作者:托福听力 卜亚丹
近几十年来,透过功能性磁共振成像 (Magnetic resonance imaging)、以及正子扫描仪 (positron emission tomography)来对大脑进行即时监控 (Real-time monitoring),这让神经科学家在了解它是如何运作的这方面取得了相当重大的突破。
当人们连结了这些仪器,然后开始做一些像是阅读或是做数学题时,我们能观察到每一项在大脑都有相对应的区域显示活动的迹象。但是当研究人员让参与者听音乐时他们看到了烟火四射的情形——在他们大脑中有许多区域同时都被点亮 (light up)。
虽然这项研究还很新颖,但神经科学家给出了相当棒的解释。实际上,演奏乐器能在顷刻之间和大脑的每个部位建立起连结,特别是视觉 (optic nerve) 、听觉 (auditory nerve) 、以及运动皮质 (motor cortex) 区域,而且如同其他形式的健身,有纪律、有组织的把玩音乐能强化 (reinforce) 这些大脑区域的功能,让我们能将这些强化的区域应用在其他活动上。
而聆听音乐、和演奏音乐的最主要的差别在于后者需要良好的动作技巧。这是由大脑的左右两半球所共同控制的,它不仅结合了大脑左半球 (the left hemisphere) 比较擅长的语言(linguistics) 以及数学的精确性,还有结合大脑右半球所擅长的新颖与创意的成分。
基于这些源由,玩音乐已经被发现能够增加脑部左右两个半球的沟通桥梁。也就是胼胝体 (callosum) 的容量与活性, 让讯息得以用更快速度以及更多样化的线路来进行脑部沟通。
音乐家通常都有比较高的执行能力,拥有一系列能彼此连结的工作事项,包括了规划、统筹、以及一丝不苟地留意每个细节的能力和同时分析认知(cognition) 与情感 (emotion) 方面的能力。
而且有随机研究预示了受测者在一开始拥有着相同认知能力、以及神经处理水平的情况下,发现那些暴露在音乐学习环境下的人相较于其他人,他们脑部的各个区域都有强化 (reinforce) 的迹象显示。
二、篇章结构和考题分析 ( 真经5-Test 10-Lecture4)
1. What I really hope we can achieve today is to learn how music can affect our feelings, really grasping the essence of music.
注: 题主旨题考查的重点是主旨句,这句话出现了明显的提示句型, today we …
2. This research involved positron emission tomography (or pet) scan. This is a kind of scan that can project the three-dimensional images of the internal organs and can even detect and display the areas in the brain that are being stimulated.
3. what did they discover? one region is very obvious, the area of the brain devoted to audio stimulated. But the thing that is amazing is another area of the brain lit up. It is the part that handles visual information. This was something that researchers had not anticipated.
注:实验结论或者研究发现是重要的考点,这个段落出现两个发现,但句间出现转折词考,but amazing thing is…, 此处转折表示强调,第二个发现比较重要,所以第二题考察到的是转折后的内容。
4. Another remarkable outcome of the experiment was that music even activated not only the cerebral cortex but also areas deep in the brain. They are called the limbic system. The limbic system is a deep primal area of the brain that has to do with memory and emotion.
注:第三题考察到本段分论点,another…not only…but also, 并列信息的捕捉,由于句间出现术语,所以考察到了术语定义。
5. Okay, now let us take a look at how people made sounds, I mean music. Apparently, music has been important to people since a very long time ago. In fact, the oldest known instrument, a type of flute, is dated back to be 30 to 40 thousand years old. After they put pieces together, the completed instrument was 11 cm long and had three finger holes in it. Experts have concluded that it was capable of producing a very broad range of complex sounds.
6. Now, let us talk about the flute in more detail… it would take such a long time to obtain a mammoth tusk, hollow it out, cut it perfectly in half, and drill holes in it. Then, putting the two halves back together again and making an airtight seal. Can you imagine the amount of time that must have taken?
7. 1)But why? Why was music important? Well, some researches have argued that music is just something that tickles certain areas of our brain, but I think music is much more than that. First, in ancient civilizations, hunters, for example, could have sung and danced together to coordinate attack strategies during combats.
2)Um, there is one more example. In those ancient societies, when mothers carrying babies would go out and look for berries, the mother would have to put her baby down to gather them, right? Well, the mother would have sung to the baby to let the baby know she was still there. As a result, music connected people then and still does now.
Tpo12-L2 opera 歌剧
Tpo 16-L2 piano 钢琴乐器
Tpo 22-L4 music with film 电影配乐
Tpo25-L2 bela Bartok 音乐家
Tpo27-L2 violin 小提琴制作工艺
Tpo30-L4 guitar 吉他的发展历程
Tpo38-L3 found sound 人造声音
positron emission tomography (or pet) scan 正电子发射断层扫描(pet)
three-dimensional image 三维图像
stimulate/tickle 刺激
cerebral cortex 大脑皮层
limbic system 大脑边缘系统
flute 长笛
broad range 音域很宽
mammoth tusk 猛犸象象牙
airtight seal 密封
coordinate strategies 协调策略
Magnetic resonance imaging 磁共振成像
Real-time monitoring 即时监控
optic nerve 视觉神经
auditory nerve 听觉神经
motor cortex 运动皮质
reinforce 强化
callosum 胼胝体
the left hemisphere 大脑左半球
cognitive ability 认知能力
emotion 情感
linguistics 语言