starts, born等关键词,我们可以带入听力中定位选项出现的答案句,更能进行简单的预测,要知道四六级听力中,题目最后出现,能提前预测题目大致内容可以赢得先机。根据选项信息,不难发现本题可能会讲到父母的担忧关注方面——孩子的成功或者教育问题。对照听力最后给到的题目:What does the passage say about children’s education? ,这与预测十分接近,大部分的题目都是用于此规律。
接下来我们将运用听力技巧,听到强转折信号词+所划选项关键词时定位答案句。由此,在听力中,当我们听到原文:But of course, this is not the start of your child’s education which in fact began at birth. 时,锁定答案。原文“Began at birth” 与选项中“start the moment they are born“ 同义替换,关键词跟在”But of course“后,被突出强调。答案选D。
当然强转折不仅仅只有“But”, “however, while, on the contrary”等也都是大学四六级听力中常见的强转折信号词,大家不妨做个有心人,把听到的强转折词记录整理到一起,反复听力练习,提升敏锐度。
CET4 2019-12-02 Q21
A) They stay with one partner for life.
B) They have their own joys and sorrows.
C) They experience true romantic love.
D) They help humans in various ways.
四六级听力中常见的“in fact, yet, actually”都是弱转折词,应值得我们提高警惕。下面我们还是来看一道大学四级真题:
同样,我们还是首先1、读题划关键词,2、预测内容。A项 one partner for life. B项 own joys and sorrows. C项 experience romantic love. D项 help humans. 可以预测they可能是某种动物,题目关于这种动物的行为。听力最后给到的题目:What does the speaker say about most dogs? 与我们的推测一致。听力中运用弱转折信号词+所划选项关键词定位答案句:In fact, evidence shows that most dogs stay with one partner their whole lives. 得到答案A。
CET4 2018-12-1 Q25
A) Their intelligence.
B) Their home life.
C) The effort they put in learning.
D) The quality of their school.
significance, key, best…”等,以大学四级下题为例:
此题选项较短,划关键词就是每个选项中呈现出来的单词。预测内容中,由于每个名词讲到的是好的方面,我们可以大胆猜测是某事的好处或者是条件,由于前段内容是孩子教育,所以预测可能是孩子教育的好处或者好教育的因素。听力最后给到的题目:What does the passage say is the key factor of children’s academic success?
最后通过“表示“重要”的词+所划选项关键词”定位到答案句:Irrespective of the quality of a school, a child’s home life is of key importance . It is the determining factor of their academic success. 得出答案B
综上所述,在大学四六级英语听力中,我们确实需要学会运用表示强调的信号词:强转折(but, however),弱转折(in fact )和本身表示“重要”含义的单词(important),更准确定位到关键句,再加所划选项关键词的方式,得到正确答案。
强转折: but, however, while, on the contrary…
弱转折:in fact, yet, actually…
重要: important, significance, key, best…
刚刚通过单题的练习讲解,我们学习到了三种听力中表强调的信号词,从而抓住关键信息。下面我们操练一篇19年的真题(CET6 2019-12-1 SectionC2),大家可以找到对应的音频文件先独立做一遍,通过表强调的信号词+所划选项关键词方式,定位答案。
大学英语六级19年真题CET6 2019-12-1 SectionC2:
A) Similarities between human babies and baby animals.
B) Cognitive features of different newly born mammals.
C) AduIts’ influence on children.
D) Abilities of human babies .
20 .
A) They can distinguish a happy tune from a sad one.
B) They love happy melodies more than sad ones .
C) They fall asleep easily while listening to music .
D) They are already sensitive to beats and rhythms.
A) lnfants‘ facial expressions .
B) Babies' emotions .
C) Babies ' interaction with adults
D) lnfants' behaviors .
19. What are the three interesting studies? 答案:D) Abilities of human babies .
Transcript:In last week's lecture, we discussed the characteristics of the newly born offspring of several mammals. You probably remember that human infants are less developed physically than other mammals of the same age. But in today's lecture, we'll look at three very interesting studies that hint at the surprising abilities of human babies.
20. What does the second study find about nine-month-old babies? 答案:A) They can distinguish a happy tune from a sad one.
Transcript:This mood switch made no difference to the three-month-olds; but for the nine-month-olds, it was enough to renew their interest and they started looking again in the direction of the face. This suggests that babies of that age can tell the difference between a happy melody and a sad tune.
21. What is the 1980 study about? 答案:B) Babies' emotions.
Transcript:Our final study is from 1980, but it's still relevant today. In fact, it's one of the most famous pieces of research about infant emotion ever published.
这一篇大学六级颇有难度的试题大家做全对了吗?今天通过表示强调的信号词:强转折(but, however),弱转折(in fact )和本身表示“重要”含义的单词(important),加所划选项关键词的方式,定位到关键句,从而得到正确答案。大学四六级听力技巧不仅只是这一个,在我们的大学四六级技巧段课程中,有更多的授课内容,如果大家跟着老师课上认真吸收,课下扎实练习,稳定好心态,一步一步来,大学四六级听力还是很容易攻克的。预祝同学们都能取得听力高分!