武汉编辑 2021-02-24 16:42
作者:雅思口语组 尤梦怡
Describe a person who you think wears unusual clothes
You should say
Who this person is
How you knew this person
What his/her clothes are like
And explain how you feel about it
其实这道题目看似好像很难找到素材,其实我们如果去细究unusual这个词,可以发现在柯林斯词典上的解释是“if something is unusual, it does not happen very often or you do not see it or hear it very often”, 根据这个定义,并不难在我们身边找到灵感。
还记得芒果卫视火遍全国的《我是歌手》中以穿皮裤(tight leather pants & leggings)著称的邓紫棋吗?抑或是在《乐队的夏天》季遗憾离场抱怨着说还有两套演出服没有穿的时尚icon海龟先生;又或者是走在国潮文化最前端的穿着汉服出街的仙女姐姐;还是每年四大时装周各大品牌(designer brand)推出各色让人怀疑是真给人穿的设计;还是每年漫展穿梭在街上cosplay的小姐姐和小哥哥;《中国新说唱》中rapper身上经常可见的涂鸦卫衣和脖子上的大链子;或是酷爱JK 制服的清新小女生都可以成为我们Part2口语中的素材。那么,我们一起来看看到底这个话题该如何去完整描述出来(以穿汉服的小姐姐为例)。
l Who this person is
Well, honestly, seldom do I keep an eye on people’s dressing cuz I always consider whatever others wear is a matter of personal choice. But XXX really drew my attention.
l How you knew this person
Actually, it was from a piece of news that I started to know there is an increasing number of youngsters in China, who joined in the growing hanfu movement. A girl, named Zhang Lingshan, is one the founders to set up hanfu studio or clubs all over China. She mentioned that she was obsessed with Han style clothes since she first watched costume drama. Normally, actors in the TV series would wear Hanfu, a type of traditional clothes which can be dated back to Han Dynasty.
l What his/her clothes are like
Traditionally,Han style clothes consists of a robe or shirt worn as the upper garment, with a pleated skirt (褶裙)commonly worn as the lower garment. Unlike the modern clothes we wear today, it has extremely long and wide sleeves which is usually regarded as the pockets where ancient people can put handkerchief or sometimes paper folding fan (纸折扇). Normally,Han outfit is made of silk, which explains why it looks dreamy and fairy-like.
When Zhang Lingshan first wore hanfu to hang out with her friends, she was so timid cuz everyone on the street just stared at her and even took photos. But the more she wore hanfu, the more confident she became as more girls also started to follow her. So, now, under her influence, it has been a new fashion for the young to put on Han style clothes.
l And explain how you feel about it
Although I,myself haven’t tried this type of clothes before, I do admire her courage to wear something different from most of us. Most importantly, she has aroused our awareness to attach more importance to Chinese traditional costumes, like Han style clothes, Tang style clothes etc. If you take a walk outside, it’s common to see that most Chinese’s outfits are more influenced by American, British, or Japanese style. So, Zhang has taken the initiative to promote our national clothing elements.
尽管我自己从来没穿过汉服,但是我很佩服她敢于穿和大家不一样的衣服。更重要的是,她让我们更加关注中国传统服饰,比如汉服,唐装等等。如果你在外面走一走,你会发现大多数中国人的衣服要么是欧美范,要么日韩风。所以,张灵珊在复兴服饰中国风上迈出了很大一步。 以上是以穿汉服的为例,但是我们其实还可以参照同样的方式完成穿其他服装的人哦。附上各位同学们在准备话题的时候需要用上的话题词汇。