1 别再求我了,没用的。我不愿搅和进去,都跟你说了不知多少遍了
Stop asking me! You're flogging a dead horse. I don't want get involved in it and I've told you a hundred time
2 他不是那种好说话的人。他很难相处
He is not a laid back kind of guy at all. He is very difficult to be with
3 他日子过得很清淡 He lives on bread and water
4 这张桌子快不能用了 The table is a goner
5 他灰溜溜地走开了 He walked away with his tail between his legs
6 他高兴得屁颠屁颠的 He‘s as happy as a dog with two tails
7 他走上台去发言,但撒泡尿的功夫,他就被轰下台来了
He got up on the stage to give his speech. But only a piss while later, he was laughed off and humiliated
8 我该嫁一个什么样的如意郎君,妈妈老爱唠叨,让我烦死了!
As to what kind of Mr. Right of I should marry, my mom's nagging is such a drain on my spirit
9 昨晚,头儿派小李去给大伙买夜宵 Last night, our boss sent Xiao Li out on a night snack run
10 我们打算给班长买份生日礼物。你想凑份子吗?
We want to buy a birthday present for our monitor. Would you like to pitch in a few bucks?
111 我的英语起点太低,我可没资格告诉你怎么学好英语
I have too poor a start at English and fair it be from me to tell you how to learn the langugae.
12 我想知道他们之间关系有多近 I want to know where they stand
13 上路,让我们开车去兜兜风 Hit the road! Let's take a drive
14 上来!我(开车)送你一程!Come on in! I'll give you a ride
15 家里出了这么大的事,我们总算挺过去了 We managed to ride out our family emergence
16 随你怎么想 Take it for whatever it's worth
17 我再怎么想也没想过今生能住进这么漂亮的房子
Never in my wildest imagination have I ever thought I would live in a house as beautiful as this
18 你没有必要对我恶语相加 You don't have to chew my head off
19 人不可貌相 Don't judge people by the way they look!
20 他的口才不错 He has a way with words
1 他不善言辞,在镜头前,也显得腼腆 He is both camera shy and word shy
2 我们到哪儿拍个集体照,合影留念?
Where shall we pose for a picture taken with all of us as a constant reminder?
3 能跟您合个影吗? May I have the pleasure of having a picture taken with you?
4 劳驾您一下,能帮我拍个照吗?帮我拍好一点哦
Excuse me, could you spare a minute and take a picture for me? Will you please get my good side?
5 你志向远大。但要实现你的理想,你就得做好吃好多苦头的准备
You have a very ambitious plan. But in order to achieve your goal, you have to be prepared to brave a lot of hardships
6 你这么懒下去,你的下场不会比你的兄弟好到哪里去
If you keep on being so lazy, you will fare no better than your brother
7 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 A lazy youth, a lousy age
8 这一点你要向我保证 You should give me a word on that
9 此地无银三百两 He who desires all confesses all
10 言为心声 Language is the dress of thought
11 听其言,观其行,知其人
His word in conversation and the way he conducts himself make what he is
12 他这个人,江山易改,本性难移 He is what he is
13 爱之深,责之切 He who loves well chastises well
14 打是亲,骂是爱,不打不骂不自在 The quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love
15 吉人自有天相 With a lucky man all things are lucky
16 他戴着护身符呢 He wears a talisman
17 这酒喝了不上头 You will not feel hangover after drinking this wine
18 恕我直言,我认为你这事做得有点那个,不地道
Saving your presence, I think you did it the way a man of integrity should not at all
19 恕我直言,我不喜欢他这号人,他的事我不想管了
To put it straightforward, I don't like the men of his kind. I want to wash my hands of him
20 他就是那副德性,我们可别指望他 You know what he is and we don't have to count on him
1 人比人,气死人 Comparisons are odious
2 形象不好,穿再漂亮的衣服也当不了靓妹帅哥
No fine cloth can hide the clown
3 你过于自我陶醉了 You flatter yourself!
4 成人不自在,自在不成人,不努力,难成才 No man is his craft's master the first day
5 聪明一世,糊涂一时 No man is wise at all times
6 挂羊头,卖狗肉 Cry out wine and sell vinegar
7 他最能说谎话了 He is a champion liar
8 个人的苦楚个人知(家家都有本难念的经)
Every heart knows its own bitterness (Every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way)
9 小事情,别计较! Try not sweat the small things!
10 别烦我!你没正事要干吗? Get off my back! Don't you have anything better to do?
11 我不烦你了!I’ll get out of your hair!
12 别添乱,我5分钟就行了 Would you get out of my hair for five minutes?
13 他办事磨磨蹭蹭 He is dragging his feet
14 (你凭什么认为我知道?)我才不想知道呢?
What makes you think that I even want to know it?
15 振作点,看开些!你不是有我这位朋友么
Hey, cheer up. Look on the bright side. You've me as your friend
16 有事找我(办),我随叫随到 I‘ll be on-call if you need my help
17 她一上台就很紧张,有人来听课,她就更紧张了
The moment she mounted the platform she got butterflies in her stomach. The butterflies became as big as birds soon after she had found some people as auditors in her class
18 看你怎么收场 Wait and see how you'll draw the curtain
19 今晚家里有客人,你们这帮小家伙可别瞎胡闹
We'll get some visitors this evening. I don't want you kids to forget yourselves
20 这两个学生考试作弊,他俩互相递条子
These two students cheated in the course of exam. They slipped each other notes
【责任编辑】:武汉新航道小编 版权所有:转载请注明出处