我们都知道part1是雅思口语的开场部分,是能够给考官留下好的第 一印象的“开场白”,如果能够在这个部分一上来就有出彩的表现
我们知道要上好一堂口语课是每个口语老师的追求。但抛开上好一堂课这件事,如何能让学生上完一堂课之后,有针对性的让学生们觉得收获感满满呢? 首先,为什么学生的收获感重要?
Nowadays, many people use social media every day to keep in touch with others and news events.
Some people agree that the best way to become successful in life is to get the university education.
With respect to the question whether children should be given the complete freedom of choosing which courses to take in their university
Environmental degradation and global warming are the result of harmful effects of human activities. Therefore
In today's highly competitive workplace, productivity is a very important ability;
Cheating is a very serious behavior in the academic study. In some schools, even a plagiarism committee is organized to prevent students from cheating.
Education is one of the most effective and accessible ways to guarantee social mobility