
武汉新航道 > 雅思 > 不“潮”难道就不能玩转这些雅思题目了吗?


来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2019-05-24 18:00


作者:李学萍  新航道武汉学校英联邦考试院雅思口语讲师,口译翻译硕士,通过英语专业八级。学员管理经验丰富,对待学生热情严谨,善于把控不同学员的心理动态,根据学员的基础和性格特点丰富课堂教学内容及形式。


近年雅思口语题目中乏一些和配饰,服饰相关的话题如衣服(clothes), 鞋(shoes)今年5更是更新了一个话题香水(perfume),无疑是对部分不用香水,不了解的考鸭的暴击在考试过程中,可能会因为缺乏背景知识导致思路有限,话题词汇贫乏影响烤鸭们的分数,所以此类话题词汇补充,针对练习必不可少。


一. Perfume


1. Do you like to wear perfume?

2. How often do you wear perfume?

3. Do you buy perfume as gift?

4. Do you think perfumes are too expensive?


香水又被称作女人的第二件“衣服”。甚至在电影《闻香识女人》中失明弗兰克中校能靠闻对方的香水味道识别其身高、发色乃至眼睛的颜色。所以这也不难理解喷香水的英文翻译是 “wear perfume” 了。 而香水的使用也需要场合,如在一些封闭狭小的空间(small and enclosed space)尽量避免使用一些过度浓烈的香水(concentrated or strong perfume)。日常可以使用一些香水(light smell perfume)

而香水由于其本身的特性,香味会随着时间的消逝、一点一点地产生变化。一般可以分为三个阶段(three notes of fragrance)前调(the top note),中调(the middle note),后调(the base note). 一般前调香味擦在肌肤上约10分钟左右,会有遮盖住的香味产生,前调会有香味和挥发性高的酒精味道混合在一起的感觉。中在前调之后,10分钟左右产生之香味,酒精味道消失,此时的香味是香水原来的香味

而常见的香型有四种:花香(flowery), 果香(fruity), 青草香(fresh greens), 木质香(woody amber), 东方香(oriental spicy)。为了选择适合自己的香水亲自去试香水(test a perfume before wearing it)。

香水作为受人喜爱,充满吸引力的单品有哪一些原因呢?首先香味可以刺激费洛蒙(Pheromones),让你更具吸引力这也是为什么经常会听到这样的宣传词,是一款“男”香水。第二,香水也是展现个性(show individuality)的方式第三也是最简单的原因啦,为了取悦自己,或者也是一种逃离(escape)。自己在弥漫自己喜欢的香味中时会不由的放松起来,这何尝不是一件很治愈的(Therapeutic)事呢。

3) sample answers

1. Do you like to wear perfume?

e.g.: Yes, I am into wearing perfume, that’s because it enables me to be attractive and individualistic.  

2. How often do you wear perfume?

e.g.: I wear light smell perfume on a daily basis. Plus, what I like the most is the fruity ones since they are classy romantic.

3. Do you buy perfume as gift?

Yes, it is always regarded a good choice. For example, last Saturday, on my girlfriends’ birthday, I bought Jo Malone in person for her, which made her super elated.  

4. Do you think perfumes are too expensive?

e.g.: well, I suppose that perfumes especially brand name ones are little bit price for students. Whenever I want to buy one perfume, I will save up for it for several weeks.



How often do you buy shoes?

2. What’s your favorite type of shoes?

3. Have you bought shoes online?

4. Do you prefer fashionable shoes or comfortable ones?


如果说很多女生是口红控的话那么很多男生可以说是鞋控了。比如最近流行的一句话“你可以踩我,但不能踩我的AJ”。而很多潮鞋如Air Jordan collection, Yeezy collection, Chuck Taylor All Star 70s Collection 都是年轻人的宠儿。当然这些鞋( designer shoes)价格同样不菲。就鞋的类型而言有运动鞋( sneakers ),靴子(boot),平底便鞋(loafer),高跟鞋(high-heeled shoes),凉鞋(sandals),人字拖(flip-flops),wellingtons(高筒胶靴)等等

3)sample answers

1. How often do you buy shoes?

I buy shoes from time to time. That’s because designer shoes seems pricy for me and I have to save up for them for quite long time.

2. What’s your favorite type of shoes?

What I like the most is the high-heeled shoes. You know, I feel really dressed up in high heels and I think they complete any outfit that I wear.

3. Have you bought shoes online?

Yes. If my memory serves me right, I bought Yeezy700 on Taobao which is the biggest e-commerce shopping Website in china and I really had a blast.

4. Do you prefer fashionable shoes or comfortable ones?

e.g.: I prefer comfortable shoes like sneakers. That’s because they have rubble soles that provide foot support, which is amazing for sporty type like me.



describe a piece of clothing you often wear

what it looks like

how often you wear it

where you got it

and explain why you like it


clothes 话题一直考官的青睐,不管是part1 还是part2 都有出现。就这个话题而言,需要掌握的话题词汇包括衣服的种类,质地,风格,装饰等等。当然我们也可以给自己加点“”,比如去迪士尼买的纪念卫衣“hoodie”, 女朋友送你的情侣装(his-and-hers clothes),这样简单的衣服赋予的情感价值(sentimental value),就可以插入故事了。


1. outwear 外衣

2. trench coat 风衣

3. hoodie 卫衣

4.blazer 男士休闲外套

5.ball gown 晚礼服

6. straight 直筒裤

7.wide leg 阔腿裤

8.hot pants 小短裤 

9.skort 短裙

10. shirt 衬衫

11. woolen 羊毛的

12.flannel 法兰绒的

13. cotton 棉的

14.fit sb 合身

15. a proper fit 合身的衣服

16.try on sth 试穿

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