Some people think the government should save minority languages from dying out completely. Others say it is a waste of financial resources. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
好了,看来双方都道理:应该保护这些语言,因为语言背后是文化,一旦语言消失,它背后的文化也就消失了,而这个世界需要多元文化;不应该保护这些语言,因为现在都是地球村了,大家说同样的语言更容易沟通,因此应该让小语言(languages spoken by very few people)按照市场规律自生自灭。唐老师觉得,我们应该采取的态度是,推行全球通用语言,但也要适当保护那些有丰富文化内涵的小语言。
Of all the 5,500 languages in use now, some are used by a huge number of people, like English and Chinese, while some others only have very few speakers. Then a question arises whether governments should spend money protecting these minority languages from extinction. Some people consider it very necessary, while others think it is a waste of financial resources. In my opinion, governments should definitely take measures to save languages.
现在使用的所有5500种语言中, 有些使用的人很多, 如英语和中文, 而另一些则只有很少的人讲。这样, 就会出现一个问题, 即政府是否应该花钱保护这些少数语言免遭灭绝。有些人认为这是很有必要的, 而另一些则觉得这是浪费财政资源。我认为, 政府应该采取措施来挽救语言。
(2) of all the… 在所有……中
(3) arise 出现
(4)extinction 灭绝(n.)extinct 灭绝的(adj.)
As is known to us all, a language is not just for daily communication, but carries a human culture as well. It is an important tool of recording a nation’s history and spreading its culture. Therefore, protecting a language is protecting its culturalheritage. If we just let a language gradually fade away without doing anything, a culture is dying with it forever and then we can never get it back however hard the scholars work. This is no doubt an enormous loss for all humanity.
众所周知, 语言不仅是为日常交流, 也是人类文化的载体。它是记录一个国家历史和传播其文化的重要工具。因此, 保护语言是保护其文化遗产。如果我们让一种语言逐渐消逝而不做任何事情, 那么某个文化就会永远地消亡, 然后我们就再也无法找回,无论学者们如何努力。这无疑是全人类的巨大损失。
(1)本段讲需要保护小众语言的个理由:保护语言就是保护文化。论证思路是这样的:语言承载了文化 – 语言是记载文化的重要工具 - 因此保护语言就是保护文化遗产 - 如果不保护语言,文化就会消失再也无法找回 - 这是对全人为的巨大损失。
(2)as is known to us all 众所周知
(3)heritage 遗产
(4)enormous 巨大的
Admittedly, the government financial budget ought to be carefully planned, because it has so many things to take care of, and the top priority is always given to economic growth. But this does not mean that culture can be neglected. As a matter of fact, the more a country respects its cultural diversity, the happier and more united its people are. In this sense, protecting the minority languages is also conducive to the economic development of the country.
诚然, 政府的财政预算应该审慎规划, 因为它有很多事情要处理, 而先的是经济增长。但这并不意味着文化可以被忽视。事实上, 一个国家越是尊重它的文化多样性, 它的人民就越幸福、越团结。从这个意义上说, 保护少数语言也有利于国家的经济发展。
(2) priority 优先
(3) diversity 多样性
(4) in this sense 在这个意义上
(5) be conducive to… 对……有利
To sum up, governments should indeed spend money saving those languages of few speakers from dying out because by protecting these languages, the governments are not just protecting the culture, but also promoting the national unity and harmony. A language is such a gem that certainly needs preservation at any cost.
总而言之, 政府确实应该花钱来挽救那些少数语言, 通过保护这些语言, 政府不仅保护了文化, 而且促进了民族团结与和谐。语言就是这样的宝石, 需要不惜任何代价得到保存。
(2)to sum up 总之
(3)harmony 和谐
(4)gem 宝石
(5)preservation 保护(n.)
(6)at any cost 不惜一切代价
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