在 2019 年 12月 8日的托福考试中出现了关于 moonbow(月虹)的物理学讲座文章,相比较艺术,生物,天文这些ETS青睐的高频话题来说,虽然物理类所占比例较少,但是在改革后还是需要引起警惕。本期学科知识就带大家探讨下关于moonbow的背景知识及相关物理学和天文学拓展。
一. 相关背景补充
A moonbow (also known as a lunar rainbow or white rainbow) is a rainbow produced by moonlight rather than direct sunlight. Other than the difference in the light source, its formation is the same as for a solar rainbow: It is caused by the refraction of light in many water droplets, such as a rain shower or a waterfall, and is always positioned in the opposite part of the sky from the moon relative to the observer.
moonbow的姐妹: rainbow (彩虹)
A rainbow is a meteorological phenomenon that is caused by reflection, refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky. It takes the form of a multicoloured circular arc.Rainbows caused by sunlight always appear in the section of sky directly opposite the sun. Rainbows can be full circles.
Halo (光晕)
A circular band of colored light around a light source, as around the sun or moon, caused by the refraction and reflection of light by ice particles suspended in the intervening atmosphere.
维多利亚瀑布位于非洲南部赞比亚和津巴布韦接壤区域,在赞比西河上游和中游交界处,是世界上、最美丽和最壮观的瀑布之一,宽1,700多米,处达108米。一条深邃的岩石断裂谷横切赞比西河,滔滔河水流经此处时骤然下落,形成维多利亚瀑布。巨量的河水下落时,如万雷轰鸣,动地惊天,溅起的白色水雾,有如片片白云和轻烟在空中缭绕。因此维多利亚瀑布也被称为“雷鸣之烟”或“轰轰作响的烟雾”(the smoke that thunders)。每逢满月升起,水雾折射月光,就形成了月虹奇观,景色十分迷人。
1) Moon
Clementine's data indicated that the wall of a south polar crater was more reflective than expected. So some experts think there's probably ice there. Also, data from a later mission indicate significant concentrations of hydrogen, and by inference, water, less than a meter underground at both poles.
MALE STUDENT: If there's water, how'd it get there? Underground rivers?
MALE PROFESSOR: We think meteors that crashed into the Moon, or tails of passing comets, may have introduced water molecules. Any water molecules that found their way to the floors of craters near the Moon's poles, that water would be perpetually frozen because the floors of those craters are always in shadow. Uh, furthermore,if the water ice was mixed in with rock and dust, it'd be protected from evaporation.
FEMALE STUDENT: So, are you saying there might be primitive life on the Moon?
MALE PROFESSOR: Uh, that's not my point at all! Um, OK, say there is water ice on the Moon. That would be of very practical value for a future Moon base for astronauts. Uh, water ice could be melted and purified for drinking. It could also be broken down into its component parts—oxygen and hydrogen. Oxygen could be used to breathe. And hydrogen could be turned into fuel, rocket fuel. So, water ice could enable the creation of a self-sustaining Moon base someday, a mining camp, perhaps, or, uh, a departure point for further space exploration.(TPO5 L2 Moon Landing)
2) Spectrum
You all know how when you take a crystal prism and pass a beam of sunlight through it, you get a spectrum which looks like a continuous band of rainbow colors. The light that we see with our human eyes as a band of rainbow color falls in the range of what's called visible light.
so we've got a spectrum of a beam of sunlight and it looks like the colors bleed into each other, uh, there're no interruptions, just a band flowing from violet to green to yellow to…you get the idea. Well what happens if the sunlight spectrum is magnified? [pause - then slightly under breath] Maybe you all didn't do the reading. Well here's what you'd see:I want you to notice that this spectrum is interrupted by dark lines, called spectral lines.
If you really magnified the spectrum of the sunlight, you could identify more than a hundred thousand of 'em. They may look kinda randomly placed, but they actually form many distinct patterns.(TPO3 L4 Spectroscopy)
3) Reflection
a cloud either contributes to the cooling of Earth's surface or to its heating.Earth's climate system is constantly trying to strike a balance between the cooling and warming effects of clouds.
It's very close, but overall, the cumulative effect of clouds is to cool Earth rather than heat it. And this balance between the amount of solar radiation—energy from the Sun—that's absorbed by Earth and the amount that's reflected back into space, we call this Earth's "radiation budget."And one way we keep track of the radiation budget is by looking at the albedo of the different surfaces on the planet. (TPO23 L2 Earth radiation budget)
moonbow 月虹
halo /'heɪloʊ/ 光晕
reflection /rɪ'flekʃ(ə)n/ 反射
refraction /rɪ'frækʃ(ə)n/ 折射
radiation /.reɪdi'eɪʃ(ə)n/ 辐射
optical /'ɑptɪk(ə)l/ 视觉的
albedo /æl'bɪdoʊ/ 反射率
droplet /'drɑplət/ 小滴
fall 瀑布
accumulate /ə'kjumjə.leɪt/ 累积
cumulative /'kjumjələtɪv/ 累积的
multicolored /məltiˈkələrd/ 多色的
spectrum /'spektrəm/ 光谱
spectroscopy 光谱学
prism /'prɪzəm/ 棱镜
beam /bim/ 光束
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