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2020年12月托福口语独立题考情分析及范文 - 刘思元

作者:刘思元 2021-01-18 11:25 来源:武汉编辑

作者:北美考试院托福口语组 刘思元





Some people think that those children who do not want to keep learning a musical instrument course should be required to keep learning the course; while others think that those children should be allowed to make decisions by themselves (they can still do exercises by themselves without continuing with the class). What is your opinion and why? Please give specific details to support your opinion. 



本题为典型的“教育类”话题下面的“课程选择类”题型,托福口语题目当中经常会问到“孩子是否应该学习某个科目或课程”,比如世界历史,艺术,写作等等,这取决于同学们对于自己选择科目或课程的依据是什么,是自己的兴趣爱好,还是就业前景,抑或其他。另外,这道题目使用的是被动语态“children should be required to…”,所以其实暗含了一个隐藏的对象,就是父母或家长,所以除了课程选择的角度,还可以从家庭教育方式的角度来回答,比如如果父母是否应该帮孩子做所有的选择或决定,父母的干预对孩子的未来成长是否有利。



I think children who do not want to keep learning a musical instrument course should be required to keep learning the course, because interests do not arise naturally in children. But school plays an important role in developing their interest by making the course compulsory. Parents can also encourage them to pick up a never-give attitude in learning by making things interesting or giving them external rewards as incentive. For example, maybe kids are not interested in playing piano in the first place, but every time they accomplish a certain goal, they’ll be given a small amount of money. After they’ve been doing it for a while, and had some achievement, they will gain a sense of fulfillment and discover that playing piano is actually pretty fun. People may wish they had been “forced” to continue things, but they were unable to force themselves.



I think there is no need to force children to learn what they refuse to keep learning. I mean, shouldn’t students have more say in what they are taught at school? First of all, if they are forced to learn what they have no interest in, they won’t be able to stay focused and motivated, it’s definitely not making them happier or more successful in this field. Secondly, it’s a waste of time practicing instrument all the time especially when they have no interest in or any talent for it, because they should be spending most of their time on their academic learning. All in all, I think we should give them an option to decide for themselves whether or not to learn certain courses. If they have a strong opinion of not doing something, even if we think they may like it, we accept their wishes.



Some people prefer to solve problems with their friends by talking face to face, while others prefer to solve problems with friends by sending text messages or emails. Which way do you think is better? 







I think problem-solving is better done face-to-face, because firstly face-to-face discussion allows people to communicate their ideas more clearly and more accurately. When you raise a question that need an immediate response, people can help instantaneously in person, but through texting you may not be able to receive a reply in a timely manner. Secondly, face-to-face interaction leads to a stronger relationship while when texting, there are often misunderstandings and misinterpretations. Because of some non-verbal cues, people won’t misunderstand each other. It’s not what you said, but your facial expressions and gestures deliver more message and bring you closer to each other.



One of the main reason why I prefer texting is that I’m afraid to say the wrong thing and texting gives me more time to think about what to say and phrase it in a way that will not hurt the other person. While on phone you have to say the first thing that comes to mind, which might not be the best of replies for that particular situation. By planning out what I say, I can avoid creating a bigger issue. Also, face to face is great if you happen to be in the same geography. But in my company, people literally work all over the world, getting the whole team all in one room can be a hassle, so we use emails to communicate our problems. It allows us to answer at the most convenient time for them, and also saves the trouble of coordinating our schedules and travelling for a long distance.



Some college students choose a course of study that will give them specific professional training, such as teaching or engineering. Others choose a broader course of study, such as philosophy or history that will give them more general knowledge. Which do you think is better.  



本题较新,在近几年的考题中都没有出现过,但归根到底,还是在讲课程选择和个人偏好的问题。我们一起来分析一下这两种课程主要的差别是什么。首先,职业技能主要注重具体某个领域的实际运用,而理论知识更注重对于这个学科的深刻理解。如选择前者,那么学生的兴趣点可能主要在于其对于找工作的帮助;如选择后者,则可能是兴趣使然,而且看似宽泛的理论课也有开阔视野启迪思维的功效,站在这个角度上,还可以反驳对方关于“大学就是培养工作技能”, 从而提出“大学应该是开阔视野,培养思维方式和建立世界观为首要任务”的观点。



Personally, I prefer to choose a course of study that will give me specific professional training, such as teaching or engineering. This type of course is aimed to arm graduates with applicable skills which makes it easier for them to enter any industry and step into employment. For example, an aerospace engineer may know a lot about avionics and flight theory, but this alone does not make him an aircraft pilot. Similarly, if a person simply wants to work as a repairman in the future, his aim is to understand how a machine works and apply it to the real situations, in this case, learning physics, chemistry and mathematics, all these general knowledge may be a waste of time since they are all unrelated to his future career and fail to motivate him to devote his time to.



I prefer to choose a broader course of study, such as philosophy or history that will give me more general knowledge. Firstly, it’s necessary to be equipped with specific skills for a person in order to be employed, but it’s not the university’s role to do it. In fact, even with specific skills developed in school it is difficult for a graduate to simply step into a job and be good at it if without accumulated experience. Moreover, I think university study is much more than just preparing students to be future workers, more importantly, students should receive education that develops their ways of thinking, and ultimately helps them to become a better person. Philosophy, for example, may seem abstract, but it teaches critical thinking and logical analysis, which also helps improve students’ problem-solving abilities in the long term.



Nowadays, many people communicate through text messages, do you think we should reply to friends messages right away or reply to them later?







I definitely prefer to reply to text messages right away because I’m a fast text messager. I usually respond to my friends’ message within like five minutes. Like most twenty-somethings, my cell phone is all but glued to my hand. When you don’t respond timely, they’ll feel you’re ignoring them because people know that you have your phone on you all the time. Even if I was too busy to respond, I would send a text saying that I’m too busy so my friends know I’m not blowing them off. In other cases, friends text us because they are desperately in need of our help or advice, a quick response will help us offer a helping hand and solve their problems faster.



Well I think it’s ok not to reply to text messages right away. First of all, if someone takes long to reply, it doesn’t automatically mean they’re purposely ignoring you or that they’re not that into you. Sometimes people are at work or driving or just walking right across the street, it is dangerous to look down at their phone. Imagine if you’re in the meetings all day, there is nothing wrong with texting back a few hours after you received their message. Second, texting itself indicates things they want to tell us is not very urgent, and they don't expect us to respond immediately, otherwise they would choose to give us a phone call. So it won’t hurt their feelings at all.



Your university is planning to require all first-year students to take a class in which they would learn how to use the resources available at the university library and apply those skills in writing a long research paper. Do you think this is a good idea? 






I don’t think it is a good idea to make this course compulsory. Firstly, many students are not interested in writing because writing skills are probably not needed in their future, like music or art majors never write an essay after they graduate, so when they’re forced to learn things that they don’t like at all, they wont take it serious, and won’t be able to stay motivated and be productive. Secondly, I think time and energy are limited for students especially freshmen, they already have a hard time adapting to their new life in college, so taking writing course may occupy too much time and affect their performance at other important courses and activities.



I think it is quite a good idea to require all first-year students to take this course. Firstly, many of them haven’t learnt these skills back in high school, while in college, all students, no matter what their majors are, are required to write research paper in many advance courses in order to graduate, so learning to search information efficiently is a must for college student. Secondly, it is also a good way for freshmen to get to meet new people. Some of them have trouble expanding their social circle when first entering the college, but if all first-year students have to take the same course sitting in the same classroom, they would have the opportunity to reach out to others and socialize with people from different background.



Some professors let students choose topics that interest them on research papers. Others assign topics on research papers. Which one do you prefer?题目解析:



如果选择教授指定主题, 可以说教授指定的主题和课程重要内容更加相关,可以帮助学生更好地巩固课程知识。而且,不同学生选的主题可能难度不一样,这样对一些学生不公平。



Well I prefer to have my topic assigned by professor. Since I myself had no idea for research topic back in college, having a topic assigned by professor will definitely make it easier for me to start. In addition, professor has an overview of the subjects, what he proposes the students to study on may be more related to the content of their class, which in turn helps consolidate the knowledge student learned in class. Besides, professor must know the topic pretty well, so he or she can give proper advice and guidance on students’ work. On the other hand, if students are allowed to choose their own topic based on their own interests, it might add up to the professor’s work, and it sounds a little bit unfair to those who choose a topic of higher level of difficulty.



In my opinion, professors shouldn’t propose research topics for students. Only if they’re writing on stuffs that interest them a lot, they will be more motivated to do more research and keep going when encountering difficulties. Let alone it requires a lot of motivation and takes away the prof’s time in advising. Instead, they should guide their students in the right direction, and let them decide for themselves. Having the freedom to choose whatever they’re interested in gives them a feeling that they’re trusted and respected. However, if they’re given a topic that they know nothing about and take little interest in, they might become unpleasant and unsatisfied. So I guess it is better for students to take the initiative and put forward their own research interest.



















