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作者:段婷婷 2019-07-03 18:05 来源:武汉编辑

作者:段婷婷 新航道武汉学校留学预备课程讲师,湖北大学英语翻译硕士,通过英语专业八级,英语发音清晰流畅。有一定的教学经验,热爱英语教学,拥有较强的亲和力, 课堂上注重与学生的互动,了解学生的需求,善于根据学生的不同特点授课,提高学生的英语学习能力。


留预阶段的口语一般分为三个部分---discussion point,description以及critical thinking。这些口语部分所对应的雅思口语是part1,part2以及part3。通过我的教学经验发现学生在回答description(即雅思口语part2)时拿分比较高,因为描述类话题是有逻辑可循的,想要在description部分有理可讲有话可说,请看以下讲解。


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总的来说,口语的题目就是由what、when、who、where、why 和 how/how often 疑问词组成,我们叫5W+1H原则。很多学生一看题目就觉得除了why的问题可以输出一些东西,其他的wh问题回答不超过2句话,更有甚者,有的学生一句话就概括了3个问题。但是我们知道description一般要求回答1-2分钟,如果只回答几句话很难达到时间要求 。留预阶段的description大概有:



Description (Part 2 - 1 min)

4级unit 1 Identity

Describe the first positive identity change in your life.

4级unit 2 Design

Speaking task P25 Describe an invention that is important to you.

4级unit 4 Fire

Describe a place near water (such as a river, a lake, or the ocean) that you enjoyed visiting.

4级unit 5 Movement

Describe a global city you like.

4级unit 6 Disease

Describe a health problem.

4级unit 7 Survival

Describe an environmental problem affecting your country these days.

4级unit 8 Drive

Describe a foreign culture that you are interested in

4级unit 9 Sound

Describe a type of music that you like very much.


3级unit 1Nourishment

Describe a piece of advice you gave to your friend to improve his/her health both mentally and emotionally.

3级unit 2 Community

Describe a community service activity you would like to participate in.

3级unit 3 Space

Describe a town or city you would like to live in.

3级unit 4 Scale

Describe a large company you want to work in.

3级unit 6 Pressure

Describe something you do to relieve academic pressure or work pressure.

3级unit 7 Fear

Describe a problem that you once overcame.

3级unit 8 Stories

Describe a story someone told you that you remember well


2级unit 1 Character

Describe a famous person.

2级unit 3 Home

Describe a dream home you’d like to have.

2级unit 4 Size

Describe an advertisement you recently saw or heard.

2级unit 6 Speed

Describe a sports event that you take part in or watched.

2级unit 7 Vision

Describe a café or restaurant you like to visit.

2级unit 9 Life

Describe a mistake you ever made.

2级unit 10 Work

Describe a perfect job for you.


1级unit 5Taste

Describe a favorite meal or snack.

1级unit 6Play

Describe an unforgettable activity you had.


举个例子,三级unit3 Describe a town or city you would like to live in(描述你想要去居住的城镇). 口语不好的学生一拿到这个口语题就回答“I like to live in Wuhan. I like it very much, it's very big .”然后就不知道继续说什么了。


雅思的口语评分标准Fluency里就有一项要求: Students should be able to speak at length. 也就是说学生在考官提出问题后要自己能够给出完整的答案,有理有据,那么怎么才能做到滔滔不绝呢?最简单的方法就是回答what, when, who, where, why, how 等客观问题。因此我给学生扩展思路:What the city is?Where is the city? When have you been there? Why would you like to live in this city? How you feel about it? 当然不是每个问题都要回答,根据话题的选择我们的思路也稍有不同,但万变不离其宗(可适当选择问题回答)。以下是另一个学生的回答“I would like to live in Wuhan. It locates in the center of China. I have been here for 16 years. I like it because there are lots of delicious food and places to have fun. Also, people are very hospitable(人们很热情). ”.虽然这个学生能按点回答出来,也扩充了内容,但是很明显口语中的上下文衔接上没做好,内容也不够充实。所以给出我们在每个提问后再问一个why就能将回答更加充实起来了,也要注意多积累一些口语常用衔接词(课本P34给出了shift the topic(转换话题) 会用到的上下文衔接用语,如speaking of which(谈到...), by the way(顺便说一句),that reminds me ...(那让我想起...),以下是5W1H方法具体的操作


回答what,where是交代城市和位置,这里给学生提供的语言素材是“first-tier city(优质城市),second-tier city(二线城市),third-tier city(三线城市),developed city(发达城市),livable city(宜居城市),garden city(花园城市)”句型结构是“I’m going to talk about a _______(adj.)city called __(城市名字)___which also has a nickname _____. It’s really a livable city.”对于基础不是很好的学生只需要记住这种回答模式,就可以很轻松的回答这两个问题了,当然也可以在这基础上增添更多的细节,比如学生的回答是“Speaking of the city, I would like to live in Wuhan, a second-tier city, the capital of Hubei province located in the center of China. It’s also one of the most hottest city in China, used to be called Four Furnaces(四大火炉城市), coz of its hot weather. However, it’s still a livable city, in my opinion.”


回答why(包括when)可以有很多方面,比如“Location(位置),People(人),Food(食物),Environment(环境),History/culture(历史/文化),Economy(经济)...”, 句式结构可以用到“The ______ there is great/convenient/modern/traditional. For example, __________.”“Besides, the city is famous for ______. Living there, I have a lot to do, I can try ______, such as ____, _____, and _____.”根据框架和思路(可增加细节支撑观点,思路要清晰),学生的回答是“You know, Wuhan is a flat area, so the transportation here is super convenient, I mean, various transportation means like bus, train, subway, airplane and so on. it’s well connected. If I live here, I can easily travel to everywhere. Besides, I’ve studied here for 4 years, I’m so familiar with the city, including its food, people and culture, especially, hot and dry noodles. Memories and friends are around here, too. I can’t just let them go.”(译文:武汉是平原地区,所以这里交通特别方便,有多种交通方式,比如公交火车地铁飞机等等,武汉四通八达,如果我居住在这里我去任何地方旅游都很方便。此外,我在武汉求学4年,对这里的一切都很熟悉了,不管是美食,人民还是文化,我尤其喜欢的是热干面。武汉充满了我的回忆,朋友也都在这个城市,我离不开这里)因为涉及到的面很多,我们可以就某一点展开深入说明或者就不同的点一一展开说明,其中这位学生说明了history,“Besides, I’m interested in the history of the city which is famous for its recent history and has enjoyed great changes over time. More than 10,000 years ago, our ancestors had already settled down in Wuhan. Almost 3,500 years ago, the light of urban civilization began to spark. Around 1,700 years ago, Wuhan, named “chu” one of the well-known kingdom and noted battlefield in history. After the Ming and the Qing Dynasties, Hankou gradually developed itself into one of "the Four Famous Towns” nationwide. In the early 1990s, Wuhan has gradually become a hotspot attracting foreign investments. At present, Wuhan has become the largest inland logistic and cargo distribution center in China. (译文:另外,我对武汉的近代历史很感兴趣,一千年前我们的祖先就已经在武汉定居了,武汉在三千年前就已经出现了城市化进程,大约一千七百年前武汉在三国时期以“楚国”闻名,当时是很的国家,明清后汉口逐渐被誉为“四大名镇”,二十世纪九十年代初武汉渐渐成为外资投资的热点城市,当今武汉已经发展为港口物流发达的内陆城市了。)”学生再接着回答why提及到economy方面, “On the other hand, Wuhan is the scientific, cultural and education center in Central China. Now, there are over 10,000 commercial organizations, 105,000 commodity networks, 4 commercial listed enterprises as well as 8 comprehensive shopping centers on the list of China Top 100 Retail Shopping Centers.(另一方面,武汉是中国的科技文化教育中心城市之一,当前大概有10000个贸易组织,105000商业网点,4个上市公司和8个中国100强的零售购物中心)


回答how,一般会用到positive feelings积极情感, 如“delighted高兴的 elated得意的excited兴奋的satisfied满意的grateful感激的envious羡慕的”, 句型结构有“I feel so ______ at the thought of the life there + 原因/ Living there could offer me a sense of peace and satisfaction+原因”,需要再次提醒的是回答how 也应该在其后问why, 根据句式结构和思路,学生的回答是“I feel so delighted at the thought of the life there, you know, Wuhan, embodied with varieties of opportunities, therefore, is a wonderful place to realize self-fulfillment. I believe if I live here, I will get more chances and live happier. (一想到我会住在这里就感觉非常开心,众所周知,武汉是个机会城市,在这里可以实现自我价值,我相信如果我住在这里,我将会拥有无限的机会并且生活的更开心)


最后可以做一个小小的总结,当然这个总结可以概括在how中也可以单独列出,如学生的回答“Above all, I will definitely choose this city to live in. That’s a wonderful place for me .(综上所述,我会选武汉这个美好的城市作为理想的居住城市)


这篇口语大致回答了每个问题,并再此基础上给了更多的细节扩展,虽然这篇例文是describe a city,但是其思路5W+1H适用于所有文本,这是回答口语实用而简单的方法,尤其是在留预阶段,很多学生是中学生或大学生,他们很多人刚开始学习英语口语并知道口语回答的思路,通过给他们灌输提问方式的思路组织口语逻辑和语言效果会更好。希望更多的学生能通过这个方法提高口语表达能力!


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