
武汉编辑 2022-01-14 17:31

作者:雅思阅读组 刘雨婷





首先,看一眼文章标题,“Why companies should welcome disorder”,可以从中知道“companies”、“disorder”会是文章主题信息,但是除此之外,“order”也会是,为何如此?因为标题所示主题与常识不符,按照行文逻辑,行文之初需要先引出“order”的相关情况,在说明“order”的不好情况之后,便可引出“disorder”,然后再夸“disorder”如何好。


紧接着,审选项。“i  Complaints about the impact of a certain approach”,圈出重点“complaints”,为何不圈“impact”、“certain approach”,因为这两个信息过于抽象,如何对应段落内容,无法琢磨,故选择“complaints”这一负面情绪浓厚的词作为选项重点。同理,“ii  Fundamental beliefs that are in fact incorrect”圈出“incorrect”,“iii  Early recommendations concerning business activities”圈出“early recommendations”,“iv  Organisations that put a new approach into practice”圈出“new approach”,“v  Companies that have suffered from changing their approach”圈出“suffered from changing”,“vi  What people are increasingly expected to do”圈出“expected”,“vii  How to achieve outcomes that are currently impossible”圈出“currently impossible”,“viii  Neither approach guarantees continuous improvement”圈出“neither approach”,“ix  Evidence that a certain approach can have more disadvantages than advantages”圈出“more disadvantages”。


最后,汇总一下,“i, ii, v, vii, viii, ix”属于“负面消极坏的”这一类,“iii, iv, vi”属于“中性”这一类。接下来,笔者带着大家来依次看各个section



对于段落大意的把握,离不开对于段落重点信息的筛选,以上划线部分为Section A需要重点关注的信息,结合先前对于选项的情绪划类,Section A应属于中性表达一类,故答案在“iii, iv, vi”中进行选择。“iii  Early recommendations concerning business activities”中“early”无法体现,文中也并非只有“business activities”,故排除;“iv  Organisations that put a new approach into practice”,“new”无法体现;最后便只剩下“vi  What people are increasingly expected to do”,而唯有此选项与段落重点内容最为契合。



Section B一开头,便通过“ironically”及“however”奠定了整个section的负面态度倾向,再结合划线部分,更能验证以上推断合理。结合体现负面消极倾向的选项:


i  Complaints about the impact of a certain approach

ii  Fundamental beliefs that are in fact incorrect

v  Companies that have suffered from changing their approach

vii  How to achieve outcomes that are currently impossible

viii  Neither approach guarantees continuous improvement

ix  Evidence that a certain approach can have more disadvantages than advantages


不难看出,“i  Complaints about the impact of a certain approach”最吻合,而“ii  Fundamental beliefs that are in fact incorrect”最容易被误选。Section B的重点并不在于“指导性方案有误”,而是为了突出实际运用过程中所出现的问题。“i  Complaints about the impact of a certain approach”所含信息,不仅用“a certain approach”承接上文,指“order”,还突出Section B的核心“complaints”,故该选项为最 优解。



Section B刚贬完“order”,Section C一开头提到的“This has been a problem for a while now”便可忽略不计,因为Section C若是再进行贬低,结构上会有些冗余,除非将所贬低信息进行深挖。果不其然,后面所谈信息没有任何的负面倾向,皆为中性表达,故答案可直接从以下两个选项进行筛选:


iii  Early recommendations concerning business activities

iv  Organisations that put a new approach into practice


其实,Section C是在讲“order”的来源,是谁最 先提出来这一方案的,并没有提出“new approach”,更别提投入实践了。故此,“iii  Early recommendations concerning business activities”最为吻合。



Section D开头第 一句“…this obsession with efficiency is misguided”承接上文,通过“misguided”摆明态度倾向为负面,结合剩下的体现负面消极倾向的选项:


ii  Fundamental beliefs that are in fact incorrect

v  Companies that have suffered from changing their approach

vii  How to achieve outcomes that are currently impossible

viii  Neither approach guarantees continuous improvement

ix  Evidence that a certain approach can have more disadvantages than advantages


最终,可选出“ii  Fundamental beliefs that are in fact incorrect”。



Section E也皆为负面信息,首句“Whats more, recent studies show that order actually has diminishing returns”讲“order”不好,可是,之前已经讲过,所以Section E必须要讲出点不一样的,结合剩下的体现负面消极倾向的选项:


v  Companies that have suffered from changing their approach

vii  How to achieve outcomes that are currently impossible

viii  Neither approach guarantees continuous improvement

ix  Evidence that a certain approach can have more disadvantages than advantages


最终,可选出“ix  Evidence that a certain approach can have more disadvantages than advantages”。



Section F乍一看,认为是提出新方案,而事实也确实如此,只是“提出新方案”为中性表达,而中性表达只剩下“iv  Organisations that put a new approach into practice”,可是Section F并未谈及投入实践,故此,Section F需以负面选项进行对应,结合剩下的体现负面消极倾向的选项:


v  Companies that have suffered from changing their approach

vii  How to achieve outcomes that are currently impossible

viii  Neither approach guarantees continuous improvement


最终,可选出“vii  How to achieve outcomes that are currently impossible”。



Section G首句“…companies have slowly started to embrace this disorganisation”呼应上文“提出新方案”,而Section G的重点内容并没有任何负面信息体现,而中性表达只剩一个“iv  Organisations that put a new approach into practice”,Section G也确实是在谈“投入实践”,故可选。





v  Companies that have suffered from changing their approach

viii  Neither approach guarantees continuous improvement


最终,可选出“viii  Neither approach guarantees continuous improvement”。


以上便为运用情绪划类法更加准确高效地解题的全过程展示。各位同学需注意,在选项部分所谈及信息很抽象,鲜少出现具体信息时,情绪划类会是解题的重大突破口,再结合对于段落重点信息的筛选,两相比对,便能选出最 优的答案。   



Loh解题策略之情绪划类法(上) 2021年1-11月雅思阅读考情分析及备考建议 填空题的修饰限定关系考点你真的弄明白了吗? 单选题题干的“refer to”你真的注意到了吗? “In fact”究竟有何深意? 你以为阅读就只是阅读吗?