就4月这4场考试为例,一直沿用的是1月份的口语题库,也就是说这4场考试都未出现任何新的话题。但是part 1 & part 2 每个部分的高频题出现频率却有改变。
部分除了几个必考题,考查频率较高的有 computers, childhood activities, indoor and outdoor activities, TV shows, cooking, walking, cycling。难度较大的还是一些抽象概念的话题,如:politeness, punctuality, study efficiency;及某些涉及专门词汇的话题,如plants.
Describe a sports competition you saw or took part in.
Describe a TV program you like to watch.
Describe a future plan of yours.
Describe beautiful house/apartment you visited.
Describe a positive experience when you were a teenager.
Describe something you like to read.
Describe a time when someone took a good photograph of you.
Describe something you like to do with an old person in your family.
Describe your favorite season.
Describe a place far away from your home you’ve traveled to.
Describe something you forgot to do.
Describe something you can’t live without.
Describe an important historical building.
Describe a sports competition you saw or took part in.(容易在运动相关的专业术语上纠结)
Describe a film/movie you dislike.(吐槽电影可能思路打不开,或者受到中文表意的限制)
Describe a piece of clothing you wore at a formal occasion.(描述服饰缺少词汇)
Describe a piece of advertisement.(对广告的描述缺乏细节)
Describe a piece of art work.(艺术作品的了解太少,选材及词汇受限)
Describe an old object in your family.(生活中缺少素材,背景故事描述缺乏细节)
Describe an important historical building.(描述建筑缺乏词汇)
5月是出新题的时候,但是所谓出新题,不是彻底地变革,绝大多数1月的题以及极其少数更老的题会被保留,而新题当中也有一些不是brand new,他们当中有一些是陈年老题,有一些是旧题改头换面而来,只有非常少的是以前从未有过的.以下列举的是目前为止通过网络收集到的5月新题,来源于参加考试的学生,先姑且整理出来, 当然,新题还没有出完,因为是考生的回忆所以也不一定准确,需要我们继续跟踪.
Describe a wedding you have attended.
Describe an indoor game in your childhood.
Describe your first cell phone.
Describe a popular law in your country.
Describe a kind of flower you like.(结合部分plants)
Describe a language except English that you want to learn.(可结合一个想去的外国国家)
Describe a piece of equipment that you don’t know how to use.
Describe something that you bought but not used very often.(正式场合穿的衣服,如参加别人婚礼做伴娘/伴郎的礼服,之后都没有场合可以穿)
Describe a piece of advice that someone ever gave you.(做重要决定时家人/朋友给的建议)
Describe a film you enjoyed.(套用不喜欢的电影)
Describe a neighbor you ever helped.(A帮B的经历,改一下对象)
Describe a famous person in another country.(套国内的名人)
Describe a family celebration that you have attended.(继续讲婚礼,或某个家人的生日派对)
虽然目前出现的新题并不完整,而且由于是其他考生的回忆,所以准确性还有待考证.但是对比目前的这批题目和之前4月份的题目我们不难发现这一次的变化幅度是很大的。除了有之前的旧题回归以外还对4月份的部分题目做了修改。比如说4月份的Famous person现在被限定为了非自己国家的。以及Film you dislike变成了Film you enjoy。所以一定要持续关注题目的更新情况,因为雅思官方口语题库的变化只会越来越大。
我们新航道雅思口语组会在5月份准备更详细准确的雅思口语5-8月口语机经,同时会对新题给出口语讲师sample answer。预祝各位考生在口语换题季取得理想分数。
【责任编辑】:武汉新航道小编 版权所有:转载请注明出处