作者:邓姝丹 新航道武汉学校雅思写作讲师,英语翻译硕士学位,专业基础扎实,持英语专业八级证书()、高中英语教师资格证和上海市口译证书。曾在担任大学英语课程工作认真责任。
雅思大作文的四项评分标准相信大家已是烂熟于心:Task Response(TR)任务回应情况、Coherence & Cohesion (CC)连贯与衔接、Lexical Resources(LR)词汇资源、Grammatical Range & Accuracy(GRA)语法多样性和准确性。写作是由词到句到段再到篇章的一个过程,这四层面分别就对应着四项评分标准。
1. Lexical Resources
很多烤鸭会误以为高分就是要多用生僻词,但生僻词因为不熟,往往容易出现拼写错误、词性误用和搭配不当,反而会丢分。根据《雅思考试写作评分标准(公共版》)的解读,LR的基本要求是使用正确,首先要拼写正确,记单词的时候要善于自己联想去准确记住拼写,形近词放在一起加强区分;其次是词性正确,可以借助后缀辅助记忆,常见的名词后缀有-ment/-ty/-ism/-or/-er/-e/-ist/-ency/-ence/-ance/-dom/-ion/-ation,常见的形容词后缀有-al/-ic/-tic/-ial/-ful/-less/-ous/-ive/-tive/-able/-ible,常见的动词后缀有-en/-ify/-ate。最后是搭配正确,这是中国考生的弱项,因为在记单词的时候往往只记中文意思,写作时候又习惯从中文字字对应翻译成英文,导致搭配不当,表达不地道,为了解决这个问题,在记单词的时候一定要查询Oxford或Cambridge英英字典,结合大作文九类话题,记忆话题词伙。在使用正确的基础上再去实现词汇丰富,常用的丰富词汇的方法包括同义替换,在替换的时候不可避免的就会用词汇,留预读写课本每篇阅读文章都会给出三个academic keywords,其中大部分都是雅思写作常用词汇,可以适当地进行同义词的补充,掌握固定搭配比如:
重要的 adj./ phrase: essential/critical/vital/crucial/prominent/be of great importance
许多 adj./ phrase: enormous/a great deal of+[U]/a great many of+[C]
观点 n.: (from)+perspective/ viewpoint/ point of view; (in)+view/opinion
影响 n./ v.: influence/ impact
处理 v./phrase: deal with/ cope with/ handle/ tackle/ address
另外一个丰富表达的方法是派生词,即通过前缀改变词义,通过后缀转换词性,留预读写课本里的vocabulary skill里也有讲解,比如三级Unit2名词后缀。写作中一个句子最基本的结构就是主谓宾,能够传达出意思,但如果能加上定状补会让句子含义更加充实,形容词就是很常用的定语,四级Unit7的vocabulary skill否定前缀给出的形容词很多都是加分词汇,学习的时候一定要结合大作文九大话题记忆,比如环境类,人们破坏环境的行为是不理性(irrational)不负责任的(irresponsible),给环境造成的破坏是不可修复(irreparable)不可逆转的(irreversible)。
基础版: Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment.
同义替换: Every individual is responsible for conserving the environment.
词性转换: Every individual should assume the responsibility for environmental conservation.
加定语: Every individual should assume the inescapable responsibility for environmental conservation.
2. Grammatical Range & Accuracy
(5)双谓语:写there be句型时尤其容易出现双谓语,如There are many people think that students should be allowed to learn their favorite subjects. 可以去掉there be,或者把第二个谓语扩充成定语从句:There are many people who think that students should be allowed to learn their favorite subjects.
3. Coherence & Cohesion
(1)表层次(含递进): firstly, first of all, in the first place, to begin with; secondly, moreover, furthermore, besides, apart from that, in addition; thirdly, last but not least
(2)表转折(含对比): however, nevertheless, instead, on the contrary, in contrast
(3)表因果:because, since, as, due to, for the reason that; as a result, consequently, accordingly, on this account, therefore, hence
(4)表举例:for example, for instance, to illustrate
(5)表结论:in conclusion, to conclude, in summary, to sum up
4. Task Response
写作是一个输出的过程,要输出就得先有输入,留预读写课本的阅读文章有很大一部分都和雅思大作文九大话题相契合,从文章中可以积累很多写作素材,解决论点不充足的问题,并且可以学到对应地地道表达,比如三级 Unit 9 Reading 1中的素材就很符合2015年1月29日考题:It is possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote environments now such as: South Pole. Do you think advantages of its development outweigh disadvantages? 根据文章内容“There are 1.1 billion people on Earth who live without access to clean drinking water. At the same time, trillions of gallons of freshwater a year disappear into the ocean, useless to these water-deprived areas. While the polar ice caps are made of undrinkable frozen seawater, icebergs that break off from glaciers are tremendous stores of fresh water. In fact, it's estimated that more than two-thirds of the Earth's fresh water is in the form of ice. ”不难提炼出以下论点:Scientists can travel to South Pole to study the exploitation of icebergs breaking off from glaciers, which are tremendous stores of fresh water. With such a large amount of potential drinking water, people in water-deprived areas, who are living without access to drinkable water, will no longer suffer from the scarcity of potable water.
再比如2017年2月11日关于ambition的考题:In modern society, ambition is more and more important. How important is ambition for being successful in life? Is it a positive or negative characteristic?很多烤鸭拿到这道题都无从下手,因为ambition过于抽象,很容易导致论述空洞,逻辑混乱。我们来看看四级Unit 8 Reading 2是怎么描述ambition的重要性及其影响的:“Nas says that people may have goals, but without the ambition to get started, they end up simply talking about their plans for greatness, but never taking the first steps to achieve them.”这个句子稍加调整就是一个很好的假设对比:Ambition is an important personal characteristic for success. Without ambition, people may just talk about their plans for greatness but never take the first step to achieve their goals. As a result, they are unlikely to succeed.再看ambition的影响:“Unfortunately, the drive for success can create its own stress. Sixteen-hour work days, fast food meals, and pressure to out-perform colleagues can lead to stress-related illnesses, such as sleep problems, stomach pain, and heart attacks.”根据这段话可以得到下面的论点论据:Some people tend to regard ambition as a negative personality given that the drive for success can create its own strain, leading to some stress-related diseases such as sleep problems, stomach pain and heart attacks.
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