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作者:熊宇涵 2021-05-31 11:42 来源:武汉编辑

2021年5月一共进行了4场托福线下考试,周末3场周中1场。在这4场考试中,除了第 一道题是旧题新考以外,其它均属于旧题复用。具体题号已标注在每道考题后。考察话题包括:工作选择,生活环境,旅游,历史。均属于常规话题。其中工作和环境这两个话题在上个月(四月)中也同样出现了。

对于这些反复考察且难度平稳的话题,考生们需要检查自己在备考时是否踏实地做到以下几点任务:1. 勤做历年独立题真题。2. 按照分类,归纳话题常用思路及例子。3. 自己练习过的题目和积累过的语料,是否真的记住了。

同时,在新托福口语真经五这本教材中,第二章独立题的六组万 能思路,包含了以上考察到的四类话题,建议考生们前往认真阅读并做相关积累。


2019.10.19 旧题新考:

Some people prefer a job dealing with different tasks, while others prefer a job dealing with tasks following the routine and predictable. Which do you prefer? Explain why.


这道考题属于工作选择类话题,这类话题是备考时一定要练习掌握的。与2019年10月19日的考题类似,都是对两种不同的工作方式进行提问。审题时需要能快速提炼出两种方式的本质区别,并以此来确定自己立场中的关键词和与之相关联的例子。如:第 一种工作可以是更注重“创造性”的,由此我们能联想到相关的职业,如:艺术、音乐、创业。而第二种工作可以是更注重“流程性”的,与之相关的职业包括医疗、会计等。对于这类话题的练习,有两点建议:1. 学会使用对比的逻辑。首先肯定所选选项的优势,再指出另一选项存在的缺点和弊端。2. 能提前准备1-2个具体的职业来对自己的立场进行展开。


I would go for a job working different tasks, because personally I sail well in flows of change. When learning how to handle and accomplish various tasks, I would need to step out of my comfort zone and adapt into new mentalities and work mechanisms. On top of that, it is also a great chance to go beyond my limit and cultivate new abilities, which I consider to be the most exciting part at work. If my tasks are always set and monotonous, soon or later, I would lose vitality. Although following routines and procedures can be easier, it can slowly kill my creativity in the long run. 


Personally, I prefer working in a job following certain routines. First of all, I think routines are nothing static but active rigorousness. Workers of such position are required to have attentiveness, high sense of responsibility, and patience. For example, when a nurse comes in for her shift, she must strictly follow a series of medical procedures, including patrolling the ward, measuring each patience’s vital signs, distributing the right drugs, and giving fluids. She must know exactly what she is doing, because any loopholes occurring in between these routines is a matter of life or death. We can see right there just how much value lies in routines. Therefore, I believe this kind of job must carry out a great sense of achievement. 


2016.6.25 旧题复用:

If someone donates a piece of land to your community, should it be used to construct a playground for children or a garden to grow plant and flowers? Explain why. 


这道考题属于环境类话题,一个常规的老话题,而且上个月(4月21日)也刚刚考察过类似的题目。本题中两个选项都与生活息息相关。看到第 一个选项里的关键字“孩子”,可快速与教育类话题联系起来,谈谈室外活动对小孩生活和成长的必要性与重要性。第二个选项中的关键词“花园”,不仅能美化居住环境,也能绿化环境 (包括净化空气,吸收废气排放),还能为人们带去一个休闲放松的空间。比较同话题里的考题,不难发现第二个与环保相关的选项经常出现,所以需要考生在备考时不仅要积累相关语料,更重要的是要能做到熟练输出。


I would love for it to be a playground for children. Just look around for what has left to play for our children nowadays. Besides the playground at kindergartens or one or two parks, there is not much public facilities built up for children and that is sad. It definitely is a lack of city planning which results from the neglect of the needs for children’ development. Kids used to clamor for slides, swings, and seesaws. Now more and more of them just sit tight with electronic devices at home. Not only it takes away their physical activities but also does serious harm to their health. Therefore, I strongly advocate for constructing a space for children to run around and get sweaty instead of being pre-matured into mobile addicts. 


I would love for it to be a garden. First of all, a well-designed green space presents great aesthetic value. Who does not appreciate looking at flowers and plants and feeling at peace. So we should definitely let nature work its magic and save us from having to stare at screens all day at work. Whenever you feel stressed, a walk at the garden will surely lift your spirit and refresh your mind. What’s more, there will never be too much green space due to the concerned amount of air pollution in cities. Exhaust gas coming from car emissions and factories can be reduced by plants. Therefore, we should take advantage of this land in order to make a better city-nature balance.


2015.7.4 旧题复用:

Some people enjoy traveling to new places, while others feel that traveling to new places is very stressful and prefer to travel to the same places or not to travel. What is your opinion? Explain why. 


这道考题属于旅游类话题,也是一个常规且考察频率高的话题。此类话题不难,但是需要考生在回答时能够组织足够的细节和例子去支撑自己的立场。这道题可能大部分考生都会选第 一个选项,去没去过的地方旅游也更符合大多数人的旅游初衷。常用思路如:了解不同的地域特色和城市文化。选择第二个选项时,可以对关键词“stressful”进行展开,去一个新地方旅游会带来哪些stress呢?比如陌生的路线、不合胃口的食物、无法适应的气候等。同时,选项里也涉及到“not to travel”,所以如果对旅行没有兴趣,也可以给出自己的一番解释。


I am always up for seeing new places. Traveling has always been one of my great passions, and it never fails to inject new impetus into my life. Each every city or country that I have visited has its own personality, enchanting scenery and distinctive culture. Every traveling experience is like a branch of river flowing into the mainstream of water, as reflections of the mind shaping the course of the heart. Isn’t that a gem of life! I myself have been up to almost 20 countries, and I can’t begin to recall on just how much I have learned and grown out of that. And I know that list is surely not gonna end.


Personally speaking, I feel that traveling to new places can be stressful. Especially when you tour foreign cities, it always takes a lot of work to make travel plans. Being in a total strange environment, encountering all kinds of unexpectations is never a strange thing. It is easy to get onto wrong direction of road or going to “trendy” restaurants yet filling up with disappointments at the end. Sometimes even making travel plans does not help to avoid any of these. Therefore, things would be much at ease when I revisit the places I am familiar with, which saves the trouble and time. What’s more, places of my favorites are also just worth exploring in deeper aspects.  


2016.7.10/2018.1.6 旧题复用:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important to learn the history of the city you live in. Explain why.


这道考题属于历史类话题,是备考时一定不能错过的。考生必须积累学习历史的重要性及意义,可以从个人、城市、及文化交流的角度分别进行思考。同时,建议大家审题时也要学会扣细节。比如:“the city you live in” 可以是故乡,也可以是自己读书或工作暂住的地方;可以指国内,也可以指国外。将这样的细节展开后,我们的答案也能变的更丰富了。本题不建议答反对立场,因为历史类话题都能用类似的思路和语料进行回答。


I think learning history should be attached with great importance. Not only it has personal significance but also carries communal value. First of all, learning the history of a city is just like getting to know a friend. The more you hear his or her past experience, the closer you would be with the person. Knowing a city takes you through major events like wars or revolutions, geographical shifts, regional personality and characteristics, and transitions of culture. All these learning will water your sense of belonging and attachment to the place. On top of that, as cultural and people exchanges nowadays have gotten closer than ever, informing yourself with objective historical knowledge is critical. We can never fairly examine relevant issues or conflicts without looking into the history behind, so I believe that history is often a means of eliminating cultural biases especially in cross-cultural communications. 



















