武汉编辑 2021-02-24 16:36
作者:雅思口语组 尤梦
电影话题一直是雅思口语考官的心头好,隔三岔五就要在雅思题库中溜一圈。目前为止出现过的Part2有 Describe a film you want to talk with your friends, Describe a film that made you think a lot/learnt something from, Describe a film that made you laugh等等。其中,描述一部搞笑电影话题对于很多烤鸭来说难度较大,因为不知道怎么突出电影搞笑。所以,今天我们会从三个角度来解答如何给出一个让考官听了也能笑的答案。
Describe a film that made you laugh
You should say
What it is
When you watched it
Who you watched it with
And explain why it made you laugh
搞笑电影千千万,既然要make you laugh, 那么不可避免我们需要在我们的答案中会多次出现“好笑”这个表达,除了题干信息中的make sb laugh,我们还可以用sb burst into laughter; Sth crack sb up; laugh one’s head off; stress-buster (缓解压力的东西);good time-pass (打发时间的好东西);hilarious/amusing/funny等等。
Whenever I’m alone at home, watching comedies is always a good time-pass and stress- buster. It was probably 2-3 years ago, my parents went back to hometown to visit my grandma, so I just snuggled up on the sofa(窝在沙发上) for the whole afternoon, checking what’s new on my social media. Few hours later, it was so boring that I turned on TV and went directly to movie channel to see if there were any good films. A film named XXX was showing at that time.
Well, the beginning of it really intrigued (引起…兴趣) me.
首先,好的电影需要好的情节(plot)做支撑,喜剧也是如此。相信很多烤鸭对于电影Three Idiots(《三傻大闹宝莱坞》)印象深刻,其中主角和他的两个小伙伴考试迟到,考官不让交卷,结果主角先问明考官是否认识他们,趁其不备,把所有的答题卡都打乱了,就这样顺利使得考试资格没被取消。(One scene that truly cracked me up is that the leading role together with his two fellows were late for final exam, so they extended their test time without examiner’s permission. In order to hand in their test papers, the leading role distracted the examiner’s attention by constantly asking stupid questions. When the examiner was looking out of window to see if anything strange happened, the main character quickly messed up all the test papers that had been collected and sneaked out of classroom, leaving the examiner shouting behind).
extend one’s test time 延长考试时间
mess up 打乱(计划,安排,物品)
sneak out 偷偷溜出去
又或者是烤鸭们比较熟悉的沈腾系列电影,Goodbye Mr. Loser《夏洛特烦恼》,Hello Mr. Billionaire《西虹市首富》还是今年春节档的Hi Mom《你好,李焕英》,赚足了大家的笑声,
其中《夏洛特烦恼》和《你好,李焕英》两部均为穿越剧(time travel),其中情节重重反转(reverse),让人忍俊不禁。
以《夏洛特烦恼》中经典喜剧桥段为例,当夏洛穿越回高中年代,他以为是在做梦,所以他对他的班主任的训斥毫不在乎,甚至还煽动班上同学一起对于势利眼班主任进行报复。(I would never forgot the scene when Mr. Xia travelled back to the time when he was still a high school student. The moment he went into classroom, he thought he was just in a dream. At that time, his headteacher, a middle-aged stout man, was bossing around a student whose academic performance was not good. It reminded Mr. Xia’s miserable experience when he was looked down upon by his headteacher. So Mr. Xia hit the roof and beat his headteacher to revenge since he thought everything happened in a dream was acceptable. It was not until Mr. Xia jumped off the teaching building and broke his leg did he realize he actually travelled back two decades ago).
boss sb around 对某人颐指气使
stout 矮壮的(指男性居多)
miserable experience 悲惨经历
look down upon sb 看不起某人
hit the roof 表示很生气
对于电影情节的描述需要各位同学抓住细节,不要泛泛而谈hilarious plots, 所以建议各位烤鸭们在准备这道题之前,一定要自己回顾一下电影情节。
除开情节这一要素,电影中演员对于情节的诠释也很重要,有的演员天生就让人觉得有喜感(a good sense of humor),以及他们在表演过程中用到了非常夸张的表达(dramatic & exaggerating facial expression and body language)或者笨拙的动作(ham-fisted)。
What’s also worth mentioning is that actors in this movie are natural comedians, who all have a good sense of humor. The main actress, who has always been in love with Mr. Xia, wanted to win his heart. But the truth is Mr. Xia has a crush on (迷恋)another girl. So, the main actress imitated Mr. Xia’s dream girl’s makeup and dressing, which turned out to be a parody.
最后,喜剧的台词(dialogue/lines)是衡量一部喜剧是否搞笑的标杆。通常来说,一部合格喜剧在台词设计上,每隔一段时间,都会抖包袱,以双关语(word pun)或者文字游戏为主(word play),部分电影突出地方口音(local accent)和大量的方言(dialect)的使用,例如《你好,李焕英》中大量的东北话,只听台词,就让人捧腹大笑。
After Mr. Xia gained his fame (成名), he was invited to write a song for an influential Cantonese singer. Mr. Xia is actually from north of China, where the accent is completely different from that from the south. So, when he sang the song, I couldn’t help bursting inro laughter.
以上是以《夏洛特烦恼》+《三傻大闹宝莱坞》为例梳理了喜剧的讲解方法,其实不论是讲喜剧还是其他电影,都可以从plot, acting, dialogue 三个角度来展开。