
武汉新航道 > 原创文章 > 独立写作中二选一题目让步段的正确写法


来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2018-03-06 15:03


 在托福独立写作中 “二选一”是最常见的题型,“一边倒”也是我们在审题后的文章结构,主要是基于它所带来的内容的详实性和支持的力度性。 然而对于大部分考生就某些题目的思路而言很难完成“一边倒”的解构,那么这时就会引入一个让步段来完成内容的充分性,我们先来看一道真题:

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  It is better to watch serious movies to get deeper thoughts than to watch movies that amuse or entertain you. Compare both advantages and use specific examples and details to support your answer.





  At first, watching entertaining movies has many advantages. It means funny or even absurd, movies such as comedies that are intended to make the audience laugh help us to forget our troubles, release our pressure and feel relaxed and happy for a long time. For example, American pies, which has all the ingredients of a good movie. The film has one liners, sight gags, and situations that very funny. The audience, which ranged from teenagers to middle age, laughed almost constantly and out loud. So watching entertaining movies does have many advantages. But I support the idea that watching serious movies is better .


  1. 让步段作用


  2. 可作为让步的成分

  ——对方优点 / 我方缺点

  3. 让步段位置


  4. 让步段框架


  5. 让步主题句,对让步内容进行简要展开,转折句,反驳(词类不写)

  6. 让步段主题句写法:四种方法可以削弱让步内容:

  从语气上削弱:Admittedly/ Undoubtedly/It is conceded that/It is true that/Indeed

  从可能性上削弱 :may/might/possibly/probably

  从数量大小上削弱:one/one or two/ a couple of/minor

  从程度上削弱:to some extent/to some degree


  1. 让步的逻辑连接引出让步

  2. 不支持方优点简述(≤ 2句话)

  3. 转折(有利于我方立场和观点)

  因此上述学生的写作实例按照上述 “三步走战略”修改如下:

  Indeed, funny or even absurd, movies such as comedies that are intended to make the audience laugh help us to forget our troubles, release our pressure and feel relaxed and happy for a while. However, we have to admit that after a temporary laugh, nothing meaningful or educational is left. On the contrary, serious movies that broaden our view, grant us hopes and make us examine the things we do,the value we revere and the way we behave and treat people around us are cherished as treasures and can go through the test of the time.


  例:Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

  Parents should help their children make decisions.


  Admittedly, some people claim that it is beneficial for the kids if their parents make decisions for them. Due to their rich life experience and mature thoughts, adults are able to make more objective and correct judgment than the innocent children. However, for the children themselves, this is not an act of trustworthiness. They might think that their parents doubt about their abilities and talents, which may lead to conflict between children and their parents,affecting the communication at the same time. Thus, I believe parents should allow children to make decisions on their own.

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