
武汉新航道 > 雅思 > 雅思口语中不可忽视的加分项—习语的使用


来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2019-05-24 18:06


作者:李学萍  新航道武汉学校英联邦考试院雅思口语讲师,口译翻译硕士,通过英语专业八级。学员管理经验丰富,对待学生热情严谨,善于把控不同学员的心理动态,根据学员的基础和性格特点丰富课堂教学内容及形式。


雅思口语考试作为一个权威的英语能力测试有着严格客观的评分标准,即流利度连贯性,词汇多样性,语法多样性及准确性和发音。 而对于口语分数目标在6.5及以上的选手,需要更多关注七分及以上的单项评分标准。而在词汇多样性七分及以上的标准中就已经明确指出需要考生能够使用一些非常见的习语,而八分这是对熟练度有着更高的要求,需要做到熟练地使用非常见的习语。(取自雅思考试官网)所以习语的学习和运用需要引起烤鸭们的重视,并有意识地运用在自己的口语中。

    常见误区-习语,俚语 “傻傻分不清楚”



1. A walk in the park

英英释义:a task or activity that is easy or effortless to accomplish.


e.g.: It’s not a walk in the park for residents in cities to do stargazing at night, that’s because of the low visibility in urban areas. ( sky)

e.g.: I feel like I was born to be a cooking expert and it seems to be a walk in the park for me to cook   a variety of dishes. ( cooking)

e.g.: I am a typical sporty type, so it’s a walk in the park for me to learn most of outdoor sports. (sport)

2. Shoot the breeze

英英释义:Have a casual conversation


e.g.: I am used to shooting the breeze with my families after dinner, which is quite relaxing. (Family activities)

e.g.: I am into visiting relatives. For example, i always call at my uncle’s apartment and shoot the breeze with him and his families. (Relatives)

e.g.: It’s far more convenient for people to shoot the breeze online, that’s because they can talk to their families or friends whenever and wherever they want. (Social network)

3. Drive sb up to the wall

英英释义:To annoy or frustrate one to the point of anger.


e.g.: The poor air quality always drives me up to the wall, so I always wear a face mask outdoors. (hometown)

e.g.: I drank a cup of Americano and got coffee jitters which really drove me up to the wall.

e.g. Whenever I am in a packed place, I will feel super stuffy which really drives me up the wall.

4. A pain in the neck

英英释义:someone / something is irritating


e.g.: Doing math homework is a pain in the neck for me, that’s mainly because I am not a math person. (math)

e.g.: The person who wears strong perfume seems to be a pain in the neck for me that’s because the smell always makes me dizzy. (perfume)

e.g.: I hardly wear a smile while others taking photos of me since being taken photos is a pain in the neck for me.

5. on the same wavelength

英英释义:They understand each other well because they the same attitudes, interests, and opinions.


e.g.: I prefer staying with my friends, as we are on the same wavelength. (family activities)

e.g.: It’s common for people to fake a smile when they pretend to be polite to people who are not on the same wavelength.

e.g.: I use online social networking apps quite often, that’s because these apps enable me to makes friends who are on the same wavelength even though we don’t know each other.

6. A household name

英英释义: a person or thing that is well known by the public.


e.g.: Alicia keys is my all-time favorite singer who is a household name in the united states. (a singer or a band you know)

e.g.: Being a household name is challenging, as there are a lot of talented people all over the world. (famous person)

e.g.: The Yellow Crane Tower is a household name in my hometown and it’s one of most popular tourist attractions here.

7. have a blast

英英释义: have a lot of fun; enjoy doing sth


e.g.: I always have a blast whenever I hang out with my families. (family activities)

e.g.: Reading is my regular routine coz doing some reading enables me to have a blast.

e.g.: I am a big fan of traveling, that’s because going for a trip is a kind of thing that makes me have a blast.

8.recharage one’s battery  

英英释义: to rest and relax in order to regain energy and strength


e.g.: what I like the most is my bedroom since it’s the place where I can recharge my battery. (Accommodation)

e.g.: I suppose hanging out with families is an effective way for me to recharge my battery. Maybe it’s part of the reason why I think family activities are super important for me. (family activities)

e.g.: Reading is regarded as a common way to recharge my battery, especially for bookworms.

8. as busy as a beaver

英英释义: the condition of being very industrious, hard working, or skilled at tackling many projects at once.


e.g.: I am not looking forward to working, as being employed may make you as busy as a beaver to some extent, which may drive me crazy. (work or study)

e.g.: Alicia keys is always as busy as a beaver, that’s because she has to release a new album and goes on a tour at the same time. (a singer or band)

e.g.: Making a detailed plan day to day is a must for me, since I am as busy as as a beaver day to day. A detailed plan enables me to finish my work in a more effective way. (time management)

9. have a sweet tooth

英英释义: person who prefers to eat sweets


e.g.: I always share candies or chocolates bars with friends since I have a sweet tooth. (sharing)

e.g.: I put on a lot of weight coz I have a sweet tooth. So I make up my mind to learn swimming to shed pounds. (outdoor water sports)

e.g.: Yesterday, I went to street market called Han street with my friends and bought a lot of cherry jelly coz I have a sweet tooth.



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