
武汉新航道 > 托福 > 2019年4月13日托福写作考题解析


来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2019-05-16 17:34


作者:北美考试院 叶晓轩

2019.04.13 托福综合写作真题

Integrated Writing Task

阅读部分:将社区服务作为高中毕业的必要条件不是一个good idea









Keywords: community service, graduation, problems, answers



1. 结构仍然是阅读提出3个分论点,听力对其一一反驳。本次考试听力的反驳套路除第3点没有明显补充细节外(仅将志愿活动与参加课程进行类比),第1、2点仍然是通过补充新信息/例子的方式对阅读进行驳斥的。

2. 考察能力仍然是抓取阅读、听力材料关键信息,以及书面组织、转述这些信息的能力。

3. 材料虽然不是常见的话题,但可以看到这是在托福口语Task 3中非常常见的校园场景(阅读材料中校方做出某项决定/学生提出某项建议,听力材料中以男女对话的形式进行支持/反驳)。因此,从话题熟悉程度上来讲,考生并不会觉得陌生。例如tpo54口语T3就与本次综合写作材料高度重合:

Tpo54 口语Task 3 community service requirement

阅读材料:学生建议将community service作为university students毕业的必要条件

• 强化学校和社区之间的联系

• 激发学生对社区服务的热情

听力材料:Man speaker不同意,上述优点不存在

• 强制参加社区服务,会伤害社区和学校的关系,学生不愿意参加,不会付出热情去做

• 在课业压力下,学生做完社区活动可能只留下了负面体验,因而不会激发学生在未来参加类似活动。

4. 虽然这则材料内容与口语T3有些贴近,但从以往的综合写作中仍然不难找到相似的学科,例如一些社会科学类话题。具体可以类比的TPO综合写作,参考如下

OG2 教授经常出席电视节目造成的影响






• 专业的教授不会从中获益,上电视会让他的同事觉得他不够纯粹、专业,娱乐大众而不是教书育人,因此这些上电视的教授可能会错过很多学术交流的机会,经费困难,

• 占用大量的时间,准备内容,排练,交通等,因此教学生的时间少了,影响大学教学效果

• 大众也不会在饭后的电视节目中学习,他们只是看重教授的头衔,因此教授在电视节目上也不可能呈现很专业、精深的学术内容,那么他们所能呈现的内容,一个稍微做了做功课的记者也可以提供。

TPO2 团队合作完成项目的优点


• 一个团队的人会有更多知识、技能、和专长

• 团队能做出更富创意性的决定

• 在团队中工作能让个体获得更大的成就感


• 团队中有些人take free ride,团队结果没问题,他们就不受罚

• 团队中贡献前瞻意见的人,也不会获得特别的表扬,因为最终的结果算在团队名下,所以他们的实际态度也和阅读预测的相反:很不满

• 做决定也很慢,因为要达成一致很困难,另外有一两个影响力大的人会影响整个团队的决定,即使有人提出质疑也直接被忽略了,最后项目失败则是所有成员背责任。

TPO11 文学作品阅读时间减少造成的影响


• Literature提供了无与伦比的intellectual stimulation

• 人们转而阅读了更多肤浅的、写得很差、不用动脑阅读的自助手册或best sellers

• 文学作品的读者变少还导致了文学创作者的减少以及相关支持的减少。


• 有intellectual stimulation的材料不一定非得是文学作品,科学题材,历史,政治分析也可以激发人们的想象力

• 音乐、电影也是文化的很好的体现,文学作品读少了不能代表文化in decline.

• 文学阅读时间减少,也可能是作者的锅。很多现代文学故意写得晦涩难懂。

TPO19 buzzer这种广告手段造成的影响


• People expect truth instead of buzzing when talking to others.

• Less critical thinking about buzzing. 

• In the future, less trust in social relationships.


• Buzzer都是自己在用某商品,且觉得好用才会去当付费buzzer

• 人们不会直接相信buzzer,反而是问的更多,比如价格,功能,使用体验等细节。问不清楚他们就不会购买这个产品。

• 损害社会文明是无稽之谈。如果一个产品本身不好,根本找不到buzzer。所以有buzzer的产品一定是好产品,人们通过buzzer购买的产品会有好体验,反过来会更相信buzzer。


Independent Writing Task


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?


Today, children spend too much time on technological products. In fact, playing with simpler toys or playing with friends is better for children’s development.




首先,审题,明确technological products可以包括哪些:句提出在现今社会中儿童在技术产品上花了太多时间,对比第二句提出的“简单的玩具”和“与朋友一起玩耍”,则可以将笼统的technological products细化为手机、平板、电脑等电子产品,甚至是平衡车、无人机等相对应的高科技产品。

然后,构思方面,很多同学觉得分论点重复感严重。结合审题步骤,可以将我们细化得到的technological products具体的例子(手机、平板等)和simpler toys、playing with friends分别进行对比。由此我们两个主体段的内容也可以确定下来。再加一个让步段,即可完成一篇2+1结构的独立写作了。具体可参考如下范文

With the rapid development of science and technology, children nowadays have much greater and easier access to high-tech products. Thus, it is argued that they should spend more time on simpler toys or with their friends, rather than these gadgets. However, I stand on the other side. I believe the amount of time children spend on those products is reasonable, since they have perfectly met the needs which could hardly be satisfied by simpler toys and playing with friends in the past.

Children in the past played with toys mainly because they needed stimuli to boost both their mental and physical development, which could be better realized through vast range of games and applications in technological products, such as smart phones and tablet computers. That is to say, they no longer need to play with toys, like building blocks or LEGOs, to train their skills. There are numerous applications designed by experienced staff to help with children’s certain skills. Furthermore, the various kinds of available software also remove the barrier in traditional toys, such as the continuous investment in the new plaything. In other words, once a suitable online game is purchased, basically all the further versions are accessible for good. In contrast, a consumer had to pay for new editions, like new Barbie dolls, whenever there was a desirable character or set released. Therefore, with less money, children could even benefit more from online games, which is obviously a much more preferable solution for children’s play and development.

On top of that, children can also achieve the goal of making connections with their peers via socializing online. Children in the current era growing up with the advanced approaches of telecommunication, it is their unique lifestyle to connect with friends online. Thus, for them, not playing with friends personally is no longer a problem. Why should their style be judged by outdated rules from their parents’ or even grandparents’ time? Indeed, in the past children were used to hanging out with their friends after school, which was a crucial part for their social ability. However, if children today can build up comparable social networks merely through technological products, there should not be any criticism of it. Besides, online socializing is also more familiar and preferable to them as well. So there is no need to force them into traditional ways of socializing.

Admittedly, simpler toys do provide with irreplaceable functions in some cases. For example, the traditional Chinese ring puzzle greatly benefits a kid’s manual dexterity and intelligence, which could seldom be fulfilled in other approaches. However, this does not necessarily mean the children spend too much time on the high-tech products. With the guidance from adults, they are totally able to balance the relationship between traditional toys and technological products. As for the time allocated to playing with friends, as long as the children are comfortable with their current means of communication, it should not be a concern. Therefore, I do not agree with the statement proposed in the question.

(新航道武汉学校 北美考试院 托福写作组 叶晓轩

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