作者吴雨浛:新航道武汉学校雅思口语讲师,毕业于上海外国语大学英语专业,大学期间获得英国莱斯特大学两年交流机会,在英国学习英语文学专业(BA English Studies)并获得第二学位(the second full-degree)。具有扎实的学术功底,并把知识融入到课堂之中,由浅入深,能让学生充分感受到地道的英语以及深厚的英国文化。
1. Celebrity
2. Ordinary people
3. Outdoor place
4. Indoor place
5. Party
备注:party话题涵盖了涉及到以下关键词的题目: festival, gift, meal,这些题或是正在考,或是已经考过
6. Sport + Skill
7. * Online shopping
备注:这是本季度我新增添的一类,替代了以前我的’Electronic products’
Celebrity vs. Ordinary people
名人类的思路:achievement - quality - charity - private life (可以回想2018年的所有考过的都适用:成功的商人、运动员、喜剧演员,一直到在考的singer or band)。本季度直接确定为名人类的题目有2个:Describe a band or singer you like, Describe a famous person from another country that you are like to meet
然而通过这个思路4个方面的展开之后,也可以串一些题。从achievement出发:Describe someone who has interesting ideas or opinions, Describe an intelligent person you know. 从quality出发:Describe someone you wanted to be similar with when you were growing up; Describe a person who encourage you to achieve a goal, Describe a person you know who speaks a foreign language well. 从charity出发:Describe someone who is beautiful or handsome.
普通人的思路:difficulty - advise - decision - achievement。我面临一个困难,某人帮助我(或给建议),我下定决心,最终取得成功。这样的思路使得普通人不再是人物类的题,而是一个四部曲的“故事”(帮助或者被帮助的故事),因此,如果上面我列在名人类的题目如果学生觉得符合这个思路的也可以当做普通人来讲,除此之外,还有当季的:Describe a time you gave advice to other, Describe someone you would like to work or study with, Describe a friend’s success you were proud of, Describe an interesting old person you met.
Outdoor place vs. Indoor place
也可以称为大小地点。Outdoor place通常和traveling紧密联系,侧重点在于如何介绍城市、描述活动、风景。而这里涉及到的具体技巧我会在下一篇教研文章谈到——在大班课,节课我都是将outdoor去帮助学生建立基本技巧和逻辑体系。而indoor place在于考察对建筑外观(exterior)和内部环境(interior)的描述,而在讲内部环境的时候我们会提到空间分布和装修装潢(well-furnished and well-decorated)。
Sport vs. Skill
A组:“一个想尝试的运动”和“一个想学的技能”;B组:“一个擅长的运动”和“一个学了很长时间的技能”。看似不同,也出现在不同的考季,但是思路却非常相似——A组分为“过去,现在,将来”;B组整个时态往前推分为“过去的过去,过去,现在”。也就是说这两个组都可以分为三个阶段:为什么想学(过去)- 准备什么(what)以及准备怎么学(how)(现在);学了打算干什么(将来)。而B组保持内容不变,时态往前推即可。
并且,许多题如果使用一模一样的内容,则根本讲不通,甚至让考官觉得你根本没有早回答问题。如何提高效率同时回答自然,是我们一定要在串题的时候给学生提到的。而我的方法是:30s自由作答,即正面回答关键词,这里我希望学生能在每个题目开始的时候自由发挥,既会让考官觉得the candidate is answering the question,也会让学生的答案比较自然,不像背书。而大概到自己觉得没什么话讲的时候,学生可以采取以下几种过度句:I’d like to say.../I shouldn’t forget to tell you ...(还有许多课上会补充到)然后再开始说母题准备好的内容。
人物类 Celebrity - Describe a band or singer you like - Describe someone who has interesting ideas or opinions - Describe a famous person from another country that you would like to meet - Describe a person you know who speaks a foreign language well - Describe an intelligent person you know - Describe someone you have seen who is beautiful or handsome - Describe someone you wanted to be similar when you were growing up - Describe a person who encourage you to achieve a goal - Describe a game or quiz show you saw on TV Ordinary people - Describe a time you gave advice to others - Describe someone you would like to work or study with - Describe a friend’s success that you were proud of - Describe an interesting old person you met 地点类 Outdoor place - Describe an unusual vacation you had - Describe a park or garden you visited and liked - Describe a historical building you visited - Describe something special you brought back from a holiday - Describe a time the vehicle you were traveling in broken down - Describe a time you got up extremely early - Describe a time when you changed your plan Indoor place - Describe a new public facility which improves in your local area - Describe something you do that helps you work or study - Describe an ideal house 其它分类 Sports - Describe a water sport you would like to try - Describe an outdoor sport you would like to try for the first time - Describe something you want to do but don’t have enough time for - Describe something you bought but don’t use very often - Describe an activity you do to keep healthy - Describe a prize you would like to win Skill - Describe a practical skill you learned - Describe a time when you taught a younger person something new - Describe something a child did that made you laugh - Describe a subject you didn’t like before but have interest now Party + festival + gift + meal - Describe a party you enjoyed - Describe a kind of food people eat on special occasions - Describe a meal you invited others to have at your home or in a restaurant - Describe a time you had a good time with friends - Describe a time you enjoyed a day off work or school - Describe a piece of clothing you often wear Online shopping - Describe an impressive advertisement you remember well - Describe a time you got incorrect information - Describe a situation when someone didn’t tell you the complete truth - Describe a time you received bad service from a shop or a company - Describe a time you solved a problem online - Describe a piece of good news you recently heard 其它题目 - Describe a job your grandparent did - Describe a time you found something someone lost - Describe s period of time in the history of your country that you are interested in - Describe a time you heard someone you didn’t know talking on the phone in a public place |
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