
武汉新航道 > 托福 > 2019年3月31日托福写作考题解析


来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2019-05-16 17:33


作者:新航道武汉学校 北美考试院 托福写作组 耶鲁工作室 卢雅静 

The Integrated Task


1. 放烟花的时间和死亡时间一致。死于前半夜同一时间,有目击证人看见鸟从空中掉下来。

2. 尸检后发现死亡原因是冲撞impact,应该是受到烟花的惊吓冲撞了建筑物导致死亡。

3. 死亡的鸟大致是红翅膀的blackbirds,这些鸟大致视力不好,容易导致死亡。



1. 在另一个离城市很远的城郊处也看到了鸟类大量死亡的现象,那个地方没有烟花燃放,所以不能解释该问题。

2. 还有很多其他原因可以造成同样的现象,例如:坠落地面的冲击力,气压或者强风。

3. 当地这种blackbirds数量最多,相对死亡比较多也是合情合理的。




1. 使用单面玻璃,室内能看到室外,室外的鸟儿不能通过玻璃看到室内,因此会绕道飞

2. 窗上喷彩色条纹

3. 用人工磁场引导


1. 鸟类不能理解单面玻璃反射原理,还是会撞上来

2. 彩色条纹中间的空隙还是会让鸟类撞上,而空袭过小室内又无法采光

3. 磁场只能用于鸟类远距离飞行,城市内短距离飞行鸟类还是运用视力


The Independent Task

If a university will spend money on dormitory to improve the life quality of students, which of the following do you think is the best way?


-providing a quiet room for study;

-building a room for physical exercise;

-providing a place for entertainment (for example, a place to watch movies).






这道题中需要注意题干中有一个关键词dormitory,若将这个词忽略掉,把这道题改写为 “If a university will spend money to improve the life quality of students, which of the following do you think is the best way? ”,那么可想而知选项一的好处当然就是为学生提供了更多自习的地方,选项二的好处是锻炼身体,选项三的好处是丰富业余生活。把这些理由套用到原题中去可不可行呢?当然是可行的,不算跑题,但是也不够切题。在托福独立写作中,希望大家在遇到二选一或三选一的题目时,尤其注意题干中的小细节,因为很多时候只有将细节关键词考虑进去才能构思出更为切题的分论点。


Apart from the discussion of how to improve the students’ performance in all aspects, nowadays there is an increasing awareness of the importance of bettering the living quality of university students. Rather than building a fitness room or entertainment room for students, I prefer to contend that a room for study is the best way to meet the needs of students.

What comes first is that a study room in dormitory frees students from being busy running about between the library and their dormitory. Having a study room in the dormitory, students can save considerable time on their way, and thus have more time to plug away at study, without worrying about the close time of the university library. The experience of mine can be the best example to illustrate it. In the first year of my university, to catch up with my major course, I had no choice but to study in the library till it was shut at ten o’clock, and walked for more than twenty minutes to my dormitory to continue studying. This distressful situation changed after the university converted several rooms in dormitory into study rooms. I was able to study in the dormitory instead of library, which made the devotion of more time to my schoolwork become possible and allowed me to improve a lot in my major performance.

Admittedly, a fitness room in the dormitory is a heartful consideration for students, since the fitness room is probably open for free, which alleviates the economic burden of students. However, the improper use of the fitness equipment along with the lack of professional trainers to guide and protect students from being hurt may stand a chance that students are more likely to get hurt and cannot receive timely help and treatment. In addition, with different life habits, exercise in the dormitory at night or in the early morning may disturb or interfere the rest and study of other students. It is common for the diverse living habits to create conflicts between students, and therefore may bring some troubles for universities on the management of dormitory.

In the meantime, indeed, it is definitely an appealing idea to build an entertainment room in the dormitory, for it provides students with a more secure environment to not only get away from busy study but also enhance their bonds with classmates. But this does not mean that we should take it with total and uncritical acceptance. To be specific, to satisfy the various entertainment demands of students, university needs to furnish and equip the room with a large range of facilities such as projectors, stereo equipment, karaoke, and so on, which will extend over a large area of space as well as compress the space for students to rest. Further, the easy access to entertainments in dormitory will lead to the indulgence of students in activities that do not pertain to study, and thus exert negative effect on their academic performance.

In a nutshell, it will be a more considerate way for university to build a room for study rather than for entertainment and physical exercise in the dormitory to enhance the life quality of students. 

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