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作者:陈璇 2023-03-03 17:44 来源:武汉编辑

2022 年 11 月一共有 7 场托福考试,ETS 再次上演“我重复我自己”。其中,有一题是新话题,有两题是重复的去年线下独立真题,其余五题都是近年来的家考原题。如果大家没有专门备考过家考版独立题,那么看到这些考题可能会觉得比较陌生。但其实整体话题难度比较友好,都没有超出常规话题的范围,即使是新题,也是换汤不换药,都可以用常规思路解答。可见考生刷题备考提前准备练习的重要性。但除了在观点和语料上有所准备,还需要分析了解话题及观点背后的细节阐释,更鼓励大家有自己的想法,才能言之有理并解释充分,这样的答案饱含丰富的词汇表达,附之以清晰连贯的表达效果,才是高分作答。

2022 年 11 月 2 日

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Professors should eliminate

office hours and only communicate with students by emails.

(重复 2022.7.30 线下原题)


此独立口语是根据之前考过的一道综合口语 T2 真题改编而来,综合对话重的理由正好也可以作为此题的 reasoning。我们在教学过程中常常启发学员学习综合材料中的论述和表达并应用在独立题中,简单方便,语言也会更加地道。这道题我会建议选择不同意会更贴合学员备考的通用思路,临场考试时更好讲解:1. 面对面交流的高效性;2. 发邮件的不便利因素。选择同意也可以从这两个方面展开:1. 线下提问会频繁打扰教授工作;2. 发邮件教师可以统一定时回复及便于保存搜集问题以提升教学。


Well I do not think it's a good idea.

First of all, talking to people in person is much more efficient. If students ask

professors for help face to face, they can communicate with each other directly as

both of them don’t have to type things out. When students have further questions

or thoughts, they can let their professors know right away and do not have to wait

for a long time for a response.

On the contrary, sending emails is not that practical for individual students, cause it’

s hard to make it clear if students ’ questions are long or complicated. And

sometimes professors may forget to check the emails if they are busy with teaching

or other work.2022 年 11 月 5 日

Your university plans to open a new cafe on campus. Some students think that the

cafe should be designed as a quiet area where students can read and study. Other

students think the cafe should be designed as a place for students to talk with

friends and watch TV on large screens. Which proposal do you support and why?

(2020-2021 家考原题,首次线下考出)


有关 cafe 的题在 TPO 中出现过类似的,涉及到公共场所的建立和功能性,大家应该都会有所储备,答题相对比较容易。应该大部分考生都会选择后者:设计成休闲娱乐场所。可以从以下两个方面展开:1. 已经有图书馆;2. 娱乐性。另外大家可以以此类推积累相关场所话题,类似真题都可以迎刃而解。


I definitely think that the cafe should be designed as a place for students to get


Because we can read and learn in the library or dorms which are quiet and good for

concentration. If we read in the cafe, we’ll be distracted by others’ chatting or

eating, and we may even spill coffee and get the books wet.

And actually the cafe is supposed to be a place to take a break for students. I mean

we spend most of our daytime reading or sitting in front of a computer screen for

hours, then we really want to chitchat with friends and grab something to eat or

drink. By the way the large screens are so cool for students that we can get together

to watch shows or live sports events like the World Cup. I believe it’s appealing for

most of us.

2022 年 11 月 12 日

Do you agree or disagree: When applying for jobs. People should not include a

photo of themselves on their resume of job application.

(2021 家考出现无数次的原题,首次线下考出)


这道题去年在家考中反复出现,有复习过家考真题的考生应该很熟悉了,但是如果第一次做,答题难度是不小的。个人推荐选择不同意。1. 工作简历有照片的好处;2. 有些职业对外貌有要求。观点并不是很难想出来,但是 reasoning 的过程需要积累一些表达才能拓展。


Personally, I would suggest to add photos to resume.

Because resume with photos will appear to be more formal and well-made. Thus

showing the applicants’seriousness and respect. If we make our photos to look

professional and neat, that can be a smart way to make a good impression. Then

the job hunter will be more likely to be employed.

And actually some occupations do have requirements for employees’ looks. For

example a preschool teacher would better not get a fierce look. Or the luxury goods

salesperson is supposed to look smart or approachable. So nowadays most

recruiters will check the photo on resume to make sure the image can meet the

professional requirements.

2022 年 11 月 16 日

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It’s important to learn

about the history of your ancestors.

(2021 家考原题,首次线下考出)


历年来的真题都会出现各种带有关键词 history 的话题,其中包括学习历史的必要性,学习国家历史的最好方法,是否需要学习世界历史等。本题是线下新话题,但依然与历史有关,属于旧题新考。说到家族历史,祖先历史,推荐选择正面回答。可以从以下几个方面展开:

  1. 学习过去,以史为鉴;2. 家族传承;3. 了解自己 4. 了解家庭起源,增进家庭关系。范文篇幅有限只选取其中两点进行了论述。


I think I should learn about the history of my ancestors.

Because I can gain something important and useful from their past. For example the

younger generation can learn the hardship of starting up the ancestor’s family or

business, and then we can carry on the best traditions of them. And throughout the

whole life of my ancestors, they had made all sorts of mistakes, so learning about

their past is a good way to keep me from making the similar ones.

What’s more, it’s always fun and great to look into the history of my ancestors,

you know, to find out whether they had some specific values or qualities and

whether these qualities have been passed down to me. So it just shows where I

came from and gives me great sense of belonging.2022 年 11 月 19 日

Do which do you prefer: a leader who makes quick decisions without consulting

others or a leader who asks for the opinions of other group members before making

a decision.

(重复 2021 年 6 月 9 日线下原题)


本题要求对团队合作当中不同类型的领导者进行论述,可当做人物性格特点类考题,也可将其归类为工作学习话题中对团队合作的观点表达。如果有对领导者应具备何种品质的话题有过思考,可直接进行理由陈述;如果对领导者这一抽象概念没有太多想法,建议结合平时工作学习中小组讨论或者团队项目的经历进行答题。两种思路都建议讨论 leader 以及 teammembers 之间的各种互动关系,以及产生的主观体验。

范文 1:

I think it is acceptable and sometimes even necessary for a leader to be assertive

and confident. Various opinions can not always be helpful, as you need to consider

too much before making a crucial decision. Members in a team all have different

interests and they may try to cast influence on the final choice in favor of

themselves in a way. It is the leader’s responsibility to think in a bigger picture and

forecast the possible consequences, and he or she can never be irresolute or

juggling both. Being too emotional or caring about details may cost you a lot, finally

you will even be considered as weak and lacking leadership.

范文 2:

Being a patient listener is one of the excellent qualities a good leader should bear. To

my understanding, leadership involves a lot of coordination, negotiation and people

skills. If a leader only focuses on doing his or her own part and makes decision for

everyone without taking in different ideas, that’s nothing more than a dictator. A

leader should let other voices out and make sure they are heard. And being

acceptant can really warm up the atmosphere in a team. Team members will feel

they can also make a difference in regard of the final result and tend to be loyal and

supportive if their appeals have been considered.

2022 年 11 月 20 日

Some people prefer to make plans with friends for social activities far in advance.

Others prefer to be more spontaneous and make plans with friends on the sameday they would like to see them. Which do you prefer and why?

(2020 家考原题,首次线下考出)


同样是旧题新考,有关计划时间的真题有很多,把握计划或者不计划的精髓和通用思维,无论是计划什么都有话可说。本题关键词包含计划,朋友,社交活动,从不同对象出发,用常识作答,并加入丰富的举例和表达即可。推荐从以下两个观点展开:1. 计划的乐趣 2. 做好准备才能尽兴。


Personally I prefer to make plans with my friends far in advance.

Because free time is precious for me and my friends as well. Our workdays are

usually tight in schedule, it’s nice to imagine what we’ll do together when the

weekend comes. We juggle one idea with another, trying to decide what best suits

our budget and the amount of time we have. After all, we’ll have something to look

forward and participating free time is a part of the pleasure.

Also we can get well-prepared for the social activities. For example, if we plan to

have a roast together, then we need to agree on the exact time or place and make

a list of all the food ingredients in advance. However, if we wait until the last minute,

it’s easy to procrastinate and half the day is gone before we know it. Not to

mention that my friends may already have other plans that day.

2022 年 11 月 27 日

Do you prefer to play board games or video games?

(重复 2019.4.13 线下原题)




II think the first one is better. I have two reasons for this.

The first reason is that it is good for health, especially for eyesight. If you play phone

games or computer games, you have to stare at the screen for quite a long time.

The radiation and bright flashes of light may impair eyesight for good. You could

finally become near-sighted.

The second reason is saving money. People should have phones or computers if

they want to play games on them. These electronic devices are expensive. As foryoung people, like students, they don’t have any jobs or income. By contrast, board

games or card games are cheaper and better.



















