作者:何东敏 新航道武汉学校留学预备课程讲师,英语语言文学硕士,英语专业八级,曾参加甘肃省高考阅卷,拥有高校教学经验,参与各种项目、译著翻译。英语功底扎实,具有亲和力,善于因材施教,激发学生的英语学习兴趣,从而提高学生的英语学习能力。
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在此之前,教师需要让学生明确上下义词的概念,这会对后续的写作学习起到事半功倍的作用。上下义词,即“hyponymy”一词来源于希腊,表示两个词之间是整体与部分,或者包含与被包含的关系,例如:sports与running, jumping,football是包含与被包含的关系,所以sports是上义词,而running, jumping,football则是下义词。学生写作文时,可能只是直观描述想要表达的内容,比如描述学生课余活动,可能会表达为:Some students are playing football on the playground. Some students are running happily. Others are jumping in the outside the classroom. 这些句子并没有语法问题,但缺乏统筹的主旨句,这样结构有些松散。仔细分析三个句子的共同点,均涉及students和sports(running, jumping, football)两个对象,因此,可以将上义词students和sports用于主旨句中,而running, jumping, football等用于支撑句中,这样可构成比较完整的段落,即:
Students are playing sports at school. Some students are playing football on the playground. Some students are running happily, and others are jumping in the outside the classroom.
从上述例子可以看出,根据上下义词总结出主旨句的策略是根据下义词总结出描述对象,即上义词,一般涉及两个上义词,再确定对象之间的关系,即加谓语动词,这样就可以写出范围恰当的主旨句。留学预备教材Skillful III Unit 6 The Stresses & Strains of Work (P59) 一文中的段落就很好地体现了上下义词与主旨句的关系。
People working in all of these jobs have a range of targets to achieve and deadlines to meet in order to satisfy their employers. If you work in sales and marketing, you will almost certainly have to meet sales targets. If you are a teacher, you will have to meet deadlines for handing in students’ grades. Or, if you are an engineer, you will have to meet project deadlines. A shortage of time seems to cause pressure in a wide range of professions.
上述段落中,sales and marketing, teacher, engineer所以对应的的上义关系是people working in all of these jobs,而sales targets, deadlines for handing students’ grades, project deadlines所对应的上义关系是a range of targets to achieve and deadlines to meet,所以自然而然就得出主旨句People working in all of these jobs have a range of targets to achieve and deadlines to meet。当然,主旨句的写法不是的,只要表达出所要表达的意思即可,比如该主旨句也可以会根据上下义关系写成Different people have different targets and deadlines in their jobs。
上下义关系词不仅可以指导学生写出主旨句,而且也可以帮助学生改善作文中表达比较单一的问题,尤其是在雅思议论文中可以避免名词重复出现。例如雅思作文真题:People believe that using mobile phones and computers to communicate makes us lose the ability to communicate with each other face to face. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2016年11月26日),学生在写作过程中难免会反复出现mobile phones and computers这一主题词,为了避免这一现象,学生可以适当使用其上义词electronics such as phones等替代表达。又譬如学生在写雅思大作文News media has become more influential in people’s lives. Some people believe it is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(2016年1月23日)一文中,可以用下义词print media like newspaper or magazines或者online media including blog information等替换上义词“news media”。
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