
武汉新航道 > 托福 > 2019年3月托福独立口语考情分析


来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2019-04-10 17:44


作者:李洁  新航道武汉学校耶鲁工作室主管,托福口语讲师。美国福特汉姆大学TESOL专业硕士研究生。在美国学习生活近三年,曾在多所公立学校实习授课。在教学中,善于将国外教学经验与国内备考学生特点相结合,针对考题性质归纳总结多样化答题思路与技巧,工作耐心细致,为人亲和沉稳,具有极高的教学热情和责任心。


3月3日Task1-Talk about one mistake that teacher usually make. 重复了2016年9月11日的task1, 属于描述类的题型。老师们常犯的错误,其实只要回忆一下中学时代的老师们,就能想到一些不错的题材,例如:老师上课板书写了错别字,念错了学生的名字,或者下面范文所述的老师记错了所带两个班的课程进度导致闹了笑话等等。

3月3日的task2 Should we always be completely honest to friends? 重复了2018年7月1日的task2. 针对这类关于为人处世的个人标准和风格的话题,由于是没有的是非黑白的,所以选agree或disagree都好说。这里我们建议考生用举例论证,会更加容易表达清楚自己的观点。

3月9日task1- talk about advantages and disadvantages of evaluating professor at the end of a semester,是2017年7月26日官考的老题。针对advantages and disadvantages这种2015年后才出现的新题型,考生在思路展开方面可以松一口气,因为利弊只需要各讲一个并稍加解释即可。但是这类题目对于考生的时间把控能力的要求很高,考生要切忌一味畅谈advantages而用完45秒的答题时间哦!

3月9日的task2-do you prefer keeping old items or throwing them away.是较早的题库里的题目,出现在2014年。这里考生们可以先确定题干中抽象的old things是什么,比如是很少穿的衣物、包包、初中的笔记本、或是小学收到的生日贺卡。一旦具体化了,考生就容易有是否要keep的态度和理由了。

3月16日的task1- When you choose a new roommate, which of the following qualities do you think is the most important? 仍然是老题重现,2016年考过这道题目。这里三个选项也在我们武汉新航道的官网原创托福系列视频《托福说》中有美女老师Fancy方欣老师详细拓展语料,还没有看过的同学们赶紧关注我们的公众号吧!

3月16日的Task2- Should we reward children for their good behaviors or punish them for their misbehaviors? 如2018年7月14日官考task2话题类似,再次要求考生探讨家庭教育的方式。这里考生应该先思考一下,reward或punish具体可以是什么,对于孩子的心理有什么即时影响,以及长期影响。


2019年3月 托福口语独立题范文




Teachers usually make mistakes in class. Talk about one mistake that teacher usually make. Please include details and examples in your response.

Some teachers teach more than one class, so sometimes they possibly forget the teaching progress of each class. I remember when I was in high school, my math teacher made such mistake. One day, he came in the classroom and started the class with a question which he thought he had taught us in the last class. But, in fact, it was covered in the next chapters which we were going to learn in the next week. So, obviously, none of my classmates could answer it. Then he got quite upset on us and criticized us for forgetting what he said. Then, a top student in our class pointed out the fact and surprised him. He burst into laugh and apologized to us. That’s was really embarrassing, isn’t it?


 Should we always be completely honest to friends? Why? Please include details and examples in your response.  

From my perspective, keeping completely honest to friends is unnecessary and sometimes even problematic. You know, telling truth sometimes may hurt one’s feeling. For example, when my friend Mike forgot what to say in a play on the stage, he was extremely frustrated. He asked me, “Did I look awkward and embarrassed?” Though actually he was, I said “No” without hesitation, because I knew how hard he had worked on memorizing the lines. As his best friend, I knew it was due to his stage fright, his personality. And the reason why he joined in the play was that he wanted to challenge himself. So, only by telling the white lie can I cheer him up and bring him courage, right?



Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of evaluating professors at the end of the semester. Give your specific explanations in your response.

Evaluating professors has both pros and cons. On one hand, a professor evaluation is a way for students to anonymously, and honestly, assess their professor's performance at the end of a semester. After comparing the results of the same questionnaires, it helps professors learn where they need to improve. On the other hand, some students don’t take the evaluations seriously or give honest answers since the evaluations are anonymous. For example, one of my professors in college was strict but professional. But some of my classmates rated her with low score just because they didn’t get a good grade for being absent for several classes. I think that’s quite unfair to the professor.


 Some people have emotional attachments to old things, such as old clothes, old books and toys they played in their childhood, so they would prefer to keep them as long as possible; while some people don’t have such attachments and prefer to throw out old things, which one is your habit and why?

From my perspective, keeping old items is unnecessary. Since my room is only 8 square foot, those old things will make my room crowded and even annoying. For example, I once looked for a white shirt for an upcoming interview, but I couldn’t find it just because the wardrobe was too crowded to organize every item in order. Admittedly, some old objects remind me of the past, such as a gift received in one of the birthday parties and the dress worn on high school graduation ceremony, what I will do now is to take a photo for each of the objects, keep the photos in an online album, and then donate the old objects to people in need or give them away to my friends who can make better use of them.



When you choose a new roommate, which of the following qualities do you think is the most important?

- quietness

- friendliness

- cleanliness

I think quietness matters the most, because when there’s no disturbance, I can easily relieve stress and then concentrate on my work. For example, I may read faster this way than I do when noises are going on around me. On the contrary, a noisy roommate would drive me crazy. I still remember when I was in college, one of my roommates held parties almost every weekend. And the other, well, played online games every night and often yelled at his team members. Though I put up my earphone, trying to block out those noises, I still could hear them and then had a hard time sleeping tight. Though cleanliness is important, too, I can clean up the dorm for them.


Should we reward children for their good behaviors or punish them for their misbehaviors?

From my perspective, rewarding children for their good performance is more beneficial for their development than punishing them for misbehaviors. First, external rewards indicate the standards or rules for judging the outcome. For example, when taking a class at the first day of school, kids may possibly leave seats or interrupt teachers without permission. If the teacher gives praise or a sticker to a child who sits quietly and follows the class, he may know that he has done a good job and feels sense of accomplishment. Then he is very likely to repeat the good behaviors in the following classes. What’s more, having seen the possible consequences of his good performance, other students will imitate him in order to get .

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