
武汉新航道 > 托福 > 2019年3月30日托福写作考题解析


来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2019-05-16 17:21


作者:新航道武汉学校 北美考试院 托福写作组 哈佛工作室 程浩 

2019.03.30 托福综合写作真题

Integrated Writing Task

Key words:Egypt, shaft, religious belief, afterlife, channel











TPO 24


恐龙T. Rex的腿骨里面包含了三种物质:血管、红细胞、胶原蛋白

Ø 腿骨里面的柔软的细管状物质可能是血管;

Ø 显微镜发现的一种红芯含铁球状物可能是红细胞;

Ø 科学家实验发现了腿骨中含有胶原蛋白;


Ø 细管状物不一定是血管,也有可能是细菌留下的痕迹;

Ø 恐龙腿骨发现地其他不含红细胞动物的化石里也发现了这种球状物,所以它不一定是红细胞;

Ø 胶原蛋白只能存活10000年,而化石已经700万年了,所以不合常理。胶原蛋白可能是实验人员的手在拿化石的时候留下的。

TPO 25


1938年考古学家在伊拉克发现的一个clay jar contained a copper cylinder surrounding an iron rod不是古代的电池。

Ø 如果是电池那发掘地应该有配套的electricity conductors,可是没有;

Ø jar里面的copper cylinders和copper cylinders from Seleucia were used for holding scrolls of sacred texts形状相同,所以应该功能也相似,不是用来发电的;

Ø 古人用电的目的是什么?电池对古人来说没有用处。


Ø 这个电池是当地人发现的,当地人可能发现了电线但是不知道那是电线,扔掉了;

Ø 两个copper cylinder形状一样证明不了什么;

Ø 这个电池可能是用来向人们展示拥有者的some invisible power的,也肯能和现代一样用来治疗疾病的。



苏格兰地区发现的Carved stone balls有几种不同的用途:

Ø 捕猎的武器;

Ø 尺寸差不多,应该用来称重量的;

Ø marked the important social status; 



Ø 如果是武器,那Carved stone ball应该有刮痕,但是没有;

Ø 虽然尺寸一样,但是是不同的材质所以重量不一样;

Ø 大部分石头markings that are extremely simple,不能代表社会地位;古代地位高的人墓里会有陪葬品,However, none of the carved stone balls have been actually found in tombs or graves。




The Independent Task


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?


Experts suggest that parents should limit the time children under 13 spend on electronic devices, such as computers and cell phones, except for homework.




这道题其实是一道旧题,相似题目有20180908CN的题目(A/D: College students should not be allowed to use electronic devices that can help them to contact the internet in class.)和20170916CN的题目(A/D: Children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smart phones, video games for fun and entertainment. Playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for children’s development.)


这道真题为A/D类别下的两个论述对象题目,这两个论述对象分别为spend time on electronic devices和spend time on homework,立场为不同意,论点为spend time on electronic devices 可以develop related skills like computer skills;relaxed from school and homework;确定这两个论点之后,此时构思第三个好处的时候比较困难,则转而构思spend time on homework的利弊,它的好处在于可以get better grades,坏处在于All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy。这时有两种文章结构可选,如果写get better grades,则文章结构为让步段1+2;而选择后者则文章结构为“一边倒”。而开头段我们可以采用叙事的方式,更能引起读者的兴趣。请参考如下范文:

Last Sunday, I was watching a TV show on CCTV-10 whose theme is about children education. On that program one Expert named Yiran Liu put forward the suggestion that children should not be allowed to spend any time on electronic devices like smart phone or computer. It is then that the question popped in my head whether this so-called expert is right about his view. I highly doubt that. As far as I’m concerned, it is beneficial that children are authorized to get access to devices like cellphone. My arguments and illustrations are listed as follows.

First of all, crucial skills like computer skills should be necessarily developed especially for children. Sparing time on computer will be helpful for students to cultivate their ability to utilize the computer and only by capturing those skills could the pupils enhance their comprehensive capacity due to the reason that the computer skills are the basis of many modern occupations. To illustrate, my nephew Li is a golden medal winner for the self-developed robots contest last year in Luoyang, China. And all the achievement he has acquired is based on his proficiency of computer and the installed apps. Had he not acquired the computer skills by devoting his time on it, he would not have gone any further in that competition.

On top of that, by focusing on electronic devices, the youth could release their pressure from school. It is well-known that students in China, especially those in primary and middle schools, are overwhelmed by their homework from school and cram school. And some video games could simply lift the mount-like pressure from them for a while and they could better devote themselves to homework after the break. I still remember vividly that when I was little, I needed to do a lot of homework from Math, English, Chinese, PE, etc. that I was so tired from all of it. 10 minutes’ away from it and playing some video games was such a release for me. And we could say that it is helpful for kids to spend some time on computer.

In addition, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. That is mainly because that no leisure time for kids is not healthy for them to develop any interests out of study and those interests like music, arts or sports are the key to help a person to be fully-developed. And it is vital for our future generation to be well-educated in a well-rounded way and be prepared to all kinds of challenges in the coming days.

In a nutshell, I strongly hold the view that children should be taken away from their homework for a while and spend some time on computers. Only in this way will they soundly grow into a comprehensive talent and adapt to all kinds of jobs.

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