《托福说》第16期 Topic:团队合作
Presenter 北美考试院副主任,托福听力讲师,放~~心考托福的主持人 方欣老师
Children need to learn to cooperate and get along with others when they grow up. Please give examples of how adults can help them acquire those skills.
☀ 团队合作怎么表达?
☆ 近义表达:
cooperation / teamwork / collaboration / coordination
☆ 反义表达:
competition / self-centered
☀ 关于团队合作的proverbs有哪些?
☆ A single arrow is easily broken but not ten in a bundle.
☆ When spider webs unite they can tie up a lion.
☆ No man is an island entire of itself.
☀ 团队合作精神的要素具体有哪些?
☆ 要素一:懂得倾听、尊重他人
A good team player is willing to hear and accept the ideas of others and show respect for each other.
☆ 要素二:欣赏别人的优点,不产生嫉妒
Recognize the skills and strengths of others, and don’t compete with each other.
☆ 要素三:责任感强,并且不邀功
People who are cooperative take responsibility for their part of the task, and don't try to take all the credit for a shared task.
☀ 可以通过哪些活动培养孩子的团队合作精神?
☆ 示例一:让孩子参与家务,并给予肯定
Parents can do chores together with their children, like set the table, clean up toys, or wash the car, and praise them for collaborating, so that they will be more likely to repeat positive behaviors.
☆ 示例二:让孩子参加各种需要团队合作的游戏和比赛
rope jumping 跳绳 tug of war 拔河 a three-legged race 两人三足比赛
☆ 示例三:带孩子观察动物的合作行为,例如蚂蚁的协作
observing how ants work as a team to carry large objects. mutualism 互利共生
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